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Re: The God particle is a fraud

Posted: June 25th, 2022, 1:31 am
by Astro Cat
Raymond wrote: June 24th, 2022, 3:48 pm Hi there! About the energy-momentum vector of the virtual photon. The components have independent values in the sense they don't obey the energy-momentum relation. They are off-shell and as such ideal to couple to. They can deliver each energy and momentum, in order to secure energy and momentum conservation. Virtual particles are thought to shortly appear and disappear but they are always present, going back and forth in time at the same time.

It's the enormous multitude of paths and interactions that gives rise to a multitude of integrals and integrals of them (functionals).

What are you doing with black hole entropy? How is QFT involved here? AdS/CFT, so zcFT?
Ok, I see.

I'm not doing anything with BH entropy right now, I wrote a term paper reviewing BH thermo for a class though and have just found it interesting. To really understand things like the Unruh effect, it generally requires QFT. At the time I wrote the paper I had to just gloss over the details Unruh effect/Hawking radiation.

My thesis research is on galaxy quiescence, but I've worked on constraining dark energy right before starting that. It's conceivable that I'll still need to dive deeper into QFT if I do more cosmology research. The line between astrophysics and cosmology gets really thin when doing what I've been doing.

Re: The God particle is a fraud

Posted: June 25th, 2022, 1:34 am
by Astro Cat
Also if I go back into dark energy research, dark energies with rational equations of state come from the quantum side (as opposed to a constant w=-1, which would come from GR. So far we can only constrain it to w<-0.6). So it's possible I'd need to dive more into QFT to understand dark energy if it has a rational equation of state, like Quintessence.

Re: The God particle is a fraud

Posted: October 3rd, 2022, 5:41 pm
by NathanIsDivine
Rather say God particle than say God law. All fundamental particles follow their laws how universe is organized and running.

Re: The God particle is a fraud

Posted: November 3rd, 2022, 10:41 am
by 3017Metaphysician
DarwinX wrote: October 9th, 2013, 7:58 pm The recent discovery of the so called 'God particle' is a fraud. The concept of a particle which causes or creates weight, gravity and mass is totally absurd and contradicts logic and commonsense. Now that they have found this particle, what are they going to do with it? Nothing - is my guess.

In order to convince me that they have found this particle they need to make this particle do something. It needs to jump through a few hoops to prove that it truly exists. If this particle does contain these 'God like' powers, then, it needs to perform a few miracles so that we can all see how our money has been spent.

The article below reveals how gravity, weight and inertia really works.

According to ether theory, if a body moves rapidly through the ether, its absorption rate increases as does its weight. This suggests that Michelson and Morley were wrong. The ether is quite easy to detect. We feel the ether when we Jump up; hurl a discus, or when we accelerate in a car or a plane. Ether flowing through matter is gravity. Matter flowing through ether is acceleration (that’s what a G force is). Electrons are constantly absorbing ether and that is how they maintain their spin. At the same time, this energy is converted into electromagnetism. This new view of ether, gravity, mass, particle spin and electromagnetism evolves directly from Tesla’s dynamic theory of gravity, and it also explains Einstein’s biggest dilemma, Grand Unification, the attempt to combine gravity with electromagnetism. As you learn in the Isaac Newton biography, Einstein spent the last half of his life seeking Grand Unification and he never got there. This is the reason why. Had he truly resurrected the ether and had he considered Tesla’s theory as reported by Alsop in The Herald Tribune, Einstein would have realized that relativity is incomplete. There are energies that travel faster than the speed of light.

The reason that photons curve around stars and planetary bodies is because they are being sucked into this influx like everything else. The curved space that Einstein saw was really the warping of ether as it is being sucked into great planetary and stellar bodies. This theory also explains why the ground connection was so important to Tesla’s wireless transmitter. Once he sent an impulse out, that impulse tended to follow the surface of the Earth because it was being deflected downward by the constant influx of ether by the Earth.

Yes, Tesla was wrong about some aspects of Einstein’s theory. It is unfortunate that he did not live to see the atomic age. It would be interesting to speculate how this new information would have altered his thinking. But at the same time, Einstein was blind to Tesla’s etheric theory. Intuitively, Einstein realized that if he spent too much time resurrecting the ether, his precious theory of relativity would suffer. With blinders on, present day physicists continue to ignore Gamow’s book and his reporting of the findings of Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck. They use imaginary numbers instead, to make up terms like the God particle, to try and find this supposed coupling mechanism that gives matter its mass. When to really find what they are looking for, they only need to step outside their present day theories and embrace the thinking of the man they try so hard to ignore, Nikola Tesla.
Not sure I'm following your assertion. Of course, many things in life are a contradiction ("contradicts logic") and are absurd but still exist. Think of your own consciousness as a quantum superposition, much like the Higgs field. You have 'things' (conscious and non-conscious) that are in a state of becoming. Similarly, think of where Singularity comes from...