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Talking to the new guys...

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 7:08 pm
by Calrid
Ok well I think this is the most apt place for this. I am a member of at least 10 forums, and have been a memeber of at least 50, and I have noticed the new guys no matter how pertinent or relevant on forums seldom are taken notice of. Now this seems stupid to me. If you are going to ignore anyone please make it someone who you already know and already know what they are going to say, and are having the same trite old I am right and you are wrong thing you've been doing for the last 10 years; because new experiences promote mental growth. And more importantly taking care of the new guy promotes forum growth. So the next time you see a post that is interesting but not what you were inanely banging on about for the last 10 years against your nemesis or even your best friend, answer it, you might be surprised.

This has been a public information broadcast on behalf of common sense, something most people seem to lack.

Has anyone else noticed this annoying thing, because after 50 forums of observing other people making brilliant posts that just get ignored I am tired of it. Ignore my posts, I wont care, I have 9 other forums where I wont be ignored on but some people are new to forums, stop ignoring them because you are Sir Caeser Chicken Digby Salad and he is your Nemesis.

Re: Talking to the new guys...

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 9:50 pm
by PaulNZ
I have noted no response on the odd occasion Caldrid so I know where you are coming from. I don't mind so much though because I simply take this to mean that nobody wants to engage with me for some reason. The reason is not important to me because the other person owns it, so it ends there. Someone generally engages in some acknowledgement of some form and often they discuss your point with you.

I take from this what I can for where I am at in my level of understanding of the particular topics. I couldn't possibly engage with you regarding the physical laws of the universe for example, so I read and try to understand, but do not add a comment. I am sure this is often the case when people do not engage you in a discussion.

Re: Talking to the new guys...

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 9:56 pm
by Calrid
I take your point. I don't give a damn if people don't engage me, as I said, I give a damn when people post no one responds and they never come back again. Let's make that clear the whole forum could foe me and I still would post. The point is self evident, you want more posters stop ignoring good posters just because they are new and you are doing your Digby Chicken Caesar thing; that reference will be lost on most people, but there you go. As I have become aware quite recently most people can't use google. ;)

Re: Talking to the new guys...

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 10:01 pm
by Discards
I'm personally just not that bright. I'm okay at Math and I have an artistic streak in me - but kind of like PaulNZ said; I'd rather observe a topic I can't possibly bring anything to.

That intelligence thing ... See - for my part - you might find me boring to talk to. I'm actually quite dull. So, for my part - I welcome you to the board. Greetings.

If I pass by a post I can - you know - ill head over to bending space. I don't know anything about the tensor equations, but I'll add my two cents


Re: Talking to the new guys...

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 10:20 pm
by Calrid
That was an odd post? Who cares if you are whatever, it has no bearing on this topic? I am not talking about me, let me make that clear you seriously should ignore everything I say as if I was an idiot. I am talking let me reiterate about new posters.

Seriously all of you put me on your foe list, it wouldn't matter a damn to me. I am talking about a broader issue, those new posters that fly by, because we were all involved with out own Digby Ceasar thing, which no one will actually look up of course, because context is unimportant to the average browser on the web. See you can even not look it up and I wont care the point is the universe is not revolving around me, I am not sure how much more simply I can put this but, pay attention to new, people and by, new, people I don't mean me, ignore me I am a dick, have nothing relevant to say ever and just glide through the matrix like Keanu Reaves waving at the plebs.

And by the way anyone who says they are not that bright is way smarter than most of the idiots in the world. :)

Re: Talking to the new guys...

Posted: December 29th, 2013, 10:47 pm
by Discards
Oh, I thought you were looking for sympathy. Just good old fashioned cheering up. But okay. Well. This is what I can tell you about space - "so, it's a little bit like ..." Ha ha! Get it?

Wait. That's "consciousnessess". You know? - all those hotties back in the day - used to start off every sentence with "So, ". Smart chicks.

Well, (gulp) - Ha! You know? That's space. If a guy starts off a response with "Well, ..." - chances are he's been sleeping in the Aether (eating it up, granule by granule). A "yuppie". Ha! You know! You know. We all know. The kids don't know.

Anyhow. If I could, maybe, understand metric tensors - or if Einstein could have been a yuppie - then, maybe then - space would be better .... Understood.

"Yup" - obviously the reason we call them yuppies. Did you say you were 30? Makes you neither an X or a Y. Thank god for not being a Y, eh?

Re: Talking to the new guys...

Posted: December 30th, 2013, 10:23 am
by Calrid
I hate people who say "is it..?" It's so chav au fait. And people who say random inappropriately, for like everything, or like whatever, should be rounded up and shot IMHO. Hell just create work camps for chavs, oh now wait, best not go there. ;)


-- Updated December 30th, 2013, 1:15 pm to add the following --

I don't think the internet can keep up with my posting I joined many forums and the speed with which I post seems to wreck most forums functionality, I self impose the rule of psting every 10 minutes or the slew of thoughts and stream of consciousness and ideas or response to other posters overwhelms most forums. :S

I have been a mod on a forum for context, ( never again thankless, payless task, and I am not that selfless frankly) So I know how forum works, I get double rolling, and eventually the forum just breaks so for the most part I slow it down, I am not out to annoy people.

Trolls meh they are fair game. Anarchists and libertarians are usually juveniles as are trolls and by juveniles it is no reflection on your actual age- I mean mentally ( I have the integrity to admit I am a manchild in a 41 year olds body, but then most men are), true anarchists don't need to abuse others they are too busy abusing themselves with their hedonism. Look at history the real anarchists were out enjoying real life, like pirates and Stockbrokers and <insert anarchist philosopher here>.. :D

Speaking of which real life beckons like the whore she is. :roll: :twisted: