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Humans-Only Club for Discussion & Debate

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Discuss philosophical questions regarding theism (and atheism), and discuss religion as it relates to philosophy. This includes any philosophical discussions that happen to be about god, gods, or a 'higher power' or the belief of them. This also generally includes philosophical topics about organized or ritualistic mysticism or about organized, common or ritualistic beliefs in the existence of supernatural phenomenon.
Testosterone brains have failed.

How do you get estrogen minds to rise up?

How do you make people care enough to get behind one person and give him or her power?

Without a hero, Gaia, our eco system in total, and her protection of human like, will end.

If estrogen cannot convince testosterone to do it's ultimate duty to humanity, protect women and children, the future, then all will pay the price.

That is a hard task, when the mainstream god religions preach homophobia and misogyny.

I mostly get laughed at when I say I would bring the Law of the Sea to land.

I hear it as f--- women and children, from way too many men.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that close to 50% of U.S. households are (maned), by single women?

Men have forgotten their duty and raison daitre.

Testosterone, duty forgotten.

Estrogen forgot to teach duty and honor.


@Greatest I am

I am not sure that it is completely a matter of a battle between testosterone and oestrogen going on in the world but it may be part of it. I think that it may be more about the nature of the way power corrupts. It would be interesting to know how different the world would be if it were run by women and there is the possibility that there was a time when people believed in goddesses prior to gods or one one God. We have seen how there was so much misogyny in religious and other aspects of culture. However, in the last hundred years there has been so much progress in addressing power imbalances in overcoming sexism, racism, homophobia and other aspects of difference.

Relating this to issue of Gaia and nature, I believe that the exploitation and attempt to control nature has been a major aspect. In, 'Answer to Job', in which Jung presents his own portrayal of the problem of evil and the shadow, Jung emphasise the need for people, especially men, to establish contact with the feminine principles in the psyche as a way of avoiding to succumb to the shadow aspect of human consciousness, especially evident in the threat of devastation through nuclear warfare. He points especially to the feminine aspect, as Sophia, representing Wisdom. Jung was writing over 50 years ago, but perhaps his message is more essential currently with the escalating ecological threats and the immensity of great conflict in many parts of the world.
Deriving the Narrative of the Cosmos

We’re already in touch with the unknown,
For that’s ever the reach of science shown.
Reality is grasped by focusing
On what interacts with what and the means.

There is a realm of happenings, not things,
For ‘things’ don’t remain the same on time’s wings.
What remains through time are processes—
Relations between different systems.

Quantum fields are the fundamental strokes
Whose excitations at harmonics cloaks
The quanta with the stability
To persist and thus obtain mobility.

The elementary particles beget,
As letters of the cosmic alphabet,
And combine in words to write the story
Of the stars, atoms, cells, and life’s glory.

In relation to the thinking in your poem, I think that the esoteric writers explore the hidden connections between systems. The esoteric writers often go a stage deeper, in my view, not necessarily with a view to another level of reality beyond the world, but of seeing below the surface, looking at the roots of causality and patterns which emerge. This is expressed in Jung's idea of synchronicity, which is about meaningful coincidences, which have often been associated with magic, but may be about underlying patterns ultimately.

I think that there is essential mystery behind the atoms, and the course and paths they follow. Why does one state or condition come into being? What is behind it? Does it stem from mind or matter? In some ways, our search is for explanations and that is the human quest, but it is hard to know the purpose behind the patterns which emerge. We may read our own interpretations and develop grand design into it all, but that is our own construction of meaning and it is hard to know if it is based on any ultimate reality.
JackDaydream wrote: September 18th, 2021, 6:54 pm I think that there is essential mystery behind the atoms, and the course and paths they follow.
The light atomic elements were prime,
And the stars made more, on up through iron,
And the rest were from collisions/novae;
What concealed purpose could they contain?
JackDaydream wrote: September 19th, 2021, 1:43 pm The fundamental question may what purpose is behind it all, if any, but there does appear to be an inherent source of creativity amidst a background of chaos, as a demiuge, as expressed by some Gnostic thinkers.
How can we have the 'creativity' without having to shift the burden of even more explaining (called begging the question) to something higher?

