PAGE 75 has raised some wonder in me in terms of the below:
. "A conscious person will typically share that instinctive empathy for certain things or creatures, even if the empathizer does not believe the things or creatures with which it empathizes are conscious.
For example, when reading a fictional story, the readers may find themselves empathizing with a fictional character. Some may even cry tears of genuine sadness about some nasty thing that fictionally happened to the fictional character, despite knowing it's fictional and lacking in true consciousness. That instinctive empathy, of which even a philosophical zombie is capable, is very different from the special extra empathy that results from true conscious love, from empathizing specifically with the consciousness of a creature or in other words the conscious experience of the creature, not just the physical creature itself."
I find the example you use here very interesting simply because I experience fiction to be a means of exposing/ delving into conscious reality serving as a time portal ( Newtonian time being part of a range of possibilities).
Our human imagination I believe contains secrets that reflect the truths of who we are ( shadows / light /combination), like a code that is deciphered through our artistic( in this context, written /cinematic) expression. I refer to JRR Tolkien and also Peter Jackson as both their respective constructs of fantasy ( Lord of the Rings Trilogy)are embedded partly from inherent reflections combined with their respective external stimulus through their unique life journey. Tolkien’s fantasy and Jackson’s cinematic expressions of such, connects people from all walks of life, delving deeply into universal truths for minds that are ready to explore such. Take for instance the character Gollum in LOTR we empathize with this character, although fictional, this character engages our minds and senses, allowing us to reflect on our inherent characteristics that relate to Gollum. Gollum represents a battle of light and dark within, which tends to be a reality for most of us in real-time. The same can be said for most characters in this plot. We either identify with our ego or True consciousness through such “fictional” creations and explore our conscious truths through their fictional shells ( either as their creator/ reader /viewer).