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Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 15th, 2024, 5:40 pm
by Mo_reese
Of course I object, this conflict is ongoing. New information is being posted. I don't think you should be the one to decide who or what is anti-Semitic.

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 15th, 2024, 10:58 pm
by Sy Borg
Mo_reese wrote: June 15th, 2024, 5:40 pm Of course I object, this conflict is ongoing. New information is being posted. I don't think you should be the one to decide who or what is anti-Semitic.
It looks like you just want to use this forum for political activism. I have not seen you raise a single philosophical issue on these threads. It's all politics. If you don't lift your game an shift to a philosophical POV, other than 'Israel bad" or "killing bad" the thread closes.

It's not me deciding anything, your anti-Semitism is blatantly obvious to anyone who even attempts to look at the situation objectively. If your issues with this conflict were not driven by anti-Semitism, then you would have been pushing your concerns about various conflicts and hot spots for some time now. There is no reason whatsoever to particularly focus on this issue and then pretend that it's about humanitarianism or justice - other than anti-Semitism, aside from being a gullible dupe that slavishly follows what the news media and today's corrupted academics tell them to think.

It's one or the other, maybe an element of both. Logically, there is no other possibility for your behaviour. Why deny it? No one's perfect. Why not save yourself the pressure of cognitive dissonance and just admit it?

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 16th, 2024, 7:37 am
by Pattern-chaser
Sy Borg wrote: June 13th, 2024, 5:53 pm Again, you talk about Israel "shooting children" without acknowledging that Hamas deliberately put those children in harm's way so that westerners would say "Israel shoot children".
Pattern-chaser wrote: June 14th, 2024, 8:17 am Even if that was so, the IDF, a 'professional' army, should've been able to say to themselves, "Hey, that's a child", and *not pull the trigger*.
Sy Borg wrote: June 14th, 2024, 10:43 am But Hamas - who proclaim (lie) that they care about their people - deliberately place children in harm's way. You'd think someone might say, 'Maybe it's wrong to use children as human shields'.
Why do you always answer any criticism of Israel with a counter-accusation against the victims of Israel's military occupation of their land? Could it be because Israel's conduct can't be justified?

Your contributions to the Middle East threads seem mostly to characterise Israel as a victim, which is difficult to understand. The Jews (before Israel was created in 1947) were given Palestinian land, and have since proceeded to take more. Yes, the residents of other Middle Eastern countries, centrally including Palestine, objected to the occupation imposed upon them (not by Israel, although as a result of Jewish terrorist attacks), but that does not make Israel the victim.

The land-grabs *since* the nakba do not support your view of Israel as the victims, forced into actions that they would have preferred to avoid. It looks as though Israel received a gift, and then took much more to go with it. They were given an inch, and took a mile, in the words of the proverb.

So why not drop the distractions, and consider (instead of deny) the actions of Israel, in the same light as those of the Palestinians?

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 16th, 2024, 7:41 am
by Pattern-chaser
Sy Borg wrote: June 15th, 2024, 10:58 pm It looks like you just want to use this forum for political activism. I have not seen you raise a single philosophical issue on these threads. It's all politics. If you don't lift your game an shift to a philosophical POV, other than 'Israel bad" or "killing bad" the thread closes.
That seems unreasonable, as you are exactly as guilty as anyone else of posting politics, perhaps at the cost of philosophy. The only difference is that your politics are pro-Zionist, while many others (mine included) are anti-Zionist*.

* — N.B. "Anti-Zionist", *never* anti-Jewish, and often not even anti-Israel.

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 16th, 2024, 6:12 pm
by Sy Borg
Pattern-chaser wrote: June 16th, 2024, 7:41 am
Sy Borg wrote: June 15th, 2024, 10:58 pm It looks like you just want to use this forum for political activism. I have not seen you raise a single philosophical issue on these threads. It's all politics. If you don't lift your game an shift to a philosophical POV, other than 'Israel bad" or "killing bad" the thread closes.
That seems unreasonable, as you are exactly as guilty as anyone else of posting politics, perhaps at the cost of philosophy. The only difference is that your politics are pro-Zionist, while many others (mine included) are anti-Zionist*.

* — N.B. "Anti-Zionist", *never* anti-Jewish, and often not even anti-Israel.
No, that is simply a lie.

You have become an extremist and your views are now so extreme that you see a lack of support for Palestine as Zionism.

No, I don't need your or Mo's politically-motivated lies about me. The fact is clear that you two are both DEEPLY anti-Semitic - as evidenced in your TOTAL concern about Palestine and complete and utter lack of concern about far worse humanitarian disasters in Yemen, Syria, Sudan and others. There is no other reason for these inconsistent standards. None.

There is no philosophical issue in this topic. Morality?

It's been seventy years of:

We only did A because Jews did B

We only did B because Arabs did C

We only did C because Jews did D

We only did D because Arabs did E ....

