When viewed as foundational rather than definitive, the doctrine of divine simplicity (DS) is the most beautiful, intriguing, and internally consistent philosophy I've encountered in my 68 years. That is to say, I don't need to rely on the scholastics to tell me what DS entails, but it would be foolish to ignore what they have to say. I consider what Lucy (in the movie
Lucy) to articulate the situation very well:
“Humans consider themselves unique, so they've rooted their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness. 'One' is their unit of measure. But it's not. All social systems we've put into place are a mere sketch. 'One plus one equals two.' That's all we've learned. But one plus one has never equaled two. There are, in fact, no numbers and no letters. We've codified our existence to bring it down to human size, to make it comprehensible. We've created a scale so we can forget its unfathomable scale.”
— Lucy
The problem for me is how to derive the many from the One and how to make sense of it. To regard DS as definitive in this role would rob me of the freedom to formulate a religious philosophy suited to my own uniqueness (which is "unique" only from my circumscribed point of view).