I like how Nietzche points out that the I is not the cause of thinking. I or the ego is as far as we know just a bunch of sensations, organs, and the mind put together. We don't even have proof of a soul yet. Humans reason, but, some humans may argue that so do animals. Artificial intelligence reasons out things too; but does that make it sentient being or give it a soul?
I agree with his thoughts in most of this book. Language and its limits are absurd to use to talk about truth. Even if we didn't have language as an obstacle there is always another to bar humans from truth. Nevertheless, we should and will, as human beings, always to seek the truth through philosophy.
I concur with Scott that Nietzche is not making a philosophical argument in this book in the modern way. I do believe that he is stating that modern philosophers will always critique their own work and their own religions but still keep to their theories and faiths. This is because we as modern philosophers know that we will never be totally correct in all the truth that we finally recognize. Modern philosophers require a bit of the illusion of the world in order to see the truth in anything. We require a sense of self which we create from all the things we have already experienced. We use this as a grounding instrument, or as our reality and from there walk to truth. We always need a starting point and a goal or some point at which to fix our gaze from a safe distance. I think this is necessary so that a person does not make him or herself go insane for trying to ponder everything that makes up the truth of our universe.
As far as the use of religion as a means to make people content, I have to argue that some modern philosophers, (in fact they may be the majority as far as I know) are atheists that see no need for religion to be content. Religion may be more useful to help the uneducated or controlled population feel content with their lot in life.
In thinking about this book after reading it I have to just laugh at it all and re-commence living and philosophizing. I think Nietzche is indeed mocking human beings and philosophy. Many a time I have laughed at myself because if I tried to understand everything in every moment in continuum, perfectly, I would be. I think that his conclusions would make great fortune cookies.
I want to point out that this book is made available by LibriVox.org as an audiobook for free. This is the only reason I was able to read it at this time since I am a tight budget right now. I am planning to buy this book when I have the money.