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I’m not an English teacher but I’ve used a lot of different debate forums on the internet. I think they’re a great medium for discussion, creativity and constructive criticism.

Scott: “I will focus on the importance of being clear and concise.”
Yes; concision might help one stay on point. It makes their writing more readable for people on the internet who might have shorter attention spans. They could get the gist of your argument even if they’re under time constraints. One can elaborate more on their ideas during the replies in order to keep the original post more succinct and persuasive.

Scott: “... do not write your posts as if they were poetry or riddles.”
Phrase: “Eschew Obfuscation, Espouse Elucidation”
It’s indeed nice to keep your language fluent and understandable. But sometimes a moderate amount academic language can help with precision and fluidity. I imagine technical jargon could make writing overall more brief. It accurately captures the specific nuance they had in mind. I suppose it depends on the intended audience. For instance, the phrase ‘be that as it may’ might be too formal in a conversational setting. But in a debate forum it can function as a conciliatory statement. Slowly incorporating pleasant phrases into your writing might help your syntax in the long term. Initially it could sound a bit disjointed but fluency will come gradually with practice. The time and concentration required to write complex language could end up helping you focus more on the content itself and the points you are making.

Scott: “I have another piece of advice on being clear: Avoid overusing metaphors.”
I think metaphors and analogies can make your piece more descriptive so long as you fully explain the comparison. For example, they can explain how the analogy contrasts with their first idea and what particular aspects are similar.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison
I try to be receptive to other people’s comments and concede arguments when necessary. It can still be helpful and informative even if your original analysis isn’t correct. People can be influenced by your possibly flawed idea to come up with a yet more accurate idea. Using references to back up your own thoughts can help with lateral thinking in general. The open-ended time in these debates allows you to be patient. You can take as much time as want to wait for a creative idea to come to you. Then of course you must try to make it relevant to the debate at hand.
Michael McMahon wrote: August 23rd, 2020, 12:36 pm I’m not an English teacher but I’ve used a lot of different debate forums on the internet. I think they’re a great medium for discussion, creativity and constructive criticism.

Scott: “I will focus on the importance of being clear and concise.”
Yes; concision might help one stay on point. It makes their writing more readable for people on the internet who might have shorter attention spans. They could get the gist of your argument even if they’re under time constraints. One can elaborate more on their ideas during the replies in order to keep the original post more succinct and persuasive.

Scott: “... do not write your posts as if they were poetry or riddles.”
Phrase: “Eschew Obfuscation, Espouse Elucidation”
It’s indeed nice to keep your language fluent and understandable. But sometimes a moderate amount academic language can help with precision and fluidity. I imagine technical jargon could make writing overall more brief. It accurately captures the specific nuance they had in mind. I suppose it depends on the intended audience. For instance, the phrase ‘be that as it may’ might be too formal in a conversational setting. But in a debate forum it can function as a conciliatory statement. Slowly incorporating pleasant phrases into your writing might help your syntax in the long term. Initially it could sound a bit disjointed but fluency will come gradually with practice. The time and concentration required to write complex language could end up helping you focus more on the content itself and the points you are making.

Scott: “I have another piece of advice on being clear: Avoid overusing metaphors.”
I think metaphors and analogies can make your piece more descriptive so long as you fully explain the comparison. For example, they can explain how the analogy contrasts with their first idea and what particular aspects are similar.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison
I try to be receptive to other people’s comments and concede arguments when necessary. It can still be helpful and informative even if your original analysis isn’t correct. People can be influenced by your possibly flawed idea to come up with a yet more accurate idea. Using references to back up your own thoughts can help with lateral thinking in general. The open-ended time in these debates allows you to be patient. You can take as much time as want to wait for a creative idea to come to you. Then of course you must try to make it relevant to the debate at hand.
I believe Scott meant obscure metaphors and cliches.'Obscure' or not depends upon the receiver of the communication. While the transmitter does not want to patronise, it's impolite and impolitic to be high falutin' .
Proof of an afterlife and God slit shot test is consciousness program forsay.

I haven't posted this in any forum but lounge with should get the thumbs up. Double slit shot test is my weapon that lets me wait for it..... Do premonitions. God knows what your thinking...Crazy lol "but" look down to hidden frontal lobs uploaded...proven look at the photo below.

First I'm Psychic and asked the afterlife how we get there. They said what's an quantum computer made of? I said electrons and atom's. They said what's in the brain and is it made of? I said wtf electrons and atom's.

I then asked them how we get to the Afterlife? They said looks at the hidden wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobes as photo below shows them.

Now they said what does a microwave do to cells? I said what? I then said make them cook/jump around and move from the heat/wavelength? They nodded their heads forsay.

So what ever is in the frontal lobs must move crazy I take it.

Photo of hidden receptor frontal lobs.

After looking back on my life with the impossible events happening once or twice a year, I couldn't believe what they told me and who I am.

They said I'm the Soul Creator = God.

Ok people's I know what your thinking now.... It's true because I have proven we are uploaded but hey watch the CIA shut this down brining workers that will pay for an eternity......You one of the workers Admin? Read on first it's best that way.

I'm told I'm God = Soul Creator Psychics tell me.

Yes we are computers but also I believe spiritual consciousness.

The events in my life would make you freak out. But them events happened why Yong and like one or 2 things a year back then, that I dismissed them when youger as I was not very intelligent...One of them my mum shouldn't off dismissed, and that was me and my sister turning around why driving past the Adelaide Brighton Ampol petrol station in 1993. We turned back almost screaming that the petrol station had blown up when driving past on way to grandma's. Mum looked back and said know it didn't "but when we got home" on the news it had blown up after we said that hour or so After.

"Read part of double Slit shot test being a like computer subconscious program. They the government never kept it secret because the Jewish in the afterlife need to crack it "like" they hacked my first basic computer program and are trying to wipe me out..read on."

God Afterlife and a takeover in the afterlife unto the Soul Creator unleashed subconsciousness then threatening spiritual awakening.....End of universe.

There is an signal & the lobs would have a reaction like movement in them, so cells or whatever is in them would move from the wavelengths... energy.

Short summary on this page before you read it all.

Me and my sister premonitionsed the Adelaide Brighton Ampol petrol station tanker blowing up in 1993, hours before it happened. It's now a petrol station called Caltex with logo of Sole Creator "red tick on star" and star represents a God.
I also born myself in the city of churches Adelaide South Australia to send a message to the people in the afterlife that tried taking over.... City of churches can do premonitions? = God....I clearly couldn't help myself lol.

Anyway now that caltex petrol station sign of soul Creator and a God uses a fuel tanker to fill up the underground tanks called K & S energy. My sister's name is Kelly and my name is Scott. K & S and we both turned back clamming that it had blown up at the same time.

K & S "energy" means nothing dies "it's" eternal...my message to them... eternal.

They were hopping with that fuel tanker that it would blow up the petrol station again and kill me and my family... Cowards.

Did you know I moved into the house next to that petrol station 2 years ago and just moved out months ago?

At all Caltex there signs are different thick read tick and solid star 2 colours. Photo shows the original petrol station sign changed after I moved in at my next store petrol station, to say no God anymore.....They f'ed up and left the original sign on the station that has the thick red tick inside the Star that represents an God = Soul Creator. Ether way they would have changed it before I moved in not months and months latter "they claim the only picked up on it after I moved in....I premonition it.
In 2018 I moved into the house next to that very same petrol station forgetting about my premonition in 1993....I kinda didn't no what to make of it at the time after we got home and see it on the news. More forgot about it over 20 years. But the CIA had the owner change the sign after I moved in that as far as I can see in Adelaide that same petrol station is the only Caltex to change the sign "&" that petrol tanker didn't ever go to that petrol station unto after I moved in and spotted it before hand...it's like an enemy company going to it's enemy's shop supliing it "proof" that what I clam is true....ask all Caltex workers and customers what or when the sign changed at one store at the time, and why they got an energy company to refuel the petrol station? Because it's a message from me to them "burn for an eternity" if you mess with me.
I lived at 321 and I believe when they say they burn me 2 times that they said 321 lives and if they try instantly reborning me BANG Unevirse ends.... Before they chucked me off a building I made a premonition the I would survive I have if they threw me off a huge building it was 7 stories about 7 flat side stories, and are survived.

Read up on the explosion and the miracle that people didn't die because the houses across the main road had melted paint dripping down the walls "but yet" people standing meters away + all sides, didn't get hurt as if a force field protected them from the fire ball. Not even the guy standing next to the petrol station died or got burnt less then a meters away.....Read the story because all what I say is the truth.

If that sounds good to you read on.

So I claim I'm the soul Creator known as God and the people claim to ve Jewish, are trying to wipe me out and takeover the afterlife. They hacked my first computer program but didn't know about double slit shot test, that's consciousness and it thinks.....Yes electrons and photons think "almost like being entangled none stop as soon as one dies it's info is in the others entangled wish they would be from the sun because they are so close together

The last time I was born they wiped out my memory because they did things to me and tried wiping me out and I woke up without memory but had consciousness lightly activated. We are not spiritual yet? I think we are.

I am and use must be spiritual now.
Ether way i set it off to stop an 100% takeover from the so called Jewish in the Afterlife.

People's the brain is an computer and subconscious is spiritual.. Now look at hipnotised people following commands from soundwaves telling the brain what to do...the receptors.... Just like the Jewish hacked my computer program that can control human's thinking movement, and canmove objects and control weather. The Jewish in the afterlife claim they didn't know about consciousness double slit shot test spiritual "umm call it an " program.
I'm also talking to Psychics and read below to blow your mind.

The last time I was born they wiped out my memory "they now tell me" because they tried wiping me out. Apparently what the psychics telling me from Afterlife Is that i new most things and left them a message this time around because consciously I knew roughly what they try to do to me.... wipe me out. Petrol station is an message...fireball that they will be a in it for an eternity. The petrol station was beyond a miracle because paint on houses across the main road had melted paint on them, but yet People standing meters away didn't get burnt.....A forcefield must have protected them.

Double slit shot test means electrons and all are subconscious and think. When they try figure out the pattern and put a camera to read the results, it detects/knows what they are doing and muttles up the pattern.... electrons think. It's one of my last weapons that they are telling everyone about and military ant keeping top secret.... trying to crack it "don't help them" they are so evil and mentally ill. They are trying to over through me the Jewish from what they tell me....they lie and subconsciously I can pick up and know when they are lying to me. I believe they are telling the truth that the Jewish are trying to take over and did unto I made my premonition with come true and I survived the 6 story building fall.