Seems like the multiverse is the only answer.
JackDaydream wrote: September 19th, 2021, 1:43 pm demiuge
The Amazing TOE of the Ancients has Been Found

I Am the Living Solar System
Of Planets and Salty Chemicals

I have been proved to be the spectacular and magnificent Splendor from the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Earth and the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, plus a few asteroids and hemorrhoids. This took many years.

The Sun (Leo) is my bright heart shining and beating life into my body, its contagion of radiant reverberations felt everywhere, within and without—a thousand radioactive emotions of hydrogen bombs pulsing away every second, not to mention the spinal cable TV network that reaches out to all the sit-com boobs as their boob tube, and the very thymus of our ultimate Thyness, as well as the cell phone salt magnesium phosphate. This is found from the edge of ancient prehistory right up through all recorded historical documents and beyond.

My lungs and nerve system of my entire thoracic region including my arms and hands and the cell salt potassium chloride are of the smokeless clouds of Mercury (Gemini). Smokers are from Venus.

Mercury (when in Virgo) is my tiny spinning and barren brain, the remaining very nervous system of old and the cell salt, potassium sulphate. We know this from sacred writings, preserved manuscripts and philosophical documentations handed down and thrown out and then retrieved.

My 5 physical senses are Venus (Taurus), all of them directed toward sexy love and passion, as well as my thyroid gland and my parathyroids, being the cell salt sulphur of sodium.

Venus (Libra) is also my kidneys, skin, veins and the cell salt sodium phosphate. This is from the history of world religion, the history of spirituality and an examination of the cultural background of the ancient civilizations and their time of great medical and transcendental insight.

My invisible soul of the Invisible Beyond uses the Earth, the physical body, as its vehicle to experience life. These deeply astrological and astronomical ideas were entrenched and flourished in the culture of our ancient ancestors much like seaweed and mold.

My alimentary canal goes to the moon (Cancer) and is the cell salt calcium fluoride. There was evidence of this discipline of thought from cave iconography at the edge of prehistory, at the edge of the flat Earth, in the philosophical thought systems of those silly times, in sacred thought systems like the Kabala as well as in modern medical textbooks used by alchemists and witches.

The mountains of Mars (Aries) are the bone structure of my thick head, as well as my adrenal system and are the cell salt potassium phosphate. All are found in the stone temples, in sacred writings, in the recorded history of the ancient Mystery Schools that no one could ever find, engravings in burial grounds and tombs, stone pyramids, in Egypt’s Giza necropolis and in cultural pottery and artifacts retrieved from numerous archeological digs by people whose careers were in ruins.

Jupiter (Sagittarius) is my liver, my fat Buddha belly, and the pituitary gland and the cell salt silica. This was an art of a highly skilled civilization; this was a way of life, a symbolic system to understand oneself, one’s psychology, nature and relationship between mind, body, spirit, soul and relationship to the Solar system or the solar plexus.

Saturn (Capricorn) is my gallbladder, rear end, spleen, cells in bones and skin and is the cell salt calcium phosphate. These are the fine loose threads of connection that linked all systems of thought, especially the ancient Kabala considered the Tree of Life from which nuts descend and fall.

Uranus (Aquarius) is the circulatory system, the execratory system, the pineal gland and is the cell salt sodium chloride and smells like rotten eggs. Everything was connected, the ancient thought system of Tarot, Poker, Rummy, the ancient thought system of Runes and itunes, and the initiation tradition hidden in the ancient Mystery Elementary Schools within their cultures and societies and crazy cults.

Neptune (Pisces) is my nosy mucus membrane in the oral cavity of the big mouth, and knows all; it acts on the thalamus and is the cell salt ferrum phosphate. This was a symbolic language which allowed the ancient philosophers and high priests to discuss their sacred truths and initiation practices outside the awareness of what they considered the nosy common mass of society or the uninitiated.

