Re: Are sceptics sometimes irrational?
Posted: October 5th, 2017, 5:30 am
Obviously that's not always our purpose in life. Often our purpose in life is to be contented, or fulfilled or some such thing. Often the belief that we've discovered one of these objective truth things helps in that purpose. Sometimes it doesn't. Maybe sometimes it's irrelevant.
Remark of Speedy's to which Eduk replied:
As I recall (and I could be wrong), the standard thinking behind this remark is that if you don't believe that the universe was created by a sentient being then you must have faith that it just exists without having been created by anyone.
I've never really got this. If I couldn't see the universe then I can see how I would need faith to believe that it exists. But I can see it. So all I need is eyes.
If you have a bias that something is fake, can you still be a good sceptic?If your purpose it to discover something that you feel you can regard as "objective truth" (i.e. something that is likely to be true for all possible observer/observed pairs) then you're right. A bias is a bias. Whether it's a pre-existing desire to see something as fake or to see it as real.
Obviously that's not always our purpose in life. Often our purpose in life is to be contented, or fulfilled or some such thing. Often the belief that we've discovered one of these objective truth things helps in that purpose. Sometimes it doesn't. Maybe sometimes it's irrelevant.
Remark of Speedy's to which Eduk replied:
it does take more faith to be an atheist than a theistI'm assuming that "faith" is being used here in the sense of: complete confidence that something is a self-evident or axiomatic truth.
As I recall (and I could be wrong), the standard thinking behind this remark is that if you don't believe that the universe was created by a sentient being then you must have faith that it just exists without having been created by anyone.
I've never really got this. If I couldn't see the universe then I can see how I would need faith to believe that it exists. But I can see it. So all I need is eyes.