Belindi wrote: ↑November 27th, 2023, 1:32 pm
Sy Borg wrote: ↑November 26th, 2023, 4:18 pm
Belindi wrote: ↑November 26th, 2023, 3:24 pm
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑November 26th, 2023, 1:16 pm
Interesting perspective. I tend to think of Left and Right as part of the balance between the community and the individual. The Left lean toward the community, while the Right lean toward the individual. And as we know well, those who move toward the extremes, in either direction, end up advocating inappropriate paths for unjustifiable reasons. Extremists actually reach an understanding that the community/individual should be opposed, or even suppressed. This is a slippery slope toward doom, I feel. I'm sure most of us do too.
Given that a human person's main motivation is his or her own power, I think that classes of persons are bound together for mutual aid within their class. Thus the Right are supporters of the moneyed and landed class while the Left are supporters of all sentient beings including the most powerful class of men.
Perhaps then we can think of sociopaths as individuals who don't identify with either class.
I used to believe that but, alas, it is nonsense. Good guys and bad guys. Cowboys and Indians. The selfish and the kind.
I look at what the ANC did to South Africa since apartheid (I strongly advocated dismantling apartheid like almost everyone else). Or how about Venezuela, who were ruined by short-termist left-wing policies? Or Argentina under Peronist policies? Even in Australia, there has been a real problem with rents becoming unaffordable for people earning an average wage. So our "compassionate" government let in half a million migrants and middle class people are now needing help from charities to feed their families, with ever more locals being forced into homelessness.
Self-preservation has to come first. Then one may give with what can be spared, if one chooses. If you have nothing, you have nothing to give. Left and right are yin and yang, complementary in terms of society - the tensions and conflicts of interests as individuals within a group.
However, left and right in no way represent the good/evil polarity or kind/selfish. Perhaps the moderate/extreme polarity would be closer to good and evil? Think of the horrors inflicted by extremism - religions and ideologies. Ruthless authoritarians have come from both the left and the right.
True, my potted theory that I wrote is Christiany , a socialist theory of morality, which sans rewards after death, is a pessimistic theory. The extremely philanthropic behaviour of medics ,working in Gaza hospitals until death ,stops me endorsing that extremism is bad and only median behaviour is right. Such people are modern day Christs who demonstrate what human nature is capable of. Taoism belongs properly to oppressed people who have no choices and must submit, and I understand Taoism began during a period of interminable warring
The ANC began as Left wing with Mandela and over the course of years it became corrupt.This was not a Right wing coup but cultural evolution; which to my mind shows how any nation may become corrupted unless people are strong to defy corrruption.
In the end, the modern day "Christs" will do a small amount of good but it's the inventors and innovators who will do far more to reduce suffering and always have done, eg. invention of general anaesthetic. In the future, innovations in clean energy, means of gathering fresh water, land rejuvenation and food synthesis will do more to create a better Earth than a hundred thousand such "christs".
Just as the freedom of black people in South Africa turned out to be a disaster rather than the triumph so many of us were expecting, it turned out that Mother Teresa was not the saint we imagined.
Though Mother Teresa’s medical centers were meant to heal people, her patients were often subjected to conditions that made them even sicker. In the same documentary, an Indian journalist compared Mother Teresa’s flagship location for “Missionaries of Charity” to photographs that he had seen of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Nazi Germany.
“Workers washed needles under tap water and then reused them. Medicine and other vital items were stored for months on end, expiring and still applied sporadically to patients,” said Hemley Gonzalez, a noted humanitarian who briefly volunteered at Missionaries of Charity.
Gonzalez continued, “Volunteers with little or no training carried out dangerous work on patients with highly contagious cases of tuberculosis and other life-threatening illnesses. The individuals who operated the charity refused to accept and implement medical equipment and machinery that would have safely automated processes and saved lives.”
It wasn’t just volunteers who criticized Mother Teresa’s treatment of patients, either. In her hospice care centers, Mother Teresa practiced her belief that patients only needed to feel wanted and die at peace with God —
I should be miserable. Almost everything I ever believed turned out to be wrong and - worse! - my conservative father turned out to be right in our many disagreements far more than I would have liked
We - the people - have been lied to and manipulated enormously. Even more so, we have been been fed much information that was considered to be right at the time but has since been disproved.
But I'm more curious than miserable. Given that surface information is unreliable, I'm now just trying to look for deeper undercurrents. What we are talking about in this thread, and many others, is just the ever-changing froth on top of the waves of life.
That's why I talk about the Earth so often. When I consider what has happened in the last four billion years, I see a lot more manipulation by the environment and circumstance than I see action based on values. The only consistent value is the survival of self and kin. In extended societies, "self and kin" can extend beyond immediate family, hence the "christs" tending injured people in war zones ... funny that you never hear about such acts in Ukraine, although they must surely be happening, but Ukraine's publicity machine is clearly less effective than that of Hamas. No one is marching for Ukraine. The disparity makes no sense, but the chaotic froth on a wave also makes no sense.
Even when we consider wartime charity, it's still only applying to other human beings. We worry about "genocide" when actual extinctions are happening all the time. What are the "saints" doing about it? Saving the Oppressor so they may oppress some more when they recover. Every saint is someone else's sinner. Such is life in the ouroboros.