- December 8th, 2009, 12:39 am
Many people, curiously enough, believe that the seat of thought, imagination, and the mind encompassed by our memory is found in the brain. Actually, this is somewhat reversed. Our body, especially the brain, is an instrument like a radio receiver that automatically picks up any frequency. This automatic quality itself is that which is known as memory, thought and imagination. Thus, our small brain is like a connection to the large "brain" of the universe itself. These things, as well as the powers of reasoning and will, are not merely a receiver that picks up radio waves; they are like a very advanced and sensitive television set that operates in time-in the past, the present, and future. Within our brain alone, there are at least ten billion vacuum tubes called cells. Our body is soaked in the depths of the infinite undulating ocean of the pre-electronic waves of mind, soul, or spirit. Our thinking mind is not contained within this fragile and ephemeral prison of the body; quite the contrary. For this very reason we are able to think, imagine, memorize, and compare one scene with another.
Our body is immersed to the marrow of our bones in the ocean of super-high-speed electronic waves over the Earth that are constantly passing through us. The speed of the Earth's rotation around the sun plus the speed of the sun also moving around the Milky Way galaxy, combined with the movement of our Earth as it also spins on its own axis while receiving this influence, equals a tremendous speed. Every instant, our actions here on this Earth are projected at this ultra-super speed into the far reaches of space. It is like a scene from a movie. At first, it is all rolled up and put away within the film case, but when it becomes extended through the lens of the miraculous extrasensory projector of our mind and realized on the screen of our consciousness, we are able to witness all the variety of life's scenes every moment, and from any place. This is certainly the most complicated of all projectors.
The Order of the Infinite Universe-the eternal principles of change-are nothing but the different names of the living God or the moving infinite creation. When the name God is used, it is often misunderstood as a static personality, and when the term Infinity is used, it is difficult for many people to comprehend. The infinity of God is neither a person nor a phenomenon; it is a universal oneness, embracing everything-every being, every phenomenon-and it is the endless universe itself. Other names for this limitless source or process are Truth, Love, Righteousness, Absolute Justice and Peace. The universe does not remain in one state but is changing constantly-transforming continuously, transmuting eternally from beginningless beginning to the endless end. The infinite universe is a process of absolute dynamic change within which countless relative changes are arising everywhere in every dimension and at all times.
For if you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss with eventually stare back into you, and you will find yourself with me as god!