Sy Borg wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 7:32 pm
The fact is that the fact of most people's biological sex is so blindingly obvious that there's no point labouring the point. That's obvious. It's the details that seem t be in question, even though all manner of gender diversity obviously occurs within those binary sexes.
What is gender diversity a diversity of? What do you mean by "gender"? (I simply mean "sex".)
Sy Borg wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 7:32 pmConsul wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 6:03 pmNo, the binary biological definition of sex (in terms of the two natural types of gametes/gonads) is not reductionistic in the sense of reducing all aspects of the bio-psycho-social sex-complex to the reproductive organs and their functions, since it just defines the very concept of sex. No biologist using the binary definition of sex denies that (especially in the human case) there is a variety of many other sex-related physiological, psychological, and sociological topics beyond testicles/sperm vs. ovaries/eggs. Therefore, the accusation of reductionism is utterly false and ideologically motivated, being nothing but a piece of gender-philosophical propaganda.
What a load of crap. I have no ideology about this whatsoever. I think transpeople should not play professional sport in their new gender, nor should they insist on entering female-only domestic abuse services unless they are welcome. So your oddball accusation of me is completely wrong.
Okay, then don't take it personally; but
you used the word "reductive", which "triggered" me. What I said is not "a load of crap", because genderists actually make this false accusation of reductionism very often.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 7:32 pmAs per my earlier response, your laser focus on biology ignores the crux of the issue. People vary.
The certainly do, in many corporeal, mental, social, and cultural respects—and yet
homo sapiens is not a hermaphroditic species, transwomen are not women, transmen are not men, and intersexuals are not a third sex.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 7:32 pmStill, the idea that nature only organises itself into two sexes is an anthropocentric assumption. Hence the Biblical edicts to that effect.
Yes, this assumption is false. Reproduction
by means of the two sexes (in anisogametic species with exactly two, very differently sized and structured types of gametes—sperm cells & egg cells) is only one kind of natural reproduction among organisms. This is called
sexual reproduction.
There is also…
"sexual" reproduction
by means of more than two mating types in isogametic species (e.g. of algae or fungi) with (almost) equally sized and structured gametes, and
asexual reproduction
that does not involve the fusion of any types of gametes.
Footnote: When isogametic
mating-type reproduction is called a kind of
sexual reproduction, this is misleading, because biologists usually don't call mating types
sexes. And in case one does so, a strict terminological distinction needs to be drawn between
the two anisogametic sexes (as occurring in
homo sapiens, all other animal species, and nearly all plant species!) and
the more than two isogametic sexes.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 7:32 pm
Consul wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 6:03 pm
No biologist using the binary sex definition asserts that the whole (bio-psycho-social) human sex-complex is a simple black&white thing—because it isn't. The subject matters of the psychology and the sociology of sex are certainly not reducible to the ones of the biology and the physiology of sex; but it by no means follows that there are more than two discrete sexes, or that there is a continuous spectrum of sexes.
Biologists and their findings have nothing to do with this issue. None. Zero. You do not seem to understand what's happening.
Very funny! Biologists and their findings have a very great deal to do with this issue, since the natural evolution of anisogamy and the corresponding evolution of the two sexes
as a form of organismic reproduction is a biological phenomenon. So is the evolution of different sexual phenotypes!
Sy Borg wrote: ↑March 29th, 2024, 7:32 pmNo one has ever formed a friendship or relationship based on a person's chromosomes. No one cares aside from doctors and sports bodies. People care about the kind of human they are dealing with, not the category. Or at least they used to.
No, it's just not true that people don't care anymore whether their friends or especially their sexual partners (with whom they may want to have non-adopted children) are male or female.
Anyway, your reply is a distraction from the detrimental misconceptions produced by gender philosophy! For example, here's a statement by one of its goddesses:
"[S]ex assignment is the initial and powerful practice through which the facts of sex are established and reestablished."
(Butler, Judith. Who's Afraid of Gender? New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2024.p. 170)
She thereby asserts
falsely that the facts of sex aren't natural, nature-given ones
discovered by biologists and physiologists, but non-natural,
socially constructed or invented ones. The natural science of (binary) sex is regarded by genderists à la Butler as an oppressive ideological power-structure that must be taken down for the sake of social justice and individual self-determination.