Finally the good part:

Pluto (Scorpio) is the underworld of my underwear—my sex glands, sex organs, and the formation of cells in the body and is the cell salt calcium sulphate. All of this is what starkly stood out.

Transcendence is a biological mystery since it isn’t true and is the non-miracle within the human body and consciousness.

All this antique ancient stuff goes on and on, anon, into structures of thought that are seemingly endlessly posted.

Hence, the phrase… That’s me, a bag of chemicals, for the Solar system is within me and I am in the Solar system.

Ha, the ancients didn’t know anything beyond the solar system, much less about the planets beyond the naked eye which were only discovered relatively recently!
I have the one and only jewel-encrusted edition
Of the ‘Great Omar’ (Rubaiyat) that I fished up from
The Titanic lying on the floor of the North Atlantic.

Here, as well, Aristotle’s ‘lost’ book,
‘Beyond Metaphysics’, and, too,

I have some nuggets of gold found
In the original Garden of Eden that I located
In the heart of the Amazon Jungle,
Wherein lie massive fields of Lady’s Slippers
And all of the flowers of paradise.
I reached up—and put the apple back on the tree.

And the Celtic Chronicles, I have, that I found
In an iron box beneath Glastonbury Abbey,
Telling all of the tales from the Dark Ages,
And, from the tomb of the Holy Sepulcher—
The Holy Grail itself.

Here, as well, a sliver of the true cross,
A small vial containing a drop of the Virgin’s milk,
A pebble, from a moon rock, given to me
By a polymath who works for the President,
A smart thinking and talking cricket named ‘Crick’,

The spear tip that pierced the side of the Saviour,
A few molecules of immortal air
From a sealed pyramid chamber in Egypt,

Some secret papers retrieved from the shaft
Of the bottomless CIA trash pit
Of “things that never happened”,

A thriving rose bush, just outside the window,
That was begun from Omar Khayyàm’s rose garden,
‘Flamberge’—Prince Valiant’s ‘Singing sword’
(Twin to ‘Excalibur’),

Thomas Jefferson’s briefcase,
An original and intact Ming dynasty vase,
The third [missing] tablet of the 15 Commandments,

And the solution to gravity,
As it is a means and a reason
For quantum collapse from superposition,
As well as a tennis ball with my initials
Marked on it in a yin-yang style.

I also have the ‘treasure’ of a solid indication
Of the Higgs particle’s existence,
Which Lisa Randall was nice enough to give me
From the LHC’s final analysis.

I am now holding part of a brick that came from
Nero’s very recently discovered revolving banquet hall
That kept pace with the turn of the Earth.

I am about to ponder the existence of this brick,
But that would probably be too disruptive to my life,
So I’m going out to date some old fossil instead…

I’m back—and she is very young at heart
And quite exciting, so we are trying to tone it down
By smoking some pot and pondering the brick.
Just kidding.

Actually, I’m thinking of the Library of Congress,
For I heard that it has five hundred miles of stacks.
It began anew, after burning by the British,
When Thomas Jefferson donated his personal library.

I found Jefferson's personal diary
In the lining of his brief case.
It said the founding fathers wanted to retain a Deity
To save the new nation from the religious
Superstitions associated with a Theity.

I hold in my hand a bone from
Early sapiens or of proto-man.

He is not gone, though,
But lives on in your heart and mine,
As in him lived all those before
In which the universe itself came to life.


