Bezerk and the mythopoetic
Posted: December 23rd, 2013, 4:35 pm
I have been studying Anglo Saxon texts recently in particular Beowulf, and I have noticed Grendel there in a supposed monster who most think was actually just a Berzerker, or Bare Sarker, one who went into battle unclothed. In the myth Beowulf disdains clothes or armour to fight Beowulf on his own terms, thereby hoping to prove his heroism and pay a debt owed to Rothgar. But how do you see the myth, I would link either the prose or the films, but since I can't I would just ask that you either have read, watched or know of the myth before you post, or at least are interested in it. Thoughts, discuss. Is the Bare sark really a monster or as Beowulf says if not explicitly in the Old English prose implicitly that: "We men are the monsters now..."
Look at the wiki would be a good move, I can't link it but it's a good introduction to the myth.
"Wast Rothgar Haermed? Nain me haermed him not, wast Beowulf a main, nain mein mudder he was a monstor."
Look at the wiki would be a good move, I can't link it but it's a good introduction to the myth.
"Wast Rothgar Haermed? Nain me haermed him not, wast Beowulf a main, nain mein mudder he was a monstor."