After I made premonition that they couldn't kill me or freinds or family or hold me in mental/drug hospital or put me in jail for more then a month this happens.
They put me back in there the short stay drug recovery and mentally ill ward/are because bribed dr said so and because I was homless. Anyway I stayed in room 6 and they said they would hold me permeability the CIA/now only talk to psychic Afterlife people....I said 'something will happen" then my room filled with water. Next they put me in room 11 and said to me they were going to / want to kill me and I said if you do petrol station burn for an eternity and the water come up out of know where. I felt my back get sure and stop as I repeated above.
Anyway a new guy come in for weed. He was telling me that he was someone in the last life and that number 11 had meaning for something or someone if something happened and he didn't know what it meant or something like the end or beging. Anyway I only picked up on it because the people in the afterlife told me that I was in room 11 after being forced to change rooms. Google 11 number? They said before we were going to kill you but one person picked up on what 11 means? It's spiritual awakening....kill me & if it's not spiritual now it will be after my death that means the end of the universe that my premonition said.......Room 11.
We are subconsciousness now but will be spiritual if I die. If they kill me or my friends you all coming to me "or" lock me up for longtime "like jail or bribed putting me in a mental hospital....Bang spiritual awakening time.
Anyway i felt as if something bad was going to happen after that, so I just reminded about the petrol station and water in room and room 11 and all the rest? I got reliced shortly after they moved me again from room 11.

So I'm God or better known as Sole Creator "probebly" because I'm not up myself lol.

Yes I can do premonitions but Psychics told me I'm "wait for it" that I'm the Sole Creator....read on.

Crazy people's but I am the sole creator = God "yes I know what your thinking" wtf is he on? Sadly nothing good.

I can do premonitisons and things since I was a kid, but as a kid it was more impossible things like one time defining gravity on the gravetron ride. I walked up to guy in middle why ride was spinning and touching the non spinning poles around him telling him to stop...I could walk upto him and hold onto Poles why ride moving, not ripping off my arms or gravity stopping me by force as other were stuck up the side of the walls...I'll never forget the look on his face like he seen a ghost.
I guess it was also knowing things and things before they happened. I have been like this since an teenager prems and now adult can still do them..

When kid me and my sister and mum drove past Ampol service station at Brighton Adelaide 1993 "google it' an said to mum "why driving past" that something had blown up at the petrol station. Mum looked back and said no nothing had blown up....Hours after we said that it actually blow up. An petrol tanker blow up filling up the tanks and tanks caught alight somehow not blowing up underground tanks.
The crazy thing is that the houses across the road melted and the paint was dropping down the houses "but yet" people standing meter away and other people meters away didn't get burnt or die.... Miricle? Nope prem and a force field protected people from explosion and heat.
To add to it me and my sister turned back at same time clamming that, and our names are Kelly & Scott and now the fuel tanker that fills up the storage tanks at that petrol station is called K & S energy... energy never dies and us eternal. K & S Kelly & Scott.
The petrol station is now a Caltex petrol station logo of star/sun God.

Apparently I was set up by a powerful company and the Psychics tell me the Jewish. Subconsciously I can tell when people or Psychics talk to me....it's true.

So they hacked my computer program but once they tried removing some electrons and atom's from my brain "after 6 story fall or first amited to hospital and took 2 tablets that KO me for 14 hours waking Up with numb legs" I believe they tryed to wipe me out. It set off spiritual subconscious that is like an different upload and I can answer people/reply to people before I even hear what the answer or next word is going to be some times. People close to me and trusted it doesn't seem to happen much....them psychics I talk to are also the people trying to wipe me out.

I have backup ideas and checkout what I think my backup spiritual weapon called "google" double slit shot test. Electrons and particles think "yes" think.
Scientist try record the test results with a camera but the electrons think and start going crazy and like split into two like teleporting. I believe it's a coded computer program of mine. We are computers and the Jewish in the afterlife hacked my computer program 100% that can burn your body and as I said above stop you from dying it getting diseases but it's more like it can stop diseases from affecting you but if they reverse what I call frontal lobs mind control, you will get the disease and worse as it doesn't stop it aging but symptoms stop why on mind control.
The Jewish didn't discover my real backup spiritual program called double slit shot test unto not to long ago, and there going to get everything they deserve yes deserve.
Don't you find it strange that the military scientist didn't keep this slit shot test top secret once it come about? Yes after Einstein almost ended the world E=MC square they changed there ways.
They the Jewish are desperately trying to crack slit shot test that has electrons and atom's think and know when people are trying to detect how it works. It thinks. They are telling everyone about it trying desperately to crack it to overthrow me and wipe me out.

I know why after I sent Putin messages why he went into Syria for. He knows all about the afterlife "walks out in public anywhere" without a care in the world. The evil scum are trying to get desperate help to crack my slit shot computer program that thinks. They say to me how can we build a faster computer if it thinks thinks before you or anything thinks "predicts". an computer has to think so it's impossible to catch up/bet it.....do use all smell something burning? I do.

Some prems IV done.

Google CEO death after I sent him a message telling him to stop hidding my emails from sender's or stop delivery of my emails "Gmail" and I said he would die. He died in an rare earthquake climbing shortly after.

Next the 1999 American golfer that died. I seen him boarding the plane and said your going to die as I seen him boarding his plane. He did die on that very same flight in mysterious way, so read the Wikipedia info. They all KO from loss of cabin pressure instantly passing out? Impossible. IV see an huge arliner lose 20+% of its roof and knowone passed out instantly or died without mask diving from something like 35,000ft+? They didn't have time to fly down for min/mins to be at oxygent level? And air mask didn't deploy? So oxygent mask didn't deploy and they KO instantly? Not right at all in everyway. You would need a massive huge decompression in a vacuum to even come close to KOing + the plane had no signs of a huge hole in the plane as it also flyed for 1 hour after they KO on auto pilot. No real big hole as it kept on flying and if memory serves me correctly, another plane flyed next to it and the windows where iced up...The Afterlife can move objects make it cold and freeze & stuff. That plane flying next to it proves it had no holes in it "+" original recordings and not a ligit recording played on a tv screen burnt on a new original disk from recording tv screen....Proven couldn't KO for a start and the Jewish on the Afterlife killed them to try have people turn on me saying I'm killing people... please don't tell me he was Jewish?

Hitler was framed and the Jewish killed themselves.... afterlife Jewish. They claim they all new about "the Jewish being killed" unto I asked questions then they ammited all kids and adults didn't no....many Jewish are pissed off in the afterlife... Apparently I find that one hard to believe.
The CIA claim Hitler was shacking before but that's an proven outright lie as there is mass photage of him months and months and years before lies...photage please because they said they never showed that photage "but they clam" was only in the last month's anyway "+" that footage would have shown up by now because the footage of him with his misses showed up along with him acting like a freak dacing for 3 seconds.
Jewish kill themselves? Yes. Look at Adof Hitler weeks before his death. Lobs and we are a computer program they can burn you and make your organs fail it heal. Hitler got 9 years of Parkinson disease in weeks why? Because they new he was going to take cyanide and wouldn't of died if mind control wavelength signal.Afterlife I'd that i new most things and left them a message this time around. Petrol station fireball that they will be a in it for an eternity.

Double slit shot test means electrons and all are subconscious and think. When they try figure out the pattern and put a camera to read the results, it detects/knows they are doing and muttles up the pattern.... electrons think. It's one of my last weapons that they are telling everyone about and military ant keeping top secret.... trying to crack it don't help them they are so evil and mentally ill. They are trying to over through me the Jewish from what they tell me....they lie and subconsciously I can pick up and know when the lying. I believe they are telling the truth that the Jewish are trying to take over.

After I made premonition that they couldn't kill me or freinds or family or hold me in mental/drug

Yes I can do premonitions but Psychics told me I'm "wait for it" that I'm the Sole Creator....read on.

Crazy people's but I am the sole creator = God "yes I know what your thinking" wtf is he on? Sadly nothing good.

I was in a car crash going 150km/h and we all survived. The girl in the front after I hit the stonby pole at 150km/h hit her head on windscreen bouncing it without getting any head injuries. She and mate in back didn't have seat belts on and she went flying into windscreen at 150km/h to dead stop and didn't get any head injuries at all....Not a miracle something happened. Mate I'n back seat didn't get hurt at all. I had seat belt on and got 6 fractured ribs but was fine and even played on tennis comp grand final game 3 days after crash...we won.

Some prems IV done or things that have happened.

For a start when my grandpa died my watch stopped at 1:13 am and I noticed it stopped and said it happened for a reason to my ex ex girlfriend. About 2 hours after that we got a phone call at 3am and they said grampa had died off a heart attack almost 2 hours ago.
Anyway I was very upset for many hours then out of know where my ex ex girlfriend said "didn't you say your watch stopped for a reason? She is clearly in on it with psychics telling her that "because" my oldest daughter asked her about my watch stooping and she said "I can't remember that far back" sounds beyond suspicious to me....I know she new about it because I remember the way and tone in her voice when she said 3+ hours after "didn't you say your watch stopped for a reason".
My sister was never at mums house awake at 3am. She was there why mum wasn't there let alone up at 3am in the morning. The same thing happened I think with Princess Diana when she died. She was at mums house and awake late rarly happened her being there as she moved out young.

Google CEO death after I sent him a message telling him to stop hidding my emails from sender's or stop delivery of my emails "Gmail" and I said he would die. He died in an rare earthquake claiming shortly after.

Hitler was framed and the Jewish killed themselves.... afterlife Jewish. They claim they all new about "the Jewish being killed" unto I asked questions then they ammited all kids and adults didn't no....many Jewish are pissed off in the afterlife.
The CIA claim Hitler was shacking before but that's an put right proven lie as there is mass photage of him months and months and years before lie...photage please because they said they never showed that photage "but that clam" was only in the last month's anyway "+" that footage would have shown up by now because the footage of him with his misses showed up along with him acting like a freak dacing for 3 seconds.
Jewish kill themselves? Yes. Look at Adof Hitler weeks before his death. Lobs and we are a computer program they can burn you and make your organs fail it heal. Hitler got 9 years of Parkinson disease in weeks why? Because they new he was going to take cyanide and wouldn't of die. I have proven it to the people in the afterlife that Hitler was innocent......The Jewish did it to themselves to try frame me.... After my memory got wipped out on my first life i activated consciousness. They tried to say Hitler did it sub well consciously because of me "but" I proved that too be a lie because Hitler's had got 9 years of Parkinson disease in the finale 3 weeks "because" he was going to take cyanide, on mind control it's wouldn't of killed him.

