What I am saying is that it takes more faith to believe the universe and life formed from nothing than it does to believe that we were created by a higher power.
This is a pretty mixed up sentence. As I already explained believing the universe formed from nothing is not an atheist belief. Atheism is, very simply, not a belief in God or Gods. Now granted perhaps some atheists do believe that the universe was created by 'nothing' but that is not something you can lay claim to all atheists. If you had said 'some atheists have more faith than some theists' then I would have very little to complain about, but that is like saying some atheists are shorter than some theists, height obviously has nothing to do with being an atheist.
Now I can see how you might say well if you don't believe God created the universe then you must believe that 'nothing' created the universe, but that does not follow. Problem is that when you say God you don't mean a generic god, you mean the Christian God (assuming you are a Christian). An atheist doesn't believe in the Christian God, or the Islamic God or so on. An atheist is agnostic to a generic god depending on the properties of the generic god.
For example
1. Was the universe created. Agnostic.
2. Did Christian God create the universe. Atheist.
Do you see the difference?
To be honest I would like to go slightly further. This has nothing to do with being an atheist, this is just my personal belief now.
1. Existence is, according to cause and effect, logically impossible as an infinite regression is instantly formed.
2. I do believe in existence.
3. What conclusions can I draw?
a. My knowledge of cause and effect is incomplete. This is likely.
b. My knowledge of logic is incomplete. Let's say that it applies to this universe but not outside of the universe. Again quite likely, I'm not perfect.
c. An explanation of how the universe came into being is literally impossible to comprehend (for humans). Very possible.
d. Concepts like 'before' the universe, or 'outside' the universe, or the universe was 'created' make absolutely no sense whatsoever to whatever the reality is. Totally possible. This make me slightly less than perfectly agnostic as to the question of how the universe was created. Because I would suggest it's very possible that the term 'created' makes absolutely no sense in this context (of course it might, it's just possible that it doesn't).
So as you can see my conclusions are almost nothing. How were we created? Entirely unknown, possibly unknowable and possibly the question doesn't even make sense.
Unknown means unknown.