Greta wrote:If we don't needlessly marginalise and harass people for not being in the top arc of the Bell Curve, then we will increase those persons' productivity and happiness.
Everyone would be happier if we we're to just accept them as they are and not create differentiations and boundaries around them or marginalize them. Everyone would. So this would not stop at simply a gender boundary.
What good is a game without rules?
Are you proposing to place the sphere of acceptance around everyone then? If not, then who are you deciding to continue to marginalize and why? Where do you draw your own line and what is your justification for drawing your line at that particular point?
The "progressives" are always speaking of 'equality' and all other manner of new-age global community positive sounding concepts, but if one scrutinizes these concepts and applies them to all people then one quickly realizes that their push for this equality or boundary breaking or line blurring can only lead to chaos.
Why can't I be wealthy like the ultra-rich? Why is there not financial equality? Can't we just blur the lines and break the boundaries of financial inequality? Think about that one. I'm sure there's some contingency for being able to choose one's attributes, yes? But is there not a lack of choice when it comes to one's capacity for intelligence, just as with one's gender?
So, how would
you construct this "law of equality" and who is deserving of its benefits and who is not? Please be specific since there will be many people of certain differences scrutinizing
your selective boundaries to find their own equality.