Re: What is the Purpose of the Bible?
Posted: February 13th, 2018, 12:04 am
Count Lucanor wrote: ↑February 12th, 2018, 11:04 pmThe foundation of mythological formulations were derived from reason, rational thought supported by observation. The science present in Ancient Egypt is self evident.jerlands wrote: ↑February 12th, 2018, 6:08 pm Science has certain precepts to its methodology that you seem to believe weren't followed in all mythological formulations. Ancient Egypt had an advanced science that you may not recognized and may in fact not be conventionally recognized but it's teachings of that science were expressed as relationships between things that formed stories. The science was also expressed in it's art and in fact science was the foundation of the civilization.It's very unlikely that mythological formulations played any important role in the technical advances of ancient civilizations, whether they were the Egyptians, Assyrians, Mayans, etc. As history has shown us, it's actually the other way around: technical advances are related to the modes of production developed in a given society, which in ancient civilizations had to do with agricultural specialization and the sedentary life that came along with it. It also meant a division of labor and the emergence of hierarchical structures. And then here is where myths begin to play their role, trying to make sense of these social structures and power relations as divinely devised.
Count Lucanor wrote: ↑February 12th, 2018, 11:04 pmNot correct. The difference is the distance from the past. We have people alive today who had first had experience of WWI, first hand accounts and video but as we go back in time much is lost.jerlands wrote: ↑February 12th, 2018, 6:08 pmWe do have pieces but we don't have the entire picture because simply put we're not in that space time. We don't possess the same thought process as we once had. We don't hold all things in the same regard as we once did i.e., the moon phases, the constellations, seasonal changes, the rising of the sun. We just don't have the same relationship with our environment as we once had. We can pretend to know but we don't and can't because we weren't there except in our minds to experience the effects of the universal influence of that time (inertia, the energy of matter in motion.)Based on that concept, we wouldn't have much to say about World War I, the industrial revolution or the French Second Empire, because "we're not in that space time".
Count Lucanor wrote: ↑February 12th, 2018, 11:04 pmWell.. the notion of "God" is controversial and I don't believe I can be unbiased in an approach but I find evidence in many cultures for the notion of a creative force (if simply expressed through number, 1 arising from 0, 2 arising from 1 and so forth.) In fact the only evidence against a "God" are opinions and nothing that can be formulated.jerlands wrote: ↑February 12th, 2018, 6:08 pm I see this as naive... To phatom the burning bush... how we communicate with "God." Do we understand the relationship man holds with trees or is there even one? Biologically we have an axis (seemingly our spinal cord but really our gut) and also we have these sensory branches that reach out give us depth of perception, that give us fullness in the space we occupy. We seemingly communicate with "God" through our consciousness, the totality of our situational awareness.None of that has any scientific basis. Consciousness occurs in the brain. And there's no "god" to communicate with.