Greta wrote: ↑April 13th, 2020, 1:42 am @Count LucanorThe relation between mass culture and high-end culture is still more complicated than some cultural critics might say. For Adorno, it was very black and white, and what he cleared up from sins was not much, basically everything had fallen to the needs of production of commodities in capitalist societies, which implied, according to his colleague Benjamin, the loss of an aura of authenticity in art, its soul. Evidently, that could only be taken as a broad generalization, neither is high culture the sanctuary of the most elevated art, nor is mass culture completely devoid of imagination, talent and innovation.
Thanks for that detailed description. So, in summary, you feel that the blend of mass cultural movements and technology has lead to a dropping of standards, at least in the mainstream.
Greta wrote: ↑April 13th, 2020, 1:42 am I see this as more the result of economic rationalisation than postmodernism. It appears to me that, in all areas of human endeavour, there are two major tranches - that of experts and of the masses. Popular culture is cheapening all the time as makers become ever more formulaic and risk averse in an ever more competitive market with ever fewer second chances available after failure. For instance, imagine a wonderful piece and arrangement like Classical Gas being a #1 hit today It's unimaginable. Meanwhile artistic masters an virtuosos are ever more common in elite levels due to the broader availability of high quality instructional material.That's the general agreement, that it is all mostly the result of changes in the production and consumption of goods, affecting the relations between producers of art, their consumers and the objects they consume, which are not really the same relations that existed between the popular and the elites in previous centuries. Some thinkers have called our attention to that other group that in our modern societies has slipped in the middle, eager to enjoy the elevated art previously reserved for the higher classes, but without all its complications (both in the production and consumption), so end up with a premanufactured hybrid that is a washed out version of higher forms and even lacks the brute authenticity of real popular culture.
Greta wrote: ↑April 13th, 2020, 1:42 am Olympians break ever more records while the masses become fatter. Scientists know more than ever before as the masses embrace anti-science conspiracy theories. Medical knowledge and medicines are always improving while patient care - which so much relies on a doctor knowing a patient and the way their bodies usually operate - becomes rationalised and fragmented.It's paradoxical, we live in a society of specialists in small areas of social living, but mostly incompetent and ignorant about the rest. You will get a marvelous sportsperson, a consecrated pianist, a brilliant engineer, and so on, and yet most of them will suffer from severe limitations in other aspects of social life, politics and culture. They would put a buffoon as president.
The bifurcated state of the arts appears to be reflective of the increasing schism appearing in many in societies, the natural effect of decades of neoliberalism, with resources "trickling down" while gushing upwards.
― Marcus Tullius Cicero