The Jewish come to power in America as planned and American CIA and congressman are Jewish rigged of course "like" G Bush votes got found in a shed but still counted "unless" they faked that to my tv.... longer story Because consciously I seen the Iraq war disaster and sent in letters that turned that war around...They covered it up and used mind control in me stopping me from telling mass people....I was thinking they covered it up because I walked like I was gay from nerve damage back then "14 years ago" but they didn't they did because they new I was the Soul Creator......I only call my self God when I'm feeling up myself lol.

Oblique weapons fb page has all the coincidence is You could dream off......I can prove I won that war instantly to the world from media but they cover it up and tried to make me looks delusional over strategies not clamming I'm God... Have proof anyway and my mum confirmed to psychitist that I we drove past Ampol petrol station that morning and that I turned back saying something like it had blown up "something" had.

The Jewish have given up and handed power over... aparrntly or once I'm there premonition force. My grandpa is now ment to be in-charge of Afterlife military and my orders to Psychics was to even up all troops and generals to even religious numbers and none religious people.

Watch this video on schizophrenia and delusional disorder then read my wall post and reply......click on link / lady below.

It clearly states things don't add up unlike my Iraq war starategy 50 coincidences like one coincidence having 8 other coincidence in the same coincidence which = proof? Nah 3 ish weeks before GFC Iraqi terrorist hacked drones codes when not even Russia could hack them?The page changes headlines to unencrypted camrea signals 9 years after and only after I used to he link that not even they would know I used it "so" who told them to change the story and headline for? Yeah **** right. That strategy gives every troop instant air support and is massive.

Am I delusional? We'll according to pros if it makes sense and is not all fake or not true then yes I'm not delusional.
Now watch video after reading all this to see if pro says I'm delusnal

Anyone answer the question right now after watching this video....How am I delusional when the video says I'm not because things add up, and do make sense even when looking at what I and Kelly said to mum....it blow up there trying to wipe me out and are putting **** in my forced to take medication that is white liqued then clear another time......I told my worker that it's changing colours and they said it shouldn't be "so" the next thing they changed my meds again back to clear **** and different.......Belinda Talbot please watch video then read my page "even if illiterate poor grammar" you can still understand it.....people have lost the plot on simple things.

If any problems ask me and I'll explain them.... On a page and the Admin us refusing to remove my post "update Adman just did after I posted this link on there" bribed, and as we have people that now follow me on the page, other are implanted "ask anyone" can CIA working with ASIO monitor my internet and pages you go on? Yes and they can even fake your search engine results. Some off them can't reply why things add up but just say mentally ill we should pull the post down but then I just reply answer this this this this this this this but nope, we can't reply once I explain everything as proven oblique weapons Facebook page improving on my post on my wall. Debate it and I win and you will confirm that by not being able to reply after I explain or reply why.

Frontal lobs is mind control and wavelength and yes quantum computer have the same stuff in them as brain does.... Don't mean **** that people claim there biomory because the brain is an prove computer 1,000% as it contains same crap as a quantum computer....anything more in them is more stuff added onto brains ability.

My mum has not even read info like you still haven't even read page one in now 14 years on what I claim? It's changed and now there telling me the truth "noooooo" his Psychic? What do you think mum we / I only called the Ampol petrol station blowing up with your other kid before it even f'en happened but I'm delusional? I remember it like it was yesterday day so why isn't Kelly talking for? You already said yes...... They gave mind control putting forts in your head or making you angry so you don't ever want to try talk about.

Wake up to reality and try reading the dam thing. If something doesn't make sense ask me the CIA are putting errors in my post confusing you more. I'll reply correctly.

We have proof of Psychics and proof that people could prodict....why can't I? You were only driving the car looking back saying no it didn't "try saying that to family members" and see how dumb they think you are....Darrr stupid as.

My mum read a post reply from one of my mates on the page. When I or she called me she said "Jade" even said it's delusional what you claimed about doing the Iraq war strategies"but then I check on on my end, and mine and Jade's end it says makes sense bro "mums end said" it doesn't make sense....I told her that and had ex say to my mum it said makes sense bro "but yet" mum still thinks I'm making up & doesn't know why the dictionary has the word bribed in it for........Editing stuff none stop.......How dumb are you mum and so called family members....Dam mind control does my head in I would have to go on tv or use random people so it takes them time to put you on it.... family members are known and easy to use..... none of them even read more CIA edited post trusting 1 guy a bribed psychiatrist.
mind control makes you dismiss things and gets them angry if I even say sit down and talk about it "look at the proof".

I got a laywer for a hearing but the CIA and ASIO bribed him. He goes to me when I get in there I'll do all the talking, and goes can you say something for me? I said what? He said only say: I can't say anything for the risk of Australian national security. I was like no f***** way am I saying that and new instantly that they bribed him......watch delusional video because I can prove I'm not from this stuff to this stuff.

I could be here all night showing coincidences like headlines on my strategy of 24/7 air support was sabotage by CIA and then headline change 9 years after I used the headline and come out claiming it was hacked "I proved impossible" 9 years after tagging the story and they changed story and headline to unencrypted which is like saying half of the military computers don't have spyware but they decide to leave a half the drones cameras undecrypted so people can see them .how stupid is that there is over 100 coincidences and 7+ coincidence in them getting the spy drone camera footage.....oblique weapons fb page people mass more proof.
That's only some of the things. Let me know what you think.

Subconsciously I have memory but don't.....If I brang it down with me they could of got info out of me....Only what I needed comes to me "like" doing Iraq war strategies watching the news I was thinking made me try turn it around "something's wrong" because I think they planned GFC as I herd it as I call "pop in my head like Psychics hear" say bankrupt your country....it makes sense because of timing of events.
GFC & American drone sabatge.
Iraq war strategies back on late 2006.. Massive turnaround. The psychics in the afterlife say I just sent in the strategies subconsciously how far is watching the news seeing the disaster and wanted to help "but" read up on subconsciously consciously.

So the GFC was dilibretly done. Answer this? How did the debt liquidators buy $5 - $10 trilion dollars of debt to meet banks debts or obligations like 5% pa safe banks interest fund on trillions of dollars and so on? Liquidators couldn't even afford to buy the debts let alone banks afford to pay shareholders? They most surtantly didn't recovery any $2+ trillios of dollars of debt for years before disaster, so why bust in an instant disaster?
How much did they pay them share holders and interest payments in last month or years? Money in bank making interest? New loans where did this money come from? Seems to me that it was impossible or they started printed up fake banknotes? Don't you people have abrain to see proof....Have you asked anyone and questioned about it thinking of replys after they reply? Who am I kidding you haven't even asked one pro how why possible or impossible.
liquidators could not afford to pay or buy 10% of the debt value not even $500 billion dollars of debts that lost mass trillions...busted busted Busted "+" they never recruited there Money?
So bank's meet with / payed interest fund payments and share holders money even when for a year or 2 it was bound to happen?
The bank's lost 75% then 87+% of all income but meet payments? Tripping ask for a reply.
How did the bank's loan money in the last month's? They had none.
Seems to me America is printing up money illegally?

So I won America the Iraqi war in 2007 thinking I just seen the disaster of the war on the news sending in ideas...they the psychics in the after life say they never lined that up but I just sent them letters to turn it around.... subconsciously new or the chances of that is crazy.
So we reached a point where America never planned on winning the Iraq war I said stop using my strategy's? They said ok clearly. 2 weeks after they sabataged my strategy's I said I'll leave Australia if you don't go bankrupt money whys, like I was about to declare bankruptcy...CIA was getting me $8k credit cards why on gov payments.
So the CIA handed the Iraqi terrorist the drone camera codes because my strategy called for troops to only go out on walks for 2 hours having instant air support for 75% of troops+. That means the CIA handed the Iraqi terrorist drone camera codes because all drones have encryption just like all military computers have spyware. So lmao that the CIA called them up and said quick changed the headlines from hacked to unencrypted because it's proof that they had spyware on the drones and that not even Russia could hack them...proof the dumb idiots change the story completely on the page 9 years after story/news post clamined, and only once I used it.
If you check dates you will see it was weeks before GFC. If use take 5 hours out and read all post on my page there is so much proof "like" no **** they did change their story after he used it "and" it does make sense if a deal because 2 weeks after GFC. Your all stating I have the best memory and out this together over 9 years? Wtf are use on it adds up everything does.
After making a page as proof because they broke the deal, the 9 year old page headline changed 9 years on after I used it as proof. It said Iraqi terrorist hacked drones. I stated that it even China or Russia couldn't hack drones, but terrorist in Iraq could it was proof of sabatge. Give me a brake....so as soon as I used the link, they the page changed the story to say that 50% of drones cameras where unencrypted? BS and already mass coicedances in coicedances. Let's not forget that if only 50% of drones failed, why didn't they Finnish off that war or Afghanistan? They could win both wars by making my Iraq full proof i'd cards, then using drones to cover 30% of Iraqi troops "because" 3 fly's a day when they can do 12 makes it a 90% chance a encrypted drone is overhead ready to strike have any second order that I given?
Are use stunned at how smart am?
So Afghanistan patrols would use the drones wiping them out. If they have I'd cards and troops go house to house, they could kill them off out of areas lock up everyone not allowed in that area or without an I'd card. They dilibretly left this world in a disaster to try help frame me scumbags. All they had to do was code them drones so story never should if aired....tell me one story they confess that without being Busted?

So I did the Iraq war strategies in 2006 subconsciously knowing I come down to make the world a better place.
Subconsciously I did not know who I was and they did not tell me who I was until I moved into the house next to the petrol station I premonitioned with my sister and mum whenI I was 14 years old. To read about that go to my FB page oblique weapons or FB open profile /ryanscott0123

Let me know what you think?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Proof of an afterlife and God slit shot test is consciousness program forsay.

I haven't posted this in any forum but lounge with should get the thumbs up. Double slit shot test is my weapon that lets me wait for it..... Do premonitions. God knows what your thinking...Crazy lol "but" look down to hidden frontal lobs uploaded...proven look at the photo below.

First I'm Psychic and asked the afterlife how we get there. They said what's an quantum computer made of? I said electrons and atom's. They said what's in the brain and is it made of? I said wtf electrons and atom's.

I then asked them how we get to the Afterlife? They said looks at the hidden wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobes as photo below shows them.

Now they said what does a microwave do to cells? I said what? I then said make them cook/jump around and move from the heat/wavelength? They nodded their heads forsay.

So what ever is in the frontal lobs must move crazy I take it.

Photo of hidden receptor frontal lobs.

