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Re: To have hate in your heart is to be in hell.

Posted: September 17th, 2024, 2:03 am
by Mr Mr 1
I totally agree with you. I wrote this little note in my personal diary which read:
"Hate is a heavy burden that poisons the soul, trapping us in a cycle of anger and bitterness. When we allow hate to reside in our hearts, it's as though we build our own prison, isolating ourselves from peace and happiness. It's not just about what we feel towards others, but how it slowly consumes us from within. To harbor hate is to deny ourselves the possibility of growth, love, and healing, keeping us locked in a personal hell of our own making. The path to freedom starts when we let go."

Re: To have hate in your heart is to be in hell.

Posted: September 17th, 2024, 4:29 am
by James Pain
Yes, I agree. To live with hate is so bad because it eats you up from the inside and you never get to be really happy.

Re: To have hate in your heart is to be in hell.

Posted: September 17th, 2024, 12:33 pm
by Divine Stephens
What a horrible emotion hate is. It's such a sad way to live when you let someone else's existence dictate how you feel about yourself. The word “hate” is so powerful, compared to hell, it's definitely worse.

Re: To have hate in your heart is to be in hell.

Posted: September 20th, 2024, 6:31 am
by Justin Henrichs
Having hate in your heart creates internal suffering, akin to living in a personal hell. Hate breeds anger, isolation, and negativity, consuming one's peace. It blocks love and compassion, trapping individuals in a cycle of emotional torment and unrest.

Re: To have hate in your heart is to be in hell.

Posted: October 10th, 2024, 5:26 am
by Qwerty Writes
I refer to hate as something as a result of ignorance. The Nazis in your example did not see the value of the people they killed. They couldn't understand their value and therefore I agree with these words "Forgive them for they know not what they do" and I can agree on this "My people perish for a lack of knowledge". This on its own is true.
Hate is a lie. One conceived, believed, and can even take a person to their grave. But forgiveness is liberating for all.

Re: To have hate in your heart is to be in hell.

Posted: October 13th, 2024, 5:34 am
by Yung Jun
Sadly, hate is something we see a lot in our society today. It causes division and violence. I believe that having hate in your heart is like being in hell. It's not just bad for the person feeling it, but it also creates a terrible situation for others.

Re: To have hate in your heart is to be in hell.

Posted: October 15th, 2024, 6:55 am
by Poetical Feels
The accuracy of this statement. I love when topics such as this are brought up it makes one reflect on the circumstance they are in. Hate sometimes may start controlling who you are. Your thoughts, and a bitter heart. This is always so draining. We never realize how freeing it may be when we let things go. 8)