The idea seems to be that the Palestinians will need to be exterminated. They have been very naughty by not agreeing to having their homeland stolen, and so now they must suffer for their intransigence and make even more lebensraum for Israelis.
Those pig-headed Palestinians, having been so silly, must now, instead of merely being herded into gentle ghettos like Gaza, will be dispersed. There is nothing else for it.
Israel has tried valiantly to exterminate as many of the sub-human Palestinians as possible, but won't be able to finish the job. But good work always requires follow up maintenance. Try as they may to finish the job, there will be a residue that will need to be dispersed.
The only hope remaining for the evil Palestinians will be to form a diaspora and maybe, down the track, come back to reclaim their homeland, once a new world order is in place. That schtick has worked before, so why not.