It can't be considered a game. A game has a goal and of course players who compete for it. The rules of the game dictate how the game is to be played. Evolutionary theory states that there is no goal and there are no players. If it's a simple game of survival - which is all that evolutionary theory says it is - than "diffusion towards greater complexity" will certainly not follow from it. In fact the reverse is true, the simplest micro-organisms will win that game. Some of them are virtually immortal.
Yes, calling it a game was probably misleading. The only features of a game that I was think of were (1) rules and (2) a collection of stuff which is acted on by those rules and whose state thereby changes over time. By which I mean the "rules" of Nature and the stuff we're made of. We could speculate as to the origin of those rules and that stuff - whether they need to be considered to have an origin and, if so, if that origin could be considered to be a creator. We could imagine a creator who places all the stuff in a particular initial state, sets up some rules that govern how that state will change over time and then says "go", and we could talk about whether concepts such as chaos theory allow such a notion to make sense. But I think that's a somewhat separate issue.
So I'm not thinking of any kind of "game of survival". The concept of survival does not feature in the rules I'm thinking of. The rules are the laws of physics and chemistry. It's certainly not entirely clear (at least not yet) how a collection of simple molecules "obeying" the laws of physics and chemistry might result in the emergence of a self-replicating molecule. But once a self-replicating molecule emerges, and if that replication process is close to, but not exactly equal to, 100% reliable, then it seems that various aspects of the theory of Evolution naturally emerge from the laws of physics and chemistry.
That process of imperfect self-replication, governed by the rules of physics and chemistry, inevitably leads to a spreading out into complexity. It doesn't mean that simpler self-replicators become extinct at the expense of more complex ones. It just means that the diversity increases. That's why I think the "diffusion" metaphor is quite a good one. Diffusion (of a gas, for example) doesn't mean that the gas moves from one place to another, leaving a vacuum behind it. It simply means that if the gas starts in a particular small volume in space it will, over time, occupy a larger volume. Likewise with this concept of "organism space". An often-used concept in physics is a "space" in which each degree of freedom in a physical system is represented by a dimension. The state of that system at any given time is then represented by a single point in this notional multi-dimensional space. In the case of systems of particles it's sometimes called "phase space".
The first, simple self-replicating molecule occupies one small point in organism space - the space in which every conceivable self-replicating organism is represented by a single point. From this state of maximum simplicity, imperfect self-replication, following the laws of physics and chemistry, inevitably results in the gradual spreading out into adjacent points. Increasing complexity. You start with the simplest possible organisms and nothing else. After a few billion years you still have the simplest possible organisms, plus lots of other interesting thing.
Again, no doubt, not very well described.
That's not my position, my point is that consciousness is fundamental to life and it impels evolution.
Consciousness in what sense? Are you referring to the consciousness of the living things themselves (us)? Or the consciousness of something that created them/us? Or both? Or something else?
-- Updated Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:11 am to add the following --
My bad here. Chaos vs randomness was a tangential point. The larger point was that chaos has a relationship with morphological change akin to, say, thermodynamics and personality. Figuratively, the cogs are not the point of the machine.
I take this to mean something like - the whole is more than the sum of its parts?
The "machine" of life wants to grow and expand, either within itself or via reproduction. Of course this may be an observer effect over time as the expanding universe could be an observer effect over spacetime. If, however, we accept that which is apparent we are still left with a pointless exercise - growth for growth's sake (a notion the polity appears to blindly embrace).
This is where this concept of "point" and "pointless" comes in. It's interesting that we want there to be a point. Science, in the guise of the laws of physics/chemistry emerging into the laws of evolution, simply describes this process of growth to more complex life forms. Mere description is clearly not enough for us.
On the other hand, if we consider life to be a matter of longer term development - the eventual transformation of inorganic material into entities ever more capable of intelligence, moral awareness, empathy and empowerment in all areas then this suggests a potential future where life forms would be godlike/saintlike to our perspective. For me, being a link in the chain towards such a possibility is inherently meaningful.
Yes, as a human being myself I can see how ideas of the meaningfulness of our lives can come from such thoughts. The question is: do we allow that desire for meaningfulness to colour our view of what kinds of theories best describe the world around us? Or do we treat science as simply the description which comes before any possible search for meaning? I'm not suggesting a "yes" or "no" answer to that question. Just leaving it open for now.
I also enjoy the irony of rocks and other inorganic matter going on this long journey to become ever more volatile and sentient. Then the very most volatile and sentient species so far decides that the best way to live is to switch off those highly evolved minds in deep mediation and Zen states, effectively trying to be more rocklike . It's as though we crave geology's peace and quiet in a manner akin to a worried older child reverting to the dummy for comfort during challenging times. Touching base with our roots?
Yes, getting back to our rocky roots. Hardly surprising that we'd want to do that. Thinking hurts!
The "chunking" includes reductionism, but is broader. Researchers thoroughly study all range of emergent systems but the total system of the Earth - nature and humans together as a cohesive, rather than antagonistic, system - seems to be less considered.
It has been considered to at least some extent though, hasn't it? The Gaia hypothesis, and so on?
It's just that the larger the system one is considering the more the patterns and rules we spot become general rules of thumb - broad overarching principles with exceptions. Inevitably, we tend to have a choice between big, fuzzy, blurry picture and small, detailed, sharply focuses picture. There's a role for both, no doubt.