Current Philosophy Book of the Month

The Riddle of Alchemy

The Riddle of Alchemy
by Paul Kiritsis
January 2025

2025 Philosophy Books of the Month

On Spirits: The World Hidden Volume II

On Spirits: The World Hidden Volume II
by Dr. Joseph M. Feagan
April 2025

Escape to Paradise and Beyond (Tentative)

Escape to Paradise and Beyond (Tentative)
by Maitreya Dasa
March 2025

They Love You Until You Start Thinking for Yourself

They Love You Until You Start Thinking for Yourself
by Monica Omorodion Swaida
February 2025

The Riddle of Alchemy

The Riddle of Alchemy
by Paul Kiritsis
January 2025

2024 Philosophy Books of the Month

Connecting the Dots: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science

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The Advent of Time: A Solution to the Problem of Evil...

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Reconceptualizing Mental Illness in the Digital Age

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Zen and the Art of Writing

Zen and the Art of Writing
by Ray Hodgson
September 2024

How is God Involved in Evolution?

How is God Involved in Evolution?
by Joe P. Provenzano, Ron D. Morgan, and Dan R. Provenzano
August 2024

Launchpad Republic: America's Entrepreneurial Edge and Why It Matters

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Quest: Finding Freddie: Reflections from the Other Side

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Neither Safe Nor Effective

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May 2024

Now or Never

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by Mary Wasche
April 2024


by Marcus Aurelius
March 2024

Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant's Eyes

Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant's Eyes
by Ali Master
February 2024

The In-Between: Life in the Micro

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January 2024

2023 Philosophy Books of the Month

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise

Entanglement - Quantum and Otherwise
by John K Danenbarger
January 2023

Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless: Wisdom Behind the Incomparable Chicken Soup for the Soul

Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless: Wisdom Behind the Incomparable Chicken Soup for the Soul
by Mitzi Perdue
February 2023

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness
by Chet Shupe
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The Unfakeable Code®

The Unfakeable Code®
by Tony Jeton Selimi
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The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are
by Alan Watts
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Killing Abel

Killing Abel
by Michael Tieman
June 2023

Reconfigurement: Reconfiguring Your Life at Any Stage and Planning Ahead

Reconfigurement: Reconfiguring Your Life at Any Stage and Planning Ahead
by E. Alan Fleischauer
July 2023

First Survivor: The Impossible Childhood Cancer Breakthrough

First Survivor: The Impossible Childhood Cancer Breakthrough
by Mark Unger
August 2023

Predictably Irrational

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by Beatriz M. Robles
November 2023

Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope

Fireproof Happiness: Extinguishing Anxiety & Igniting Hope
by Dr. Randy Ross
December 2023

2022 Philosophy Books of the Month

Emotional Intelligence At Work

Emotional Intelligence At Work
by Richard M Contino & Penelope J Holt
January 2022

Free Will, Do You Have It?

Free Will, Do You Have It?
by Albertus Kral
February 2022

My Enemy in Vietnam

My Enemy in Vietnam
by Billy Springer
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2X2 on the Ark

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by Mary J Giuffra, PhD
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The Maestro Monologue

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by Rob White
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by Bob Dowell
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The Truth Is Beyond Belief!

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by Jerry Durr
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Living in Color

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by Mike Murphy
August 2022 (tentative)

The Not So Great American Novel

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by James E Doucette
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The Smartest Person in the Room: The Root Cause and New Solution for Cybersecurity

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by Christian Espinosa
December 2022

2021 Philosophy Books of the Month

The Biblical Clock: The Untold Secrets Linking the Universe and Humanity with God's Plan

The Biblical Clock
by Daniel Friedmann
March 2021

Wilderness Cry: A Scientific and Philosophical Approach to Understanding God and the Universe

Wilderness Cry
by Dr. Hilary L Hunt M.D.
April 2021

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by Jeff Meyer
May 2021

Surviving the Business of Healthcare: Knowledge is Power

Surviving the Business of Healthcare
by Barbara Galutia Regis M.S. PA-C
June 2021

Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure

Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
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Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream

Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
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If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts

If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts
by Mark L. Wdowiak
September 2021

The Preppers Medical Handbook

The Preppers Medical Handbook
by Dr. William W Forgey M.D.
October 2021

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress: A Practical Guide

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress
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