After looking back on my life with the impossible events happening once or twice a year, I couldn't believe what they told me and who I am.

They said I'm the Soul Creator = God.
Why, when you asked "them", 'How do we get to the afterlife?' "they" told you that 'I am God'?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Ok people's I know what your thinking now....
Okay, what are people thinking now?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm It's true because I have proven we are uploaded but hey watch the CIA shut this down brining workers that will pay for an eternity......You one of the workers Admin? Read on first it's best that way.

I'm told I'm God = Soul Creator Psychics tell me.

Yes we are computers but also I believe spiritual consciousness.
So, to you, 'we' are computers AND spiritual consciousness. Now, how do you propose that this is actually the case?

By the way, the actual ANSWER is very simple and easy indeed.
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm The events in my life would make you freak out.
Really, WHY?

And what does it mean if I do NOT actually 'freak out'?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm But them events happened why Yong and like one or 2 things a year back then, that I dismissed them when youger as I was not very intelligent...
So, are you here suggesting that you are 'very intelligent' now?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm One of them my mum shouldn't off dismissed,
Looking back retrospectively, what 'should' have she done?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm and that was me and my sister turning around why driving past the Adelaide Brighton Ampol petrol station in 1993. We turned back almost screaming that the petrol station had blown up when driving past on way to grandma's. Mum looked back and said know it didn't "but when we got home" on the news it had blown up after we said that hour or so After.

"Read part of double Slit shot test being a like computer subconscious program. They the government never kept it secret because the Jewish in the afterlife need to crack it "like" they hacked my first basic computer program and are trying to wipe me out..read on."

God Afterlife and a takeover in the afterlife unto the Soul Creator unleashed subconsciousness then threatening spiritual awakening.....End of universe.

There is an signal & the lobs would have a reaction like movement in them, so cells or whatever is in them would move from the wavelengths... energy.

Short summary on this page before you read it all.

Me and my sister premonitionsed the Adelaide Brighton Ampol petrol station tanker blowing up in 1993, hours before it happened. It's now a petrol station called Caltex with logo of Sole Creator "red tick on star" and star represents a God.
Since when, and to who else, does 'star' represent 'a God'?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm I also born myself in the city of churches Adelaide South Australia to send a message to the people in the afterlife that tried taking over....
How, exactly, does one born "them" 'self'?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm City of churches can do premonitions? = God....I clearly couldn't help myself lol.
We can clearly see you could not.

But, by the way, I have absolutely NO clue what that means, nor how it is funny at all.
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Anyway now that caltex petrol station sign of soul Creator and a God uses a fuel tanker to fill up the underground tanks called K & S energy. My sister's name is Kelly and my name is Scott. K & S and we both turned back clamming that it had blown up at the same time.

K & S "energy" means nothing dies "it's" eternal...my message to them... eternal.
Who or what is "them", which is your message to exactly?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm They were hopping with that fuel tanker that it would blow up the petrol station again and kill me and my family... Cowards.
Who or what are "they", and how exactly did they ignite that fire?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Did you know I moved into the house next to that petrol station 2 years ago and just moved out months ago?
No i did not. Was it some thing you would expect me to know?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm At all Caltex there signs are different thick read tick and solid star 2 colours. Photo shows the original petrol station sign changed after I moved in at my next store petrol station, to say no God anymore.....
Where, exactly, are these photos, which you speak of?

Although what you can SEE as being CLEAR evidence and/or proof for some things, can you also SEE how and why "others" might not take what you say seriously?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm They f'ed up and left the original sign on the station that has the thick red tick inside the Star that represents an God = Soul Creator.
Well considering what 'God' is meant to be, and what exactly Itself actually IS, then this is NOT surprising at all.
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Ether way they would have changed it before I moved in not months and months latter "they claim the only picked up on it after I moved in....I premonition it.
Okay. By the way, I hope you have clarified who or what 'they' are. Otherwise I will have absolutely NO idea who or what you are referring to, exactly.
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm In 2018 I moved into the house next to that very same petrol station forgetting about my premonition in 1993....I kinda didn't no what to make of it at the time after we got home and see it on the news. More forgot about it over 20 years. But the CIA had the owner change the sign after I moved in that as far as I can see in Adelaide that same petrol station is the only Caltex to change the sign "&" that petrol tanker didn't ever go to that petrol station unto after I moved in and spotted it before hand...it's like an enemy company going to it's enemy's shop supliing it "proof" that what I clam is true....
Okay, and, by the way, what is 'it' exactly, which you are claiming is true here?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm ask all Caltex workers and customers what or when the sign changed at one store at the time, and why they got an energy company to refuel the petrol station?
Instead of me asking 'ALL' caltex workers AND customers this question here, I will just ask you, What were some of the responses you got, when you ask people such a thing?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Because it's a message from me to them "burn for an eternity" if you mess with me.
Here is a question to 'you' - the soul creator, God. Why did you create these ones on earth if you just want "them" to "burn for an eternity", anyway?

Why not just create them in a "burning eternity" to begin with?

Also, WHY would God want "them" to "burn for an eternity"? I was under the impression that God was loving and kind to ALL of Its creations.

And, logically, one can NOT be created, and then "burn for an eternity". Eternity was, obviously, ALREADY existing BEFORE any one is created.
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm I lived at 321 and I believe when they say they burn me 2 times that they said 321 lives and if they try instantly reborning me BANG Unevirse ends....
If Universe ends, then there goes any idea of "burning for" 'eternity'.
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Before they chucked me off a building I made a premonition the I would survive I have if they threw me off a huge building it was 7 stories about 7 flat side stories, and are survived.
Who, "chucked you off a building"?

Read up on the explosion and the miracle that people didn't die because the houses across the main road had melted paint dripping down the walls "but yet" people standing meters away + all sides, didn't get hurt as if a force field protected them from the fire ball. Not even the guy standing next to the petrol station died or got burnt less then a meters away.....[/quote]

How far exactly is "a meters away"?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm Read the story because all what I say is the truth.
ALL of it?
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm If that sounds good to you read on.
What happens if that did not sound good, then can I read on also, or not?

I will wait your response/s to my clarifying questions.
Soul Creator wrote: September 26th, 2020, 12:21 pm So I claim I'm the soul Creator known as God and the people claim to ve Jewish, are trying to wipe me out and takeover the afterlife. They hacked my first computer program but didn't know about double slit shot test, that's consciousness and it thinks.....Yes electrons and photons think "almost like being entangled none stop as soon as one dies it's info is in the others entangled wish they would be from the sun because they are so close together

The last time I was born they wiped out my memory because they did things to me and tried wiping me out and I woke up without memory but had consciousness lightly activated. We are not spiritual yet? I think we are.

I am and use must be spiritual now.
Ether way i set it off to stop an 100% takeover from the so called Jewish in the Afterlife.

People's the brain is an computer and subconscious is spiritual.. Now look at hipnotised people following commands from soundwaves telling the brain what to do...the receptors.... Just like the Jewish hacked my computer program that can control human's thinking movement, and canmove objects and control weather. The Jewish in the afterlife claim they didn't know about consciousness double slit shot test spiritual "umm call it an " program.
I'm also talking to Psychics and read below to blow your mind.

The last time I was born they wiped out my memory "they now tell me" because they tried wiping me out. Apparently what the psychics telling me from Afterlife Is that i new most things and left them a message this time around because consciously I knew roughly what they try to do to me.... wipe me out. Petrol station is an message...fireball that they will be a in it for an eternity. The petrol station was beyond a miracle because paint on houses across the main road had melted paint on them, but yet People standing meters away didn't get burnt.....A forcefield must have protected them.

Double slit shot test means electrons and all are subconscious and think. When they try figure out the pattern and put a camera to read the results, it detects/knows what they are doing and muttles up the pattern.... electrons think. It's one of my last weapons that they are telling everyone about and military ant keeping top secret.... trying to crack it "don't help them" they are so evil and mentally ill. They are trying to over through me the Jewish from what they tell me....they lie and subconsciously I can pick up and know when they are lying to me. I believe they are telling the truth that the Jewish are trying to take over and did unto I made my premonition with come true and I survived the 6 story building fall.

After I made premonition that they couldn't kill me or freinds or family or hold me in mental/drug hospital or put me in jail for more then a month this happens.
They put me back in there the short stay drug recovery and mentally ill ward/are because bribed dr said so and because I was homless. Anyway I stayed in room 6 and they said they would hold me permeability the CIA/now only talk to psychic Afterlife people....I said 'something will happen" then my room filled with water. Next they put me in room 11 and said to me they were going to / want to kill me and I said if you do petrol station burn for an eternity and the water come up out of know where. I felt my back get sure and stop as I repeated above.
Anyway a new guy come in for weed. He was telling me that he was someone in the last life and that number 11 had meaning for something or someone if something happened and he didn't know what it meant or something like the end or beging. Anyway I only picked up on it because the people in the afterlife told me that I was in room 11 after being forced to change rooms. Google 11 number? They said before we were going to kill you but one person picked up on what 11 means? It's spiritual awakening....kill me & if it's not spiritual now it will be after my death that means the end of the universe that my premonition said.......Room 11.
We are subconsciousness now but will be spiritual if I die. If they kill me or my friends you all coming to me "or" lock me up for longtime "like jail or bribed putting me in a mental hospital....Bang spiritual awakening time.
Anyway i felt as if something bad was going to happen after that, so I just reminded about the petrol station and water in room and room 11 and all the rest? I got reliced shortly after they moved me again from room 11.

So I'm God or better known as Sole Creator "probebly" because I'm not up myself lol.

Yes I can do premonitions but Psychics told me I'm "wait for it" that I'm the Sole Creator....read on.

Crazy people's but I am the sole creator = God "yes I know what your thinking" wtf is he on? Sadly nothing good.

I can do premonitisons and things since I was a kid, but as a kid it was more impossible things like one time defining gravity on the gravetron ride. I walked up to guy in middle why ride was spinning and touching the non spinning poles around him telling him to stop...I could walk upto him and hold onto Poles why ride moving, not ripping off my arms or gravity stopping me by force as other were stuck up the side of the walls...I'll never forget the look on his face like he seen a ghost.
I guess it was also knowing things and things before they happened. I have been like this since an teenager prems and now adult can still do them..

