Re: Gun Control and Mass Murder
Posted: December 19th, 2012, 3:13 pm
Maia wrote: I already pointed out that the population of the USA is only five times that of the UK, which means that if it had the same rate of gun killing, only about 1000 people each year would be killed. In fact it's 32,000. In other words, you are 32 times more likely to be shot and killed in the USA than in the UK.Maia, you are correct, I got that part. What I was trying communicate is that 32,000 out of 300 million is not as impressive a number as 32,000 standing alone, or as maybe 32,000 might be relative to the population size of the United Kingdom (ignore the differences in geographical sizes per square mile or kilometers).
But having rethought my position I now think 32,000 is a lot given that more or less similar numbers occur every year in the United States. Those casualty figures most add up over decades to be something pretty darn impressive or tragic, whichever word one might prefer to use.
To put my former proposition in context, I read in the past, more than one person online suggest, with some warrant I think, that as a population passes a certain threshold in population size human beings in that population begin take on less value. There are certain lines of evidence that supports this proposition I think. But there are also other lines of evidence that contradicts it. Nations like Mexico, Brazil, and the United States with enormous population sizes seem to be able to bear a lot of homicides. But it does not explain why all three of these nations have far more homicidal citizens than India seems to have. It's been noted that even the poor in India tend to be far more civil than the poor in Brazil or the United States (e.g., a rich persons car breaking down in a slum and a slum mother putting her small son on watch to ensure no one damages or still the car - such a thing would be unheard of in Brazil and the U.S., in Latin America the wealthy person would probably be kidnapped and held for ransom, possibly disfigured in the process).
So much for guns providing safety. There are between 300 million and 400 million guns in the USA, roughly one per citizen, so is it any wonder criminals can get hold of them so easily?I think you are assessing the potential "safety" a firearm can provide from one direction.
Look at the direction of carrying a firearm from the stand point of a soldier or police officer. They understand they well be killed or severely injured but they would prefer to carry their firearm in light of their opposition being armed themselves.
One might note U.S. police departments own M-4 style assault rifles too. Their justification for these weapons are essentially akin to that of the NRA: "The bad guys have them or similar fire power and we need them to tactically resist or overcome the bad guy."
How many police officers in the United States are shot with a M-4 style rifle each year? I suspect zero. If any the numbers are a fraction of that of which civilians in the U.S. are injured or killed by rounds fired out of an M-4 style rifle.
Nota bene: the police arrived at Sandy Hook elementary school after people were shot and or killed. This is usually when police arrive. They know this. Yet they still feel justified to carry firearms.
I would submit, from a purely tactical position, one or more of those school teachers at Sandy Hook would have been - at minimum - as tactically justified in being armed with a M-4 style assault rifle, or small sidearm, the day the gunman entered the school.
Obama lives in a far safer position - and residence - than most Americans, including myself. He travels with the largest security force on earth (armed with M-4 style assault rifles as well). Why? Paranoia? Why does just not travel alone, unarmed, and if a gunmen shows up to threaten him or his family members, simply dial 9-11 and wait for the police to arrive?
From this line of direction, I would argue that carrying a gun, while not a 100% guarantee of your safety, is being proactive. Kind of like holding down a job and putting savings away. Kind of like learning martial arts. Kind of like wearing a seat belt.