Obvious Leo wrote:All I'm saying is that space is not physical and therefore neither are the 3 dimensions we use to map objects in it.
Correct. Space is not physical and therefore neither are the 3 dimensions we use to map objects ("physical") in it. But we couldn't perceive or cognize objects in the first place without space. Without space, everything would be one, all together in the same place. There would be no "here and there", everything would be "here". Everything. And so nothing (objects) could be separated from anything else. Without a cognition of "space" there could be no cognition of "matter", "distance", "objects", or "physical".
Obvious Leo wrote: I'm not suggesting that physics can be done any other way with the classical mathematical tools that are used but it means the models are mathematical ones from which physical conclusions are drawn and that many of these conclusions are demonstrably false. They are false because Newton's foundational assumption of the physical space has merely been substituted with a geometric space by the artificial use of constants. Leibniz said from the outset that the physical space was dodgy logic and Einstein confirmed it throughout his life. He took pains to stress that spacetime was a mathematical paradigm and not a model of a physically real world.
Mathematical paradigms, as Bohm pointed out, are in fact models of an alleged "real" world. And since we don't possess objective consciousness that is all we can have, as Kant pointed out long ago. The fact that we cannot
know it, i.e. perceive or "see" it, does not prevent us from being able to try to reason it out, and the cognition of "matter", "space", "energy", "time", etc is simply how we do it.
Obvious Leo wrote: "Makes no sense" could keep me writing for days. Space has no physical properties and can therefore do no physical work nor have any physical work performed on it. This is simple high school physics which no physicist will deny. It simply can't physically expand and contract and bend and twist and curve,thus GR is a non-mechanical model and everybody in physics knows it.
It's precisely
because space is a cognitive construct that it
can APPEAR to bend, twist, and curve. And in this case, as you correctly pointed out,
that's all we have. All we have is appearances, as all we have is subjective awareness. Remember, you cannot cognize "matter" or "objects" without a cognition of space. If you say something, anything, exists, you have to both imagine and perceive it as existing in space. So saying space cannot bend, twist, and curve implies that matter also cannot bend, twist, or curve. You fail to see that our cognition of "matter" is just as subjective as our cognition of "space" (or "time", or "energy", or "force", etc). But the cognition of "matter" and "space" cannot be separated ("matter/space"), just as the cognition of "matter" and "energy" cannot be separated ("matter/energy").
Obvious Leo wrote: It is an "as if" model.
They all are. So is yours. This should be obvious. To say a model simply "is" is to suggest that it is beyond question, to refute the principles of Kant.
Obvious Leo wrote: SR implies reverse causation and leads to all the bizarre stupidities of quantum mechanics, such as cats simultaneously dead and alive and the moon is not there unless somebody is observing it. These are absolutely mandated conclusions from the model which simply cannot be interpreted in any other way. Nobody talks about the grandfather paradox from GR any more either but it simply cannot be made to go away. If you think all these are sensible propositions you'd be wise to keep these opinions to yourself in my local pub, where we define sense rather more pragmatically.
I do agree with you that we should not throw away our "common sense" in assessing any theories. But as I pointed out in an earlier thread, our view of chronological time defies our common sense. It's nonsensical to think that only the "present" can exist but not the "past" or "future" because they are a
continuum and the division between them is subjective and arbitrary. I showed this when I gave you the timeline example. Your "past" is someone else's "present" or someone else's "future". And just a
moment before it was YOUR "present" and YOUR "future". You cannot pin down the
exact time that the present (reality, existence) ends and the past (non-reality, non-existence) begins. They are a continuum and you cannot subjectively divide them into three (past, present, and future) and then say that only one of the three "really" exists. One of the three only
seems to "really" exist because only one of the three (the present) is available for our
immediate awareness, and in fact is
defined by such awareness. If the "you" that
was one second ago does not exist, and the "you" that
will be one second from now does not exist, it is absurd to think that the "you" in the present does exist, precisely because all three of those three categories of "you" are defined and cognized by your subjective awareness in the first place.
We only say the past does not "really" exist
anymore simply because our awareness has
"past it by". And we say that the future doesn't "really" exist
yet simply because our awareness hasn't
"gotten there yet". Either
ALL of time (past AND present AND future) "really" exists (there are higher dimensions of space) or else
NONE of time (past AND present AND future) "really" exists (there are only three dimensions of space).... but I'll let the reader decide which of these two cognitive constructs he prefers.