Atreyu. You show an agility of mind which does you credit but you waste it looking for difficulties where no difficulties exist. Your ideas are unprovable by definition and thus not scientific.
My model is one that a child could understand and I took pains to make sure that my own grandchildren understood it perfectly before the Newtonians got hold of their precious minds. It was a piece of cake and they were rather surprised to find Opa telling them something they already knew. That yesterday has become today seemed pretty obvious to them and that the kid they were yesterday has become the kid that they are today likewise. If only physicists were so easy to teach. I'm gradually bringing them up to speed with the rest of it as I feel they are ready but they should have the entire package before high school when the real damage can be done to their thinking.
Belinda wrote: This might be because I cannot picture what an uncaused event might be.
Don't bother trying. There is no such thing. If somebody wants to give me an example I'd be pleased to hear it but I'm not chasing off into crackpot websites. This one's bad enough.
Chaosnature wrote:What is your understanding and definition of time Leo?
As a matter of courtesy it is expected that you read a thread before commenting on it. Time is an infinite sequence of moments.
Felix wrote: is there any reason to suppose they must remain the same from one universe to the next?
None whatsoever, but cause and effect are what define change and a universe can only be defined in terms of its changes, no different from a life or a mind. The physical "laws" of our current cycle of the universe also evolve over long reaches of time and this is well known in physics. They know it because their artificial constants cannot have always been the same and they have no explanation for this. This spaceless paradigm mandates it. However what physicists call the laws of physics are no such thing. They are models of physics and the distinction is not a trivial one. The only law necessary is cause and effect from an initial set of conditions imposed by the phase shift of the previous cycle. The universe simply makes itself from then on, just like any self-organising algorithmic process. Check out John Conway's Game of Life and you'll see exactly how simply this can occur. The universe makes its own "laws."
Belinda wrote:
Except for existence itself which Spinoza described as sui generis I cannot imagine any other event which is outwith causality.
Spinoza points directly at the cyclical model and eternal time. Ergo no first cause. So does the first law of thermodynamics, a very simple law that physicists try to keep locked in a secure vault because it contradicts all the rest of their crap.
Ruskin wrote:
Given the rate at which our computer technology advances, it essentially doubles in power every 18 months we could easily build something on the scale of complexity of the human brain within a hundred years.
What is the source of this information please? It is false and whoever said it will be receiving some pointed questions from me. Such as: How can you build something that you can't understand? Whose mind would try and build? How would you build a self-programming computer which can programme itself from a single set of instructions, given to it one time only, and which can never be interfered with again. This is what a mind does. From the moment of conception its entire input is received through its own senses and must be encoded by itself. My sister-in-law is a computer expert of international renown and she bluntly says that this is impossible and will always be impossible. She works at the cutting edge of the new learning algorithms in computing. These are called genetic algorithms, sometimes known as evolutionary algorithms, because they mimic living non-linear systems, but you can't make a whole computer out of them, or even very important parts of one. EVER. They are merely inserts into ordinary linear code and they must be kept very very very simple or else your computer will no longer do as it's told. She calls it having a mind of its own but she's just being facetious. She knows bloody well that you can't really make a usable object out of such a thing and they never dare apply them without a kill switch. She reckons these algorithms are nothing more than useful aids to help them build more sophisticated linear analogues. I'm not an expert on these things myself so I suggest you go and talk to one.
As an aside. Evolutionary algorithms are a big problem for the internet when they are introduced as malware. Once they get in they can NEVER be removed, even in principle. Why? Because they change into other things that simply cannot be predicted and therefore you can never find them. The Stux worm is an example. It will continue to evolve within the internet forever and its becoming more and more complex. An evil minded geek could kill the internet if he wanted to but he could never know beforehand how it would happen. There's a science fiction plot gratis.
Sorry Ruskin. Your science fiction world is a reductionist myth. The only way a bloke can make a mind is to throw his leg over a sheila and then hope for the best.
Quotidian wrote:(which you will still find in the Catholic eductation system.
I had enough of contingency to last me ten lifetimes from the men in frocks. Specious Aquinas-thought and theistic claptrap is unworthy of 21st century philosophy. If you want to delude yourself with it then do it elsewhere and count me out. The philosophy of the bloody obvious is for people who choose to their own thinking.
Regards Leo
Felix wrote:That's a different category of contingency, Quotidian. Darwin proposed that the Universe runs by invariant laws but the details of it's course are historically contingent, i.e., are left to the working out of what we may call chance. Presumably the role of contingency - the influence of chance - would decrease as complexity increased. But this would make humankind a contingent detail of evolution rather than a purposeful embodiment of the Universe.
Modern evolutionary theory is non-Darwinian but it essentially refines what you say here. Modern models are based on Darwinism but are non-reductionist.