Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 am
My approach is that philosophy ought to think about morality in the appropriate terms. The starting place is how do we derive Oughts from the inter-subjectively falsifiable facts of the world we call 'objective.' Those facts are generally established inter-subjectively through observation and measurement. I point and say there's a red apple over there. Everybody else who looks agrees. We also agree that apples always fall downwards, according to specific, lawlike equationss which can be checked, and we agree gravity exists. Conscious experience isn't observable and measurable in that way,
Gravity isn't observable, only its effects. It's the same with conscious experience. The effect of your conscious experience is to make you say things like 'that apple is red', and when I look at the apple I see that it looks like what I call 'red', and the fact that you also say it's red leads me to the reasonable inference that you have essentially the same conscious experience when you look at the apple as I do. There's no reason to doubt the objective reality of our conscious experience; it's part of the universe just as gravity is. And while we can't measure conscious experiences with the same accuracy that we can measure gravity, we can at least tell from a person's behaviour and testimony whether one pain is greater than another, which leads to the reasonable inference that pleasant and unpleasant experiences vary in intensity of pleasantness and unpleasantness. That's a very rough kind of 'measurement', and good enough for our purposes in ethics.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 amand neither are the concepts of right and wrong.
The concepts themselves aren't, but we can certainly measure rightness and wrongness, at least in a relative sense. If I drop a bomb that murders two people, my action is twice as wrong as if it murdered one person. If it murders a thousand, it's a thousand times as wrong.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 amAnd deriving an ought from an is isn't observable or measurable or falsifiable in that way either. It's simply not the appropriate way to think about morality.
So you say, but what about my theory? In a nutshell, I hold that 'bad' means 'merits a negative attitude', that unpleasant experience merits a negative attitude, and that we ought not to cause what is bad. You could falsify this in one of three ways: by showing that 'bad' has a different meaning, or no meaning at all; that unpleasant experience merits a positive attitude or does not merit any particular attitude (here I think you would have to consider evidence from the way animals behave in relation to unpleasant experiences such as pain); or by arguing that in fact there is no obligation not to do what is bad (though why you would argue this, except out of a desperate desire to save ethical subjectivism by any means whatever, I really don't know).
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 am You might be able to come up with some form of words where morality can be defined as objective, but morality is still all about the nature of being an experiencing Subject.
Of course, but my theory covers that. The subjectivity is entirely in the experiences; none of it is in correct moral judgments about those experiences.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 am About meaning, mattering, value, purpose, needs and desires, feelings, flourishing and suffering.
All of those are relevant to morality, but if your analysis only takes you as far as a disparate set of unrelated features, then I would suggest that it's not going as deep as it could. Take flourishing and suffering, for instance; you speak of them as if they were opposites, like good and bad, but they aren't: the opposite of flourishing is not suffering but withering, and the opposite of suffering is not flourishing but enjoying. The fact that you have not arrived at a pair that are opposites, like good and bad or right and wrong, suggests that either flourishing or suffering is not basic. I would suggest that while suffering is basic and can't be analysed further, flourishing is not; we can ask 'why is it a good thing to flourish?', and the obvious answer is 'because it leads, or can lead, to more enjoyment'. But if we ask 'why is it a bad thing to suffer?', I think the only sensible answer is 'if you've suffered, you don't need to ask the question.'
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 am But as I said, that doesn't make morality just a matter of subjective opinion either. Rather it means we need to give the existence of subjective experience its proper due when thinking about morality. In terms of interests in the state of affairs. That's the reason it matters how we treat each other. Hence Oughts.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 am wellbeing doesn't boil down to only pain-pleasure.
True, but I don't think you've given any reason to think that wellbeing is intrinsically good.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 am So what line of argument gets a moral foundation based on subjective experience to be considered objective, in that you can point it out and every reasonable person will agree, like when I point to an apple every observer will agree there's an apple?
Every reasonable person agrees that the theory of evolution is true. That's not like pointing to an apple, it's a case of considering the evidence and looking for the explanation that accounts for it best. That's how I see a theory of morality getting accepted.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 am And why not just say this is the appropriate way to think about morality, rather than try to force it into the apple box?
Because at the end of the day, you can't wish away the distinction between an objective truth about how the world is and a merely subjective idea of how it is; that's a real distinction, and we're entitled to ask, with putative moral truths, whether they are the former or the latter.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 amYou can even ask a self-proclaimed moral subjectivist if they act as if being kind is good and being cruel bad in their own lives, and unless they're a sociopath they'll probably try to live their lives according to the foundation you and I roughly agree on. Again re other humans at least.
Very true, and it's part of the evidence that suggests that subjectivism is mistaken.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 amAs I said, wellbeing and suffering can manifest in lots of different ways, aside from pain-pleasure. Often overall wellbeing depends on some suffering. Wellbeing can mean different things for different people, at different times (and differ radically for different species).
I think I have dealt in a reply to someone else with your point that wellbeing and suffering are broader than pain and pleasure. I dealt with it by replacing the terms 'pain' and 'pleasure' with 'unpleasant experience' and 'pleasant experience'. If you mean anything more than that, then I think the extra is instrumentally good or bad, not intrinsically good or bad.
Gertie wrote: ↑March 5th, 2022, 8:00 amThis means individual freedom has to be a moral consideration too. It's right for people to pursue their own harmless goals and desires, just as it's right for people to play a role in the common good. And sometimes the two will conflict which creates a moral dilemma.
I think freedom is ethically neutral. Any goodness or badness it possesses is the result of the goodness or badness of whatever it is instrumental towards. It certainly isn't an intrinsic good. People in the USA are free to own guns, and look what that leads to - every year, 30,000 Americans killed unnnecessarily by their fellow Americans. The freedom to take hard drugs does nobody any good. And would you like everyone to be free to drive on whichever side of the road they like?