Teh said
Your geocentric model is refuted by empirical data.
You don't seem to be able to get past first base.......You keep back flashing to the time of Copernicus and grabbing that lonely straw.
This geocentric model is NOT refuted at all. This model could not possibly be worse than your BB. You keep repeating this line of yours adnauseum in parrot fashion.
Do you suppose this paper was submitted for publication in a respected science journal if it was based on an already refuted crackpot geocentric model of the sun revolving around the earth.
You are being ridiculous in desperation, and it is showing.
Enter two mathematicians, Blake Temple and Joel Smoller. Their results, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, suggest a solution to the accelerating universe that doesn’t require conjuring up anything like “dark matter” — in fact, it doesn’t require conjuring up anything new at all. Their solution works with the current laws of physics we already have.
http://wallacegsmith.wordpress.com/2010 ... -universe/
Here is another scientist that does not appear to like dark energy.
This leads to the conclusion that observations made in an inhomogeneous universe can imply acceleration without the existence of dark energy. I discuss the implications of this finding, and suggest observational tests that could in principle distinguish between the different types of acceleration.
http://cosmology.unige.ch/content/measu ... s-universe
Why don't you put up some of that algorithmic magic full of likely, maybe and perhapses for us to have a look at and see just how good it is not?
Redshift shows planets moving away from the earth. Telescopes that can supposedly peer 13 billion years into the past don't see a void anywhere. The more powerful the telescopes become the more they find galaxies and no void in any direction. That is what is observed. There are alternative models of universal formation that don't need mysterious dark energy to satisfy the law of general relativity. Indeed the observed data is as it would be if earth was in or near the centre of the universe. Big bangers live in a world of complication and algorithmic magic that tries to turn the obvious and observed into a mysterious and complicated illusion.
In line with the thread topic, the OP suggests that one should not support a side because to do so is not to understand science. I suggest that if one does not have a view to support one meanders aimlesslessly through life opinionless as would scientists. If one is opinionless they are unlikely to offer any contribution, scientific or otherwise, to the matter. So such thinkers are not required. There is nothing wrong with that if the information is not important or means nothing to you. Opinionless is a good place to be.
Is there a way to learn scientific facts without pursuing a view? I don't think so because the scientific method requires a view or question to make predictions around it that are able to be falsified.
If data exists that supports one paradigm over another then one that seeks to understand will be able to form a scientifically informed view. This is not a misunderstanding of the goal of science. Hence no views lead to no need for scientific enquiry. One could ask questions endlessly but never arrive at an answer with no view, question or assumption to test.
I can only find credibility in the OPs scenario if the reasoning behind the not taking a view or side is if the data is not convincing one way or the other. Supporting a view regardless of convincing evidence to the contrary or because it does not align with a philosophical assumption, is a misunderstanding of the goals of science, one being the truth.
-- Updated December 26th, 2012, 3:39 am to add the following --
Dolphin42 wrote:Marina000: Apologies if you've already explained this, but could you tell me what you mean when you refer to "geocentrism"? To me, "geo" refers to the Earth. But you seem to keep talking about red shifts. Why would these have anything to do with the Earth being the center of the Universe? There are 100 billion stars in our galaxy and a similar number in M31 and presumably large numbers in other galaxies in our local group. In what sense does the red shift of distant galaxies say anything about the status of the Earth?
By geocentric I simply mean the earth being at or near the centre of the universe. Our galaxy would be close enough I suggest to assert geocentricity, the earth being in a statistically special place.
Redshift speaks to galaxies other than our own and it is these that are distancing themselves from the Milky way at various speeds up to and in excess of the speed of light. Inflation is meant to make the impossible possible by the wave of a hand and after the finding of a mystery.
All galaxies apart from a few are showing a red shift which means they are getting further from the earth as if the earth was the centre of the universe. One would have to get out of this galaxy at least to observe if indeed this illusion is the same at any point in space as assumed. This is not yet factual but is implied because we can't have earth in any special place or galaxy near the centre of the universe.
Classical big bang cosmology was overthrown when it was discovered that nearly 70% of the energy in the universe was tied up in a mysterious and difficult to characterize form of dark energy. So here classical BB theory was effectively falsified. This has led to the development of a so-called concordance ΛCDM model which combines detailed data obtained with new telescopes and biased techniques in observational astrophysics with an expanding, density-changing universe to keep BB afloat.
The model assumes that General Relativity is the correct theory of gravity on cosmological scales. It emerged in the late 1990s as a concordance cosmology, after a period of time when disparate observed properties of the universe appeared mutually inconsistent, and there was no consensus on the makeup of the energy density of the universe. The ΛCDM model is extended by adding cosmological inflation, quintessence, and other elements that are current areas of research in cosmology. Some alternative models challenge the assumptions of the ΛCDM model, such as modified Newtonian dynamics, modified gravity, and large-scale variations in the matter density of the universe.
So rather than simply falsifying the BB theory scientists just made up more stories and now have the universe hovering on the edge of a ball with a gaping void in the middle. Seriously!
So red shift does say something about the statis of the earth, if one lets it and does not complicate it on the basis of dogmatic philosophical principles.