The following might be of interest for the discussion. It is located on
The author of has over a decade of experience with investigating the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry through
a critical philosophical blog.
The blog also
investigated the origin of the Nazi holocaust and eugenics ideology and in extension it was noticed that the pharmaceutical industry has been funnelling their money (literally trillions of dollars
per year) to synthetic biology (GMO) for what in essence is
a holocaust on nature (eugenics).
The pharmaceutical industry and the establishment of science attempted to smartly take control over opposition so that opposition could be efficiently curbed. An often seen strategy is that pharmaceutical companies donate big sums of money to apparent honest interest group organizations that will then act in their favour, for promotion and marketing purposes or for political advantages such as legislation. Sometimes pharmaceutical companies also completely faked such organizations.
Why would pharmaceutical-like (i.e. proven to be profoundly corrupt) companies sit back and let honest anti-GMO activism proceed naturally? Most logical is to expect a strategy for the trillions of dollars in revenue.
Anti-GMO campaign in Nigeria - A corruption strategy or honest?
Would real anti-GMO activists shout out loud "
No Monsanto, we do not want your bio tech!"? Images of protestors with such messages are propagated globally as the paragon of GMO opposition.
A honest protest in Nigeria? "We Do Not Want Your Bio Tech" nigeria-no-gmo.jpg (81.36 KiB) Viewed 4564 times
The following example shows how a global marketing machine can use anti-GMO opposition to their advantage.
A group of US and European activists entered Nigeria and propagated presumable '
false claims' that GMO causes cancer and infertility. Scientists globally as a knight on a white horse then moved in and used public channels to show scientifically that the claims are false, successfully curbing opposition to GMO on the basis of
utilitarian value arguments (human health and food safety).
Anti-GMO protest Nigeria, 2022 nigeria-anti-gmo-campaign-2.jpg (54.58 KiB) Viewed 4564 times
As a knight on a white horse…
How scientists beat back anti-GMO activists ‘insidious campaign’ to block Nigeria’s approval of GMO
While the Nigerian government considered the application, there was a period of public consultation. The anti-GM group “Health of Mother Earth Foundation” rolled into action. Repeating standard tropes, they falsely claimed the GM cowpea would cause cancer and infertility, or that the new GM cowpea would take over and eliminate genetic diversity. These activists were “branches of opposition from US and European groups planted here,” said a local. They leveraged social media, newspaper articles and public rallies to roll out scare campaigns. They filed a court case to try and stop the technology.
Source: ... mo-cowpea/
The GMO industry competes on human health and food safety arguments. GMO is often masked under the term 'food security'. A win on the basis of such
utilitarian value arguments would benefit the GMO industry in multiple ways.
GMO is primarily driven by short term financial self-interest of companies that originate mostly from the pharmaceutical industry that has a history of profound corruption.
A history of faking and misleading
Some time ago it was revealed that the publisher of The Lancet (Elsevier) published
6 fake scientific journals for pharmaceutical companies,
to mislead scientists and doctors in the financial interest of pharmaceutical companies.
elsevier.png (59.72 KiB) Viewed 4564 times
Reputational damage for medical publisher Elsevier, which publishes The Lancet, among others. Last week the Dutch-English company admitted that from 2000 to 2005 it had published six fake journals that were issued for scientific journals. In reality, they were marketing magazines paid for by pharmaceutical companies. The papers published in Australia had names such as Australasian Journal of General Practice and Australasian Journal of Bone & Joint Medicine. The magazines look solid, also because the name Elsevier is prominent on the front page and the sponsor's name is not.
Unleashed on plants and animals
What if companies are let on the loose for a synthetic biology revolution? The potential for damage may be much greater as there will logically be less control and oversight.
With their massive often ill gotten funds, the pharmaceutical industry invests into bio tech to secure further growth, directly affecting billions of plants and animals on earth, of creatures that may posses of meaningful experience.
In 2019, the pharmaceutical industry was already investing more than $1 trillion USD per year in synthetic biology ($1,000 billion USD per year). The pharmaceutical industry has been funnelling their money to GMO.
Pharmaceutical industry raises bet on biotech as frontier for growth
Biotechnology is already a bigger business than many people realize. Rob Carlson of Bioeconomy Capital, an investment company, calculates that money made from creatures which have been genetically engineered accounted for about 2% of American GDP in 2017.
Source: ... f78404524e
GMO is forced with
WikiLeaks: US targets opponents of GM crops: "
Eat GMOs! or We'll Cause Pain"
The cables show US diplomats working directly for GM companies such as Monsanto and Bayer.
Opponents of GMO punished with "retaliation and pain".
1. Do animals and plants need to be protected against corruption?
2. Would it be correct to view GMO as a holocaust from the perspective of nature?