When kid me and my sister and mum drove past Ampol service station at Brighton Adelaide 1993 "google it' an said to mum "why driving past" that something had blown up at the petrol station. Mum looked back and said no nothing had blown up....Hours after we said that it actually blow up. An petrol tanker blow up filling up the tanks and tanks caught alight somehow not blowing up underground tanks.
The crazy thing is that the houses across the road melted and the paint was dropping down the houses "but yet" people standing meter away and other people meters away didn't get burnt or die.... Miricle? Nope prem and a force field protected people from explosion and heat.
To add to it me and my sister turned back at same time clamming that, and our names are Kelly & Scott and now the fuel tanker that fills up the storage tanks at that petrol station is called K & S energy... energy never dies and us eternal. K & S Kelly & Scott.
The petrol station is now a Caltex petrol station logo of star/sun God.

Apparently I was set up by a powerful company and the Psychics tell me the Jewish. Subconsciously I can tell when people or Psychics talk to me....it's true.

So they hacked my computer program but once they tried removing some electrons and atom's from my brain "after 6 story fall or first amited to hospital and took 2 tablets that KO me for 14 hours waking Up with numb legs" I believe they tryed to wipe me out. It set off spiritual subconscious that is like an different upload and I can answer people/reply to people before I even hear what the answer or next word is going to be some times. People close to me and trusted it doesn't seem to happen much....them psychics I talk to are also the people trying to wipe me out.

I have backup ideas and checkout what I think my backup spiritual weapon called "google" double slit shot test. Electrons and particles think "yes" think.
Scientist try record the test results with a camera but the electrons think and start going crazy and like split into two like teleporting. I believe it's a coded computer program of mine. We are computers and the Jewish in the afterlife hacked my computer program 100% that can burn your body and as I said above stop you from dying it getting diseases but it's more like it can stop diseases from affecting you but if they reverse what I call frontal lobs mind control, you will get the disease and worse as it doesn't stop it aging but symptoms stop why on mind control.
The Jewish didn't discover my real backup spiritual program called double slit shot test unto not to long ago, and there going to get everything they deserve yes deserve.
Don't you find it strange that the military scientist didn't keep this slit shot test top secret once it come about? Yes after Einstein almost ended the world E=MC square they changed there ways.
They the Jewish are desperately trying to crack slit shot test that has electrons and atom's think and know when people are trying to detect how it works. It thinks. They are telling everyone about it trying desperately to crack it to overthrow me and wipe me out.

I know why after I sent Putin messages why he went into Syria for. He knows all about the afterlife "walks out in public anywhere" without a care in the world. The evil scum are trying to get desperate help to crack my slit shot computer program that thinks. They say to me how can we build a faster computer if it thinks thinks before you or anything thinks "predicts". an computer has to think so it's impossible to catch up/bet it.....do use all smell something burning? I do.

Some prems IV done.

Google CEO death after I sent him a message telling him to stop hidding my emails from sender's or stop delivery of my emails "Gmail" and I said he would die. He died in an rare earthquake climbing shortly after.

Next the 1999 American golfer that died. I seen him boarding the plane and said your going to die as I seen him boarding his plane. He did die on that very same flight in mysterious way, so read the Wikipedia info. They all KO from loss of cabin pressure instantly passing out? Impossible. IV see an huge arliner lose 20+% of its roof and knowone passed out instantly or died without mask diving from something like 35,000ft+? They didn't have time to fly down for min/mins to be at oxygent level? And air mask didn't deploy? So oxygent mask didn't deploy and they KO instantly? Not right at all in everyway. You would need a massive huge decompression in a vacuum to even come close to KOing + the plane had no signs of a huge hole in the plane as it also flyed for 1 hour after they KO on auto pilot. No real big hole as it kept on flying and if memory serves me correctly, another plane flyed next to it and the windows where iced up...The Afterlife can move objects make it cold and freeze & stuff. That plane flying next to it proves it had no holes in it "+" original recordings and not a ligit recording played on a tv screen burnt on a new original disk from recording tv screen....Proven couldn't KO for a start and the Jewish on the Afterlife killed them to try have people turn on me saying I'm killing people... please don't tell me he was Jewish?

Hitler was framed and the Jewish killed themselves.... afterlife Jewish. They claim they all new about "the Jewish being killed" unto I asked questions then they ammited all kids and adults didn't no....many Jewish are pissed off in the afterlife... Apparently I find that one hard to believe.
The CIA claim Hitler was shacking before but that's an proven outright lie as there is mass photage of him months and months and years before lies...photage please because they said they never showed that photage "but they clam" was only in the last month's anyway "+" that footage would have shown up by now because the footage of him with his misses showed up along with him acting like a freak dacing for 3 seconds.
Jewish kill themselves? Yes. Look at Adof Hitler weeks before his death. Lobs and we are a computer program they can burn you and make your organs fail it heal. Hitler got 9 years of Parkinson disease in weeks why? Because they new he was going to take cyanide and wouldn't of died if mind control wavelength signal.Afterlife I'd that i new most things and left them a message this time around. Petrol station fireball that they will be a in it for an eternity.

Double slit shot test means electrons and all are subconscious and think. When they try figure out the pattern and put a camera to read the results, it detects/knows they are doing and muttles up the pattern.... electrons think. It's one of my last weapons that they are telling everyone about and military ant keeping top secret.... trying to crack it don't help them they are so evil and mentally ill. They are trying to over through me the Jewish from what they tell me....they lie and subconsciously I can pick up and know when the lying. I believe they are telling the truth that the Jewish are trying to take over.

After I made premonition that they couldn't kill me or freinds or family or hold me in mental/drug

Yes I can do premonitions but Psychics told me I'm "wait for it" that I'm the Sole Creator....read on.

Crazy people's but I am the sole creator = God "yes I know what your thinking" wtf is he on? Sadly nothing good.

I was in a car crash going 150km/h and we all survived. The girl in the front after I hit the stonby pole at 150km/h hit her head on windscreen bouncing it without getting any head injuries. She and mate in back didn't have seat belts on and she went flying into windscreen at 150km/h to dead stop and didn't get any head injuries at all....Not a miracle something happened. Mate I'n back seat didn't get hurt at all. I had seat belt on and got 6 fractured ribs but was fine and even played on tennis comp grand final game 3 days after crash...we won.

Some prems IV done or things that have happened.

For a start when my grandpa died my watch stopped at 1:13 am and I noticed it stopped and said it happened for a reason to my ex ex girlfriend. About 2 hours after that we got a phone call at 3am and they said grampa had died off a heart attack almost 2 hours ago.
Anyway I was very upset for many hours then out of know where my ex ex girlfriend said "didn't you say your watch stopped for a reason? She is clearly in on it with psychics telling her that "because" my oldest daughter asked her about my watch stooping and she said "I can't remember that far back" sounds beyond suspicious to me....I know she new about it because I remember the way and tone in her voice when she said 3+ hours after "didn't you say your watch stopped for a reason".
My sister was never at mums house awake at 3am. She was there why mum wasn't there let alone up at 3am in the morning. The same thing happened I think with Princess Diana when she died. She was at mums house and awake late rarly happened her being there as she moved out young.

Google CEO death after I sent him a message telling him to stop hidding my emails from sender's or stop delivery of my emails "Gmail" and I said he would die. He died in an rare earthquake claiming shortly after.

Hitler was framed and the Jewish killed themselves.... afterlife Jewish. They claim they all new about "the Jewish being killed" unto I asked questions then they ammited all kids and adults didn't no....many Jewish are pissed off in the afterlife.
The CIA claim Hitler was shacking before but that's an put right proven lie as there is mass photage of him months and months and years before lie...photage please because they said they never showed that photage "but that clam" was only in the last month's anyway "+" that footage would have shown up by now because the footage of him with his misses showed up along with him acting like a freak dacing for 3 seconds.
Jewish kill themselves? Yes. Look at Adof Hitler weeks before his death. Lobs and we are a computer program they can burn you and make your organs fail it heal. Hitler got 9 years of Parkinson disease in weeks why? Because they new he was going to take cyanide and wouldn't of die. I have proven it to the people in the afterlife that Hitler was innocent......The Jewish did it to themselves to try frame me.... After my memory got wipped out on my first life i activated consciousness. They tried to say Hitler did it sub well consciously because of me "but" I proved that too be a lie because Hitler's had got 9 years of Parkinson disease in the finale 3 weeks "because" he was going to take cyanide, on mind control it's wouldn't of killed him.

The Jewish come to power in America as planned and American CIA and congressman are Jewish rigged of course "like" G Bush votes got found in a shed but still counted "unless" they faked that to my tv.... longer story Because consciously I seen the Iraq war disaster and sent in letters that turned that war around...They covered it up and used mind control in me stopping me from telling mass people....I was thinking they covered it up because I walked like I was gay from nerve damage back then "14 years ago" but they didn't they did because they new I was the Soul Creator......I only call my self God when I'm feeling up myself lol.

Oblique weapons fb page has all the coincidence is You could dream off......I can prove I won that war instantly to the world from media but they cover it up and tried to make me looks delusional over strategies not clamming I'm God... Have proof anyway and my mum confirmed to psychitist that I we drove past Ampol petrol station that morning and that I turned back saying something like it had blown up "something" had.

The Jewish have given up and handed power over... aparrntly or once I'm there premonition force. My grandpa is now ment to be in-charge of Afterlife military and my orders to Psychics was to even up all troops and generals to even religious numbers and none religious people.

Watch this video on schizophrenia and delusional disorder then read my wall post and reply......click on link / lady below.

It clearly states things don't add up unlike my Iraq war starategy 50 coincidences like one coincidence having 8 other coincidence in the same coincidence which = proof? Nah 3 ish weeks before GFC Iraqi terrorist hacked drones codes when not even Russia could hack them?The page changes headlines to unencrypted camrea signals 9 years after and only after I used to he link that not even they would know I used it "so" who told them to change the story and headline for? Yeah **** right. That strategy gives every troop instant air support and is massive.

Am I delusional? We'll according to pros if it makes sense and is not all fake or not true then yes I'm not delusional.
Now watch video after reading all this to see if pro says I'm delusnal

Anyone answer the question right now after watching this video....How am I delusional when the video says I'm not because things add up, and do make sense even when looking at what I and Kelly said to mum....it blow up there trying to wipe me out and are putting **** in my forced to take medication that is white liqued then clear another time......I told my worker that it's changing colours and they said it shouldn't be "so" the next thing they changed my meds again back to clear **** and different.......Belinda Talbot please watch video then read my page "even if illiterate poor grammar" you can still understand it.....people have lost the plot on simple things.

