Thank you for your most recent reply!
First, please allow me to circle back to this older post that I think I misunderstood (and then thus presumably made an accidental strawman argument regarding):
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑March 10th, 2023, 10:01 am
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑March 7th, 2023, 8:38 am
If you really want to reduce the number of innocent Americans killed by *all* kinds of murderers, devote yourself to achieving gun control.
Scott wrote: ↑March 8th, 2023, 1:54 am
If you mean disarming police and government agents, then that might work.
Yes and no. I mean disarming *everyone*. No guns at all.
Scott wrote: ↑March 10th, 2023, 12:14 am
How many people do you think your global government will kill or murder to implement this unrealistic Orwellian plan to completely disarm everyone including police across the whole globe?
Right again. My plan is unrealistic. But there is a problem, and that is one solution.
[Emphasis Added.]
In the above post, I think I misunderstood what you meant when you wrote,
"I mean disarming *everyone*. No guns at all."
Can you explain specifically what you meant by it?
Likewise, I think I misunderstood what you meant when you wrote
"that is one solution", particularly the word
"that". What did you mean by the word
"that" in that sentence?
In any case, to be clear, let me ask: Are you proposing forcing taxpayers (via the threat of imprisonment if they refuse to pay) to pay for a global government--or other big non-local government(s)--to issues and enforce ban of
all guns across the entire Earth? Will that not entail funding a militant police force or something very much like it to enforce that global ban or macro-criminalization of
all guns including even tiny weak low-caliber non-automatic pistols that carry very few rounds (e.g. 5-round pistols) and evil single-round muskets that are over a hundred years old?
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑March 11th, 2023, 11:57 am
I would like to see universal disarmament,
Can you define "disarmament" as you use the term, in a way that I can understand both what non-universal disarmament and universal disarmament would each entail?
Does it have a financial cost?
Does it require the use of organized force? Does it require militant force? Will the agents doing the disarming be paid government agents? Will they themselves need to be armed with guns bought and paid for by taxpayers? Assuming you are proposing a plan that involves paid armed government agents going around enforcing your ban, will those guns be weak little low-caliber low-round non-automatic pistols or will they need bigger more powerful guns that have some real stopping power, perhaps even some automatics or armor-piercing ones?
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑March 11th, 2023, 11:57 am
I think it is fair to observe that those who own and use weapons are not "pacifists" or "peace-loving".
The pacifists to whom my earlier post referred were any pacifists who would refuse to help fund your plan, including if that means pacifistic tax protesting.
Incidentally, I consider myself to be an adamant peace-lover and peace-supporter, as I explain in
this tweet. But I am not quite a pacifist though, in part because I support peace (and by extension oppose non-defensive violence) so much. Accordingly, I do own guns. And, likewise, as an adamant peace-lover and opposer of non-consensual non-defensive violence (e.g. murder, rape, slavery, etc.), I do support defensive uses of force as a way to mitigate non-defensive violence and thereby protect would-be victims of non-defensive violence. For instance, if someone was attempting to rape or murder my children, I would use defensive force if needed to do my best to stop them, including lethal force if necessary to reliably stop the rapist or murderer from raping or murdering my children, or even me for that matter.
But, the above paragraph is merely an incidental aside. I am not a pacifist; I am just an adamant peace-lover who strongly and adamantly supports peace and opposes non-consensual non-defensive violence (e.g. rape, murder, slavery, etc.).
The pacifists you would need to imprison are the ones who would refuse to fund what you call "universal disarmament", which would presumably be a huge, extremely expensive, and extremely violent undertaking.
That takes us back to the titular question: Does society need prisons? It would indeed need a lot of prisons for a large or global government to issue and enforce a ban on all guns, including even weak little low-caliber non-automatic low-round pistols and ancient single-round muskets (or drugs like marijuana, or alcohol, or consensual adult prostitution, or any number of other things).
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑March 11th, 2023, 11:57 am
Scott wrote: ↑March 10th, 2023, 7:42 pm
Granted, it would be easier to see and say just how Orwellian your plan to imprison pacifists and disarm peace-loving citizens via an aggressively violent global government is...
I have no plan, or intention, to "imprison pacifists and disarm peace-loving citizens".
Then I'm sorry; I must have misunderstood. So, to be clear, you are saying that you are
not proposing a large and/or global government issue and enforce a ban of all all guns across the whole globe? Correct? If so, that's a nice significant relief for me to hear. It was scary to even just imagine. But then it raises the question, what are you proposing? Is it going to have financial cost? If so, how is it going to be funded? What happens if some of the people you expect to fund it (e.g. taxpayers) refuse?
Thank you,
My entire political philosophy summed up in one tweet.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.