Over and over, and endless cycle of recriminations and revenge for seventy years! As far as I'm concerned, a pox on both their houses. Neither of them deserve our support. Rather, they both deserve to be ignored. That's why I am so angry with people supporting these lunatics who do not understand words like "forgiveness" or "pragmatism".

Besides, we know the final outcome. Sometime this century, the US won't be able to provide support and Israel will cease to exist, Jews will be scattered, and then die out. Meanwhile, the world's 2.2 billion Muslims will continue to breed until they comprise a majority of the world's population.

I don't see Oppressor and Oppressed in this situation as you do because, unlike Palestine obsessives, I am capable of thinking ahead more than five minutes and I don't wait for universities and the mainstream news media to tell me what to think. At this stage, the west's left is destroying the west from within, and Palestine propaganda has proved to be a useful conduit in ruining western nations (seemingly, the only nations where people want people form other countries to come in and rule them).

There is no philosophical issue here in this thread. I'll give you political activists one day to make this philosophical. If not, the thread closes permanently and no new ones will be approved.

This is a PHILOSOPHY forum, not your self-indulgent political playground.

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 16th, 2024, 6:16 pm
by Sy Borg
Pattern-chaser wrote: June 16th, 2024, 7:37 am
Sy Borg wrote: June 13th, 2024, 5:53 pm Again, you talk about Israel "shooting children" without acknowledging that Hamas deliberately put those children in harm's way so that westerners would say "Israel shoot children".
Pattern-chaser wrote: June 14th, 2024, 8:17 am Even if that was so, the IDF, a 'professional' army, should've been able to say to themselves, "Hey, that's a child", and *not pull the trigger*.
Sy Borg wrote: June 14th, 2024, 10:43 am But Hamas - who proclaim (lie) that they care about their people - deliberately place children in harm's way. You'd think someone might say, 'Maybe it's wrong to use children as human shields'.
Why do you always answer any criticism of Israel with a counter-accusation against the victims of Israel's military occupation of their land? Could it be because Israel's conduct can't be justified?
In other words, you condone the use of human shields, as if that was not already clear.

You clearly agree with Hamas that uusing children as human shields is necessary for the Oppressed to beat the Oppressor. Thus, Arab children must be brainwashed, handed guns and placed in harm's way to satisfy the left's desperate hatred of Israel ... and you say I am destructive!

Again, all just politics. You cannot even muster the ethical will to appreciate that the use of children as human shields as one of the worst things anyone could do. After all, to do so would weaken your political side.

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 17th, 2024, 7:02 am
by Pattern-chaser
Sy Borg wrote: June 16th, 2024, 6:12 pm You have become an extremist and your views are now so extreme that you see a lack of support for Palestine as Zionism.


There is no philosophical issue in this topic. Morality?

It's been seventy years of:

We only did A because Jews did B

We only did B because Arabs did C

We only did C because Jews did D

We only did D because Arabs did E ....

Over and over, and endless cycle of recriminations and revenge for seventy years!
The history of this conflict goes back nearly 3000 years, not 70. It began when a subset of the indigenous Semitic (i.e. Middle Eastern) peoples, those who adhered to the Jewish faith, were forcibly ejected from the land where they lived.

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 17th, 2024, 7:06 am
by Pattern-chaser
Sy Borg wrote: June 13th, 2024, 5:53 pm Again, you talk about Israel "shooting children" without acknowledging that Hamas deliberately put those children in harm's way so that westerners would say "Israel shoot children".
Pattern-chaser wrote: June 14th, 2024, 8:17 am Even if that was so, the IDF, a 'professional' army, should've been able to say to themselves, "Hey, that's a child", and *not pull the trigger*.
Sy Borg wrote: June 14th, 2024, 10:43 am But Hamas - who proclaim (lie) that they care about their people - deliberately place children in harm's way. You'd think someone might say, 'Maybe it's wrong to use children as human shields'.
Pattern-chaser wrote: June 16th, 2024, 7:37 am Why do you always answer any criticism of Israel with a counter-accusation against the victims of Israel's military occupation of their land? Could it be because Israel's conduct can't be justified?
Sy Borg wrote: June 16th, 2024, 6:16 pm In other words, you condone the use of human shields, as if that was not already clear.

You clearly agree with Hamas that using children as human shields is necessary for the Oppressed to beat the Oppressor. Thus, Arab children must be brainwashed, handed guns and placed in harm's way to satisfy the left's desperate hatred of Israel ... and you say I am destructive!

Again, all just politics. You cannot even muster the ethical will to appreciate that the use of children as human shields as one of the worst things anyone could do. After all, to do so would weaken your political side.
You're doing it again. So I ask again, why do you always answer any criticism of Israel with a counter-accusation against the victims of Israel's military occupation of their land?

Re: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted: June 17th, 2024, 5:43 pm
by Sy Borg
Okay, there's no philosophy to be found here. Just politicking.

Thread locked - not to be re-opened. This is supposed to be a philosophy forum.