If any problems ask me and I'll explain them.... On a page and the Admin us refusing to remove my post "update Adman just did after I posted this link on there" bribed, and as we have people that now follow me on the page, other are implanted "ask anyone" can CIA working with ASIO monitor my internet and pages you go on? Yes and they can even fake your search engine results. Some off them can't reply why things add up but just say mentally ill we should pull the post down but then I just reply answer this this this this this this this but nope, we can't reply once I explain everything as proven oblique weapons Facebook page improving on my post on my wall. Debate it and I win and you will confirm that by not being able to reply after I explain or reply why.

Frontal lobs is mind control and wavelength and yes quantum computer have the same stuff in them as brain does.... Don't mean **** that people claim there biomory because the brain is an prove computer 1,000% as it contains same crap as a quantum computer....anything more in them is more stuff added onto brains ability.

My mum has not even read info like you still haven't even read page one in now 14 years on what I claim? It's changed and now there telling me the truth "noooooo" his Psychic? What do you think mum we / I only called the Ampol petrol station blowing up with your other kid before it even f'en happened but I'm delusional? I remember it like it was yesterday day so why isn't Kelly talking for? You already said yes...... They gave mind control putting forts in your head or making you angry so you don't ever want to try talk about.

Wake up to reality and try reading the dam thing. If something doesn't make sense ask me the CIA are putting errors in my post confusing you more. I'll reply correctly.

We have proof of Psychics and proof that people could prodict....why can't I? You were only driving the car looking back saying no it didn't "try saying that to family members" and see how dumb they think you are....Darrr stupid as.

My mum read a post reply from one of my mates on the page. When I or she called me she said "Jade" even said it's delusional what you claimed about doing the Iraq war strategies"but then I check on on my end, and mine and Jade's end it says makes sense bro "mums end said" it doesn't make sense....I told her that and had ex say to my mum it said makes sense bro "but yet" mum still thinks I'm making up & doesn't know why the dictionary has the word bribed in it for........Editing stuff none stop.......How dumb are you mum and so called family members....Dam mind control does my head in I would have to go on tv or use random people so it takes them time to put you on it.... family members are known and easy to use..... none of them even read more CIA edited post trusting 1 guy a bribed psychiatrist.
mind control makes you dismiss things and gets them angry if I even say sit down and talk about it "look at the proof".

I got a laywer for a hearing but the CIA and ASIO bribed him. He goes to me when I get in there I'll do all the talking, and goes can you say something for me? I said what? He said only say: I can't say anything for the risk of Australian national security. I was like no f***** way am I saying that and new instantly that they bribed him......watch delusional video because I can prove I'm not from this stuff to this stuff.

I could be here all night showing coincidences like headlines on my strategy of 24/7 air support was sabotage by CIA and then headline change 9 years after I used the headline and come out claiming it was hacked "I proved impossible" 9 years after tagging the story and they changed story and headline to unencrypted which is like saying half of the military computers don't have spyware but they decide to leave a half the drones cameras undecrypted so people can see them .how stupid is that there is over 100 coincidences and 7+ coincidence in them getting the spy drone camera footage.....oblique weapons fb page people mass more proof.
That's only some of the things. Let me know what you think.

Subconsciously I have memory but don't.....If I brang it down with me they could of got info out of me....Only what I needed comes to me "like" doing Iraq war strategies watching the news I was thinking made me try turn it around "something's wrong" because I think they planned GFC as I herd it as I call "pop in my head like Psychics hear" say bankrupt your country....it makes sense because of timing of events.
GFC & American drone sabatge.
Iraq war strategies back on late 2006.. Massive turnaround. The psychics in the afterlife say I just sent in the strategies subconsciously how far is watching the news seeing the disaster and wanted to help "but" read up on subconsciously consciously.

So the GFC was dilibretly done. Answer this? How did the debt liquidators buy $5 - $10 trilion dollars of debt to meet banks debts or obligations like 5% pa safe banks interest fund on trillions of dollars and so on? Liquidators couldn't even afford to buy the debts let alone banks afford to pay shareholders? They most surtantly didn't recovery any $2+ trillios of dollars of debt for years before disaster, so why bust in an instant disaster?
How much did they pay them share holders and interest payments in last month or years? Money in bank making interest? New loans where did this money come from? Seems to me that it was impossible or they started printed up fake banknotes? Don't you people have abrain to see proof....Have you asked anyone and questioned about it thinking of replys after they reply? Who am I kidding you haven't even asked one pro how why possible or impossible.
liquidators could not afford to pay or buy 10% of the debt value not even $500 billion dollars of debts that lost mass trillions...busted busted Busted "+" they never recruited there Money?
So bank's meet with / payed interest fund payments and share holders money even when for a year or 2 it was bound to happen?
The bank's lost 75% then 87+% of all income but meet payments? Tripping ask for a reply.
How did the bank's loan money in the last month's? They had none.
Seems to me America is printing up money illegally?

So I won America the Iraqi war in 2007 thinking I just seen the disaster of the war on the news sending in ideas...they the psychics in the after life say they never lined that up but I just sent them letters to turn it around.... subconsciously new or the chances of that is crazy.
So we reached a point where America never planned on winning the Iraq war I said stop using my strategy's? They said ok clearly. 2 weeks after they sabataged my strategy's I said I'll leave Australia if you don't go bankrupt money whys, like I was about to declare bankruptcy...CIA was getting me $8k credit cards why on gov payments.
So the CIA handed the Iraqi terrorist the drone camera codes because my strategy called for troops to only go out on walks for 2 hours having instant air support for 75% of troops+. That means the CIA handed the Iraqi terrorist drone camera codes because all drones have encryption just like all military computers have spyware. So lmao that the CIA called them up and said quick changed the headlines from hacked to unencrypted because it's proof that they had spyware on the drones and that not even Russia could hack them...proof the dumb idiots change the story completely on the page 9 years after story/news post clamined, and only once I used it.
If you check dates you will see it was weeks before GFC. If use take 5 hours out and read all post on my page there is so much proof "like" no **** they did change their story after he used it "and" it does make sense if a deal because 2 weeks after GFC. Your all stating I have the best memory and out this together over 9 years? Wtf are use on it adds up everything does.
After making a page as proof because they broke the deal, the 9 year old page headline changed 9 years on after I used it as proof. It said Iraqi terrorist hacked drones. I stated that it even China or Russia couldn't hack drones, but terrorist in Iraq could it was proof of sabatge. Give me a brake....so as soon as I used the link, they the page changed the story to say that 50% of drones cameras where unencrypted? BS and already mass coicedances in coicedances. Let's not forget that if only 50% of drones failed, why didn't they Finnish off that war or Afghanistan? They could win both wars by making my Iraq full proof i'd cards, then using drones to cover 30% of Iraqi troops "because" 3 fly's a day when they can do 12 makes it a 90% chance a encrypted drone is overhead ready to strike have any second order that I given?
Are use stunned at how smart am?
So Afghanistan patrols would use the drones wiping them out. If they have I'd cards and troops go house to house, they could kill them off out of areas lock up everyone not allowed in that area or without an I'd card. They dilibretly left this world in a disaster to try help frame me scumbags. All they had to do was code them drones so story never should if aired....tell me one story they confess that without being Busted?

So I did the Iraq war strategies in 2006 subconsciously knowing I come down to make the world a better place.
Subconsciously I did not know who I was and they did not tell me who I was until I moved into the house next to the petrol station I premonitioned with my sister and mum whenI I was 14 years old. To read about that go to my FB page oblique weapons or FB open profile /ryanscott0123

Let me know what you think?
Bro huge reply.

1. Why when you asked them did they tell you about afterlife or that your God.

Why? Because the Jewish tried to take over and have for 200 years ish.
Why 200 years because they fort they found a loophole if just reborning me none stop because we are uploaded and download..... I'm very smart and before I come down I set off consciousness and I new they could just upload me and download me none stop, so subconsciously I did premonitions to let them know that I could only be born free times and the house that I lived at the petrol station next to the petrol station numbers is 321. 321 is 3 lives they claim as do I and I have used reverse psychology on them a lot and it could be the other way around 1 2 3 lives bang spiritual awakening.
this world/unevirse they/us in the human body's/ brain is an computer. Quantum computers have electrons and atom's as does the brain. An wavelength hits the hidden frontal lobs and you are down and uploaded none stop unto you die.... wake up signal stops.

Why did they tell me that I'm God?

Because of multiple reasons. 1 They told me about Petrol station I premonitioned when 14 claming it was me telling them what I would do to them if they didn't stop doing deranged things to mean... I'll leave that at that.
They also told me I was God because they needed me to have self belief they claim. I have no self belief for a consciousness or spiritual reason they won't tell me but it has something to do with taking away my premonitions powers I think..... Can't self believe for long time.
Why I lived in that house they asked me to do a premonition. Stupid me at the time "under ether my computer program that can act as mind control "burn your chest" must heat electrons up" and put a knife to your throght "yes" they did that to me under mind control like Freddy's nightmare on Elmo's street...I shLt you not. It can stop you from dying of cancer or making it spread, but for some reason can't stop the aging of Parkinson but stop the symptom why on what I call mind control...Once you come off mind control the symptoms hit you "or" I was or they wanted Adolf Hitler to look like a chicken shot....They did it to them Feb selfs to get support clamming my subconsciousness consciousness made Hitler do the holocaust I was framed from the start, so was Hitler they did it to themselves 1000%. They need to win full support because in the afterlife your brain and you can't be put in pain.
They gave me an op and claim they cut something out my brain, that has triggered full scale consciousness as if it's a spiritual upload and I never told them we are spiritual.....They tried to wipe me out when I come down here.

Well what are people Thinking.

It depends because the CIA and ASIO are holding me hostage in Adelaide forsay....Mind control is used on my mum and she hasn't even looked at one bit off proof. She gets angry instantly when I try talk about it and mind control on me, makes me talk in a stupid way...My house mate and some mates know I'm 100% telling the truth "but" my what I call basic computer program that they hacked was made to do everything...I mean I never Burt anyone but just put it in place Incase. So they ether implant people on pages like this saying mentally ill delusional band him band him, because they think subconscious and consciousness is computer program and they still got time to Hacked it, because they think I will put them in pain for an eternity, for what they've done to me. Other then that mind control stops them and they bried the CIA fake media because all tv stations didn't even return contact me after I just claimed I did the Iraq war strategies, with like 50 coincidences and me having proof of doing a strategy before they told the public/air it on tv like they deliberately did to try and make it to try cover it up by people thinking well it was all on TV first war and history with mass strategies told to the public. The problem is that video was made before it aired on tv and the blody bribe psychiatrist just said it was a coincidence to my mother who is undermine the troll and thick as bricks even after knowing I turn it back at the petrol station saying it blew up with my sister and it didn't to later on that night..it must be my control all the way. You going to tell all your mates and start protest with me out the front of sunrise morning show with the windows open for all too see bro? I got signs made up but it's like people lol and that was over subconsciously must have been doing the Iraq war strategies I seen it on the news as a disaster her and just sent them letters and turn it around but the CIA deliberately lost the war they didn't want me to look like a hero winning the war the framing me.
In last life they ripped out my spinal cord that they so called claim is memory storage.....I call BS but can't answer that... Subconsciously sometimes I can actually tell by their voice even if they talk normal and slow but sometimes I wouldn't have a clue.
Consciously I block things out because they could get info out of me like how to beat it or get around it or ideas that may get me killed and other people, so subconsciously I can early consciously let myself know certain things.

Things in my life would trip you out.

I seen the American golfer that died on a plane bording his plane and he died after I said your going to die 100% when 17 ish years old...He died in away that proves something crazy happened. I believe the CIA and Afterlife people framed me to try give me self belief I just figured it out thanks for that. I was thinking I killed him but the Wikipedia said something wasn't right at all. They all just KO instantly passing out. Nope mind control wavelength killed them.
They couldn't KO from a hole in the plane like they said Oxygen leak in plane and they all passed out...BS because the plane kept on flying for one hour and another plane if I recall flyed next to it and there was no hole but windows iced up. IV seen a 737 plane lose half its room at 25,009+ft and not one person KO or died... Miracle. So they KO no visible hole in plane and didn't dive to air level and air mask didn't deploy. Not even in a vacuum would you KO if the plane list cabin pressure slowly let alone fast. Wikipedia said most of the above 100% and the media and public would come forward "real people" and say I remember that if the CIA try hide the evidence and report. They did the same thing when I turned around the Iraq war in 2007 thinking I just watched the news back then and fort I could do strategies here. Point is they handed the Iraqi terrorist the drone camrea codes to sabatag my strategies or instant air support over the troops heads 24 7. The media back in 08 clamed they hacked the drone codes. After they started doing things to me in 2013 ish I made a page and come out showing proof that I did strategies and that they sabataged it and did the GFC to make me look delusional clamming it "but" after I used the media 2008 report about them hacking the drone codes, they then changed the headlines from nit hacked to unencrypted and changed the story after I said not even Russia could let alone Iraqi terrorist. The GFC happened 3 weeks after the Iraqi terrorist got the drone camera codes too.
The banks couldn't of meet banks cost, safe interest fund payments to the customers if they started losing mass income let alone all income. The didn't have trillions of dollars to buy bad debts like what heppens. The didn't have $500 billion free from $10 trillion debt? They did the GFC to try give me belief and to make me look nuts if I come out claming they sabataged it when I said I'd leave the country if they didn't... probebly needed my brain to try wipe me out.

Bro phone is flat and am 15 min from home. Will reply to rest in 39 ish min... peace.
Wow huge reply and list of questions.

1. Why when you asked them did they tell you about afterlife or that your God.

Why? Because the Jewish tried to take over and have for 200 years ish.
Why 200 years because they fort they found a loophole of just reborning me none stop because we are uploaded and download..... I'm very smart and before I come down I set off consciousness and I new they could just upload me and download me none stop, so subconsciously I did premonitions to let them know that I could only be born free times and the house that I lived at the petrol station next to the petrol station numbers is 321. 321 is 3 lives they claim. I have used reverse psychology on them a lot and it could be the other way around 1 2 3 lives bang spiritual awakening.
This world/unevirse they/us in the human body's/ brain is an computer. Quantum computers have electrons and atom's as does the brain. An wavelength hits the hidden frontal lobs and you are down and uploaded none stop unto you die.... wake up signal stops.

Why did they tell me that I'm God?

Because of multiple reasons. 1 They told me about Petrol station I premonitioned when 14 claming it was me telling them what I would do to them if they didn't stop doing things to me.
They also told me I was God because they needed me to have self belief they claim. I have no self belief for a consciousness or spiritual reason they won't tell me but it has something to do with taking away my premonitions powers I think..... Can't self believe for long time or at all.
Why I lived in that house they asked me to do a premonition. Stupid me at the time did on and said it would be in the outskirts of NZ....It come true the volcano.
my computer program that can act as mind control "burn your chest" must heat electrons up" and put a knife to your throght "yes" they did that to me under mind control like Freddy's nightmare on Elmo's street...I kid you not. It can stop you from dying of cancer or making it spread, but for some reason can't stop the aging of Parkinson but stop the symptom why on what I call mind control...Once you come off mind control the symptoms hit you "or" they wanted Adolf Hitler to look like a chicken...They did it to them Frame me and did the holocaust to them selfs to get support clamming my subconsciousness consciousness made Hitler do the holocaust....I was framed from the start, so was Hitler they did it to themselves 1000%. They need to win full support because in the afterlife your brain and you can't be put in pain as the brain in the afterlife doesn't have charges I take it.
They gave me an op and claim they cut something out my brain after my building fall, that has triggered full scale consciousness as if it's a spiritual upload and I never told them we are spiritual.....They tried to wipe me out when I come down here.

Well what are people Thinking.

It depends because the CIA and ASIO are holding me hostage in Adelaide forsay....Mind control is used on my mum and she hasn't even looked at one bit off proof. She gets angry instantly when I try talk about it and mind control on me, makes me talk in a stupid way...My house mate and some mates know I'm 100% telling the truth "but" my what I call basic computer program that they hacked was made to do everything...I mean I never Burt anyone but just put it in place Incase. So they ether implant people on pages like this saying mentally ill delusional band him band him, because they think subconscious and consciousness is computer program and they still got time to Hacked it, because they think I will put them in pain for an eternity, for what they've done to me. Other then that mind control stops them and they bried the CIA fake media because all tv stations didn't even return contact me after I just claimed I did the Iraq war strategies, with like 50 coincidences and me having proof of doing a strategy before they told the public/air it on tv like they deliberately did Trying to cover it up by people thinking "well the strategies was all on TV" first war and history with mass strategies told to the public.
The problem is that video was made before it aired on tv and the blody bribe psychiatrist just said it was a coincidence to my mother/me who is under mind control, even after knowing I turn it back at the petrol station saying it blew up with my sister and it didn't to later on that night..it must be mind control all the way.
You going to tell all your mates and start protest with me out the front of sunrise morning show with the windows open for all too see bro? I got signs made up but it's like some people lol. subconsciously I must have done the Iraq war strategies.I seen the war on the news as a disaster and just sent them letters and turn it around, but the CIA deliberately lost the war they didn't want me to look like a hero winning the war but turned that war right around.
In last life they ripped out my spinal cord that they so called claim is memory storage.....I call BS but can't answer that... Subconsciously sometimes I can actually tell by their voice even if they talk normal and slow but sometimes I wouldn't have a clue.
Consciously I block things out because they could get info out of me like how to beat it or get around it or ideas that may get me killed and other people, so subconsciously I can only consciously let myself know certain things.

Things in my life would trip you out.

I seen the American golfer that died on a plane bording his plane and he died after I said your going to die 100% when 17 ish years old...He died in away that proves something crazy happened. I believe the CIA and Afterlife people framed me to try give me self belief I just figured it out thanks for that. I was thinking I killed him but the Wikipedia said something wasn't right at all. They all just KO instantly passing out. Nope mind control wavelength killed them.
They couldn't KO from a hole in the plane like they said Oxygen leak in plane and they all passed out...BS because the plane kept on flying for one hour and another plane if I recall flyed next to it and there was no hole but windows iced up. IV seen a 737 plane lose half its room at 25,009+ft and not one person KO or died. So they KO no visible hole in plane and didn't dive to air level and air mask didn't deploy. Not even in a vacuum would you KO if the plane lost cabin pressure slowly let alone fast. Wikipedia said most of the above 100% and the media and public would come forward "real people" and say I remember that if the CIA try hide the evidence and report. They did the same thing when I turned around the Iraq war in 2007 thinking I just watched the news back then and fort I could do strategies here. Point is they handed the Iraqi terrorist the drone camrea codes to sabatag my strategies of instant air support over the troops heads 24 7. The media back in 08 clamed they hacked the Iraqi terrorist hacked the drone codes.
After they started doing things to me in 2013 ish I made a page and come out showing proof that I did strategies and that they sabataged it and did the GFC to make me look delusional and for self belief by me clamming it GFC "but" after I used the media 2008 report in 2014 ish+ about them hacking the drone codes, they then changed the headlines from hacked to unencrypted and changed the story after I said not even Russia could hack them let alone Iraqi terrorist. The GFC happened 3 weeks after the Iraqi terrorist got the drone camera codes too.
The banks couldn't of meet banks cost, safe interest fund payments to the customers if they started losing mass income let alone all income. The didn't have trillions of dollars to buy bad debts like what heppens. The didn't have $500 billion free from $10 trillion debt? So how did they meet payments?
They did the GFC to try give me belief and to make me look nuts if I come out claming they sabataged it when I said I'd leave the country if they didn't because I was thinking I had to go bankrupt at the time... probebly needed my brain to try wipe me out.... didn't want me to leave the country.

Bro phone is flat and am 15 min from home. Will reply to rest in 39 ish min... peace.

Looking back respectively what should have your mum done?

I don't know because we tripped out and just ignored it like wtf time goes on and you forget about it.

Why does at star represent an god.?

Many God's are sun/star God's. I even believe the movie Troy had / were using sun God's?

I come down and sent them a message because I new they didn't want me to be known as a God.
I born myself in the city of churches Adelaide, and gave my self premonitions just to say I'm a God or every God in one "as" Jesus Christ was said to be able to do premonitions so I've kinda done allowed to and proven I can.... I'm a God.

How exactly does one born themselves?

Easy we are uploaded and download from hidden receptors called the hidden frontal lobs. I come down to live life or new something was wrong come down to set off consciousness or spiritual awakening on standby. They never new about consciousness or spiritual....There in shock.

Where are these photos you speak off?

I left a comment with a link to my FB profile as this page ant letting me add/leave photos.

What and who are they...Who ignited the fire?

The report had no idea what started but but could only suggest it ignited by a phone signal......Not even that many phones back in 1993 I don't think.....Not in Australia anyways.... maybe 1998+ up.

If I refure to they it's CIA working with ASIO or the Jewish in the afterlife.

What or who is your message for?

It's for the Jewish and CIA / ASIO to stop doing what there doing or There going to be punnuished beyond belief.

Yes they movies me into the petrol station?

I believe they didn't but me and my ex moved in there conconcinusly... They told me about petrol station premonition months after I moved in there clamming they only just put it together that that was the very same petrol station as the one I premonition two of my sister in 1993.
I believe they didn't pre set it up but consciously we move in there. I believe them with that one because in other life they must have done messed up things to me because they keep saying "once you find out what we did to you" your going to torture us for an eternity....I keep saying I'm not going to torture you for an eternity if your mentally ill or stop doing what your doing.

Chucked you off a building?

Like being hipnotised they can control you from wavelength signal to hidden frontal lobs.
I told them after they started burning me that the universe will end, and that they can even chuck me off a building and I'll survive it 100%....I did survive it easy but broken bones because I woke up in MRI mechine and felt sore bones us but. Head why's 100% ok and never had any head injuries. They make it sound like I landed on my head and survived.... beyond a miracle. They put me into a comor so my family members wouldn't think I survived it with easy. When I woke up I was a mess... Mind control did it to me and if I only had broke bones "why" did I need people to out melted ice in my mouth to drink? A mess when I wasn't before and no head injuries why the freck was I put into a injused coma for?
Did pelvis, wrist, and shoulder from a out 7 ish flat size story's.....Not bad a?

Why did I create...Why would I want to burn them for?

I don't want to burn them they need to go to a prison in the Afterlife for 1,000 years. If they force me to end unevirse it's out of my hands eternity punnishment.

I never asked the workers questions because they could hurt them and I only said, did you hear about this petrol station blowing up? They said yes there are all photos in the back off it.
The nevery next day that girls I said that to had like jellyfish stings all over her arm....I just shut up.

If they touch anyone with they can't but threat people to try get there way, you can do as you please to them and be super rich....Just saying lol.
Belindi wrote: September 27th, 2020, 3:38 am Soul Creator, you have well shown how concision and clarity can spare the use of the scrolling button. I add that unless some contributor is either very famous, or alternatively an entertaining writer, few will read him if his post is very long.
If I post photo of the brain it gets more likes and had one guy crying because he couldn't believe there was an afterlife God and so on.

How was your read on it? Very long isn't it.
Belindi: “While the transmitter does not want to patronise, it's impolite and impolitic to be high falutin'.

Yes that can be true. But the irony is that “high falutin” is itself a high-falutin academic-sounding word which is needed to label pretentiousness :D.Sometimes precise language can help you to be creative and objective as seen in the Rumpelstiltskin principle:

“It becomes clear with some examples that words not only express or refer to things, but that they also produce things. Declaring two people to be husband and wife in fact makes them partners... That radical dependency on names is expressed in the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale, at least that is a possible interpretation. If she cannot guess the name, the girl, in the meantime queen, will lose her baby. No wonder, according to Elias, that this theme of guessing names is so popular in legends, fairy tales and riddles.”
https://www.sjaakvandergeest.socsci.uva ... elskin.pdf

Even the way the English language structures its sentences appears to be relatively easy compared to other languages. Therefore it might be a tiny bit easier to be complacent through brevity or imprecision.

“Languages with gender distinction generally have fewer cases of ambiguity concerning, for example, pronominal reference. In the English phrase "a flowerbed in the garden which I maintain" only context tells us whether the relative clause (which I maintain) refers to the whole garden or just the flowerbed. In German, gender distinction prevents such ambiguity.”
Alden S. Wood, columnist on language and English usage wrote:Compensation and remuneration say nothing that pay does not say better. Gift is more to the point than donation. Room will beat accommodation every time, as try will defeat endeavor. On the other hand, interface, parameter, viable, finalize and prioritize are typical of the voguish words that mask, rather than reveal, what it is we want to say.
Michael McMahon wrote: November 5th, 2020, 10:47 am Belindi: “While the transmitter does not want to patronise, it's impolite and impolitic to be high falutin'.

Yes that can be true. But the irony is that “high falutin” is itself a high-falutin academic-sounding word which is needed to label pretentiousness :D.Sometimes precise language can help you to be creative and objective as seen in the Rumpelstiltskin principle:

“It becomes clear with some examples that words not only express or refer to things, but that they also produce things. Declaring two people to be husband and wife in fact makes them partners... That radical dependency on names is expressed in the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale, at least that is a possible interpretation. If she cannot guess the name, the girl, in the meantime queen, will lose her baby. No wonder, according to Elias, that this theme of guessing names is so popular in legends, fairy tales and riddles.”
https://www.sjaakvandergeest.socsci.uva ... elskin.pdf

Even the way the English language structures its sentences appears to be relatively easy compared to other languages. Therefore it might be a tiny bit easier to be complacent through brevity or imprecision.

“Languages with gender distinction generally have fewer cases of ambiguity concerning, for example, pronominal reference. In the English phrase "a flowerbed in the garden which I maintain" only context tells us whether the relative clause (which I maintain) refers to the whole garden or just the flowerbed. In German, gender distinction prevents such ambiguity.”
Sorry for not replying sooner I just read your message a minute ago.I agree with you. If I had prefaced mine that you replied to with "Warning. The following is meta-language!" would that have neutralised the posh connotation?

I think it would have done so, because jargons are explicit and so are independent of the subtle connotations of everyday language.
Soul Creator wrote: September 29th, 2020, 6:30 am
Belindi wrote: September 27th, 2020, 3:38 am Soul Creator, you have well shown how concision and clarity can spare the use of the scrolling button. I add that unless some contributor is either very famous, or alternatively an entertaining writer, few will read him if his post is very long.
If I post photo of the brain it gets more likes and had one guy crying because he couldn't believe there was an afterlife God and so on.

How was your read on it? Very long isn't it.
It is true a picture can say a thousand words.

I'd like to know if the guy in your story became a happy Pagan or a peaceful Pantheist.
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by Paul Kiritsis
January 2025

2024 Philosophy Books of the Month

Connecting the Dots: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science

Connecting the Dots: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science
by Lia Russ
December 2024

The Advent of Time: A Solution to the Problem of Evil...

The Advent of Time: A Solution to the Problem of Evil...
by Indignus Servus
November 2024

Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age

Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age
by Elliott B. Martin, Jr.
October 2024

Zen and the Art of Writing

Zen and the Art of Writing
by Ray Hodgson
September 2024

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?
by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano
August 2024

Launchpad Republic: America's Entrepreneurial Edge and Why It Matters

Launchpad Republic: America's Entrepreneurial Edge and Why It Matters
by Howard Wolk
July 2024

Quest: Finding Freddie: Reflections from the Other Side

Quest: Finding Freddie: Reflections from the Other Side
by Thomas Richard Spradlin
June 2024

Neither Safe Nor Effective

Neither Safe Nor Effective
by Dr. Colleen Huber
May 2024

Now or Never

Now or Never
by Mary Wasche
April 2024


by Marcus Aurelius
March 2024

Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant's Eyes

Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant's Eyes
by Ali Master
February 2024

The In-Between: Life in the Micro

The In-Between: Life in the Micro
by Christian Espinosa
January 2024

2023 Philosophy Books of the Month

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise
by John K Danenbarger
January 2023

Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless: Wisdom Behind the Incomparable Chicken Soup for the Soul

Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless: Wisdom Behind the Incomparable Chicken Soup for the Soul
by Mitzi Perdue
February 2023

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness
by Chet Shupe
March 2023

The Unfakeable Code®

The Unfakeable Code®
by Tony Jeton Selimi
April 2023

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
by Alan Watts
May 2023

Killing Abel

Killing Abel
by Michael Tieman
June 2023

Reconfigurement: Reconfiguring Your Life at Any Stage and Planning Ahead

Reconfigurement: Reconfiguring Your Life at Any Stage and Planning Ahead
by E. Alan Fleischauer
July 2023

First Survivor: The Impossible Childhood Cancer Breakthrough

First Survivor: The Impossible Childhood Cancer Breakthrough
by Mark Unger
August 2023

Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational
by Dan Ariely
September 2023


by Beatriz M. Robles
November 2023

Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope

Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope
by Dr. Randy Ross
December 2023

2022 Philosophy Books of the Month

Emotional Intelligence At Work

Emotional Intelligence At Work
by Richard M Contino & Penelope J Holt
January 2022

Free Will, Do You Have It?

Free Will, Do You Have It?
by Albertus Kral
February 2022

My Enemy in Vietnam

My Enemy in Vietnam
by Billy Springer
March 2022

2X2 on the Ark

2X2 on the Ark
by Mary J Giuffra, PhD
April 2022

The Maestro Monologue

The Maestro Monologue
by Rob White
May 2022

What Makes America Great

What Makes America Great
by Bob Dowell
June 2022

The Truth Is Beyond Belief!

The Truth Is Beyond Belief!
by Jerry Durr
July 2022

Living in Color

Living in Color
by Mike Murphy
August 2022 (tentative)

The Not So Great American Novel

The Not So Great American Novel
by James E Doucette
September 2022

Mary Jane Whiteley Coggeshall, Hicksite Quaker, Iowa/National Suffragette And Her Speeches

Mary Jane Whiteley Coggeshall, Hicksite Quaker, Iowa/National Suffragette And Her Speeches
by John N. (Jake) Ferris
October 2022

In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
November 2022

The Smartest Person in the Room: The Root Cause and New Solution for Cybersecurity

The Smartest Person in the Room
by Christian Espinosa
December 2022

2021 Philosophy Books of the Month

The Biblical Clock: The Untold Secrets Linking the Universe and Humanity with God's Plan

The Biblical Clock
by Daniel Friedmann
March 2021

Wilderness Cry: A Scientific and Philosophical Approach to Understanding God and the Universe

Wilderness Cry
by Dr. Hilary L Hunt M.D.
April 2021

Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute: Tools To Spark Your Dream And Ignite Your Follow-Through

Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
May 2021

Surviving the Business of Healthcare: Knowledge is Power

Surviving the Business of Healthcare
by Barbara Galutia Regis M.S. PA-C
June 2021

Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure

Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
July 2021

Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream

Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
August 2021

If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts

If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts
by Mark L. Wdowiak
September 2021

The Preppers Medical Handbook

The Preppers Medical Handbook
by Dr. William W Forgey M.D.
October 2021

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress: A Practical Guide

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress
by Dr. Gustavo Kinrys, MD
November 2021

Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir

Dream For Peace
by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah
December 2021

Emergence can't do that!!

Yes, my examples of snow flakes etc. are of "[…]

During the Cold War eastern and western nations we[…]

Personal responsibility

Social and moral responsibility. From your words[…]


Moreover, universal claims aren’t just unsuppor[…]