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Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 9:04 pm
by Ktulu
Teh wrote:
You have got to be joking! The minority of physicists who prefer the "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics know precisely what is possible or impossible within that interpretation. One thing that would destroy their perspective would be any implication, theoretical or experimental, that was in conflict with quantum mechanics. None exists!

The whole point of parallel universes is that they cannot communicate! Obviously!
I want to politely point out a fallacy of equivocation on multiple universes. In that, the theory of "many worlds" from QM and multiple universes from cosmology are completely different theories, One is to do with QM experimental interpretation, such as the wave/particle duality of matter. This is indeed not as popular an interpretation. The cosmological Multiple universes as a theoretical solution for the "big bang" is actually a very popular theory.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 9:09 pm
by Naughtorious
Quotidian wrote:
So it's 'OK' if science thinks like that. But if 'religious people' do it - then woe betide unto them. They are being superstitious.
To be fair. Science is the reason why we are no longer in a place that looks like Islam. Religion would've kept us in the stone age if it governed our lives instead of influencing our lives.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 9:42 pm
by Ktulu
Quotidian wrote: (Nested quote removed.)

But some things will forever be unobservable. Or, to put it another way, observation does not go all the way down. So here you actually run into the limit of, if not science, then certainly empiricism.

I suggest this has already happened. That is why we have these contradictory scientific models which are completely at odds with each other.
I strongly disagree, if some things would completely be forever unobservable, then science would indeed have no claim on them. One of the fundamental properties of science is falsifiability. We need not observe a given concept tangibly in order for it to have scientific merit. Concepts such as dark matter, dark energy, are scientific because we can observe their effects on the natural world. The fact that they are provisory, or poorly understood, doesn't mean that they should be dismissed out of hand. In actuality, the very fact that they are not disproved scientifically, is the only reason why we cling to them. As soon as that happens, then we would have gained a better understanding of the universe. The contradictory scientific models are a provisory step when the concepts are poorly understood. Each model is as valid as the next, until proven otherwise.

A good example was the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen proposed paradox regarding the implication of QM in the observed behavior of entangled particles. Bohr proposed that QM was correct interpretation, and that one of the property of entanglement is such that information will travel faster then light. It was not until the 60s that Bell settled the issue in favor of QM with the famous Bell's inequality.
Quotidian wrote: Now there's nothing wrong with that, in a methodological sense. I am not suggesting that all of these various ideas should form one harmonious whole, or that the presence of wildly conflicting models is a bad thing.
Not only is there nothing wrong with that, as you agree, but that is the only way that ideas can be weeded out. It is fundamentally how science operates, and it is not new in any way. There have always been conflicting ideas throughout the history of science, the only difference is that we have learned to discard unscientific ideas.
Quotidian wrote: But just stand back and look at it all from the viewpoint of 'history of ideas'.

Remember that naturalism was put forward as the de facto 'domain of acceptable explanations'.

Science rejected religious 'explanations' specifically because they were not observable in naturalistic terms.

But now, as I am pointing out, science seems to have gone beyond the 'bounds of nature'. In all kinds of ways, science is positing forces, or fields, or worlds, or strings - and many other things - which are also not observable and may never be observable.
As Steve has already pointed out, we need not observe strings in themselves, even thought it is highly unlikely that we ever will be able to build a collider big enough to give us a picture of a string, it is at least theoretically possible to do so, that makes it fallsifiable. Furthermore, in order for string theory to become acceptable(it is the most promising, but not the only one), it needs to make the kind of predictions that we can experimentally reproduce.
Quotidian wrote: Isn't it that 'Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.'

The law is plainly established. What is not known is why gravity works. Wasn't it about that the Newton uttered his famous 'hypothesis non fingo' - 'I frame no hypothesis'?
:) This reminds me of a Feynman quote from his lecture on QM "The next question was - what makes planets go around the sun? At the time of Kepler some people answered this problem by saying that there were angels behind them beating their wings and pushing the planets around an orbit. As you will see, the answer is not very far from the truth. The only difference is that the angels sit in a different direction and their wings push inward."

We know very little about reality, we just have theories that best explain observations and generate reliable predictions. What we are more certain of, however, is of what DOESN'T fit that paradigm.

I apologize for the length of the post.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 9:43 pm
by A Poster He or I
So in effect, metaphysics has forced itself upon us again. Many of the ideas about multiple worlds, the observer effect, holographic universes, and the like, are metaphysical ideas, even though those who advocate them would not like that said. But they are 'meta-' beyond or underlying 'physica' - the way things appear to be. This is why at least some of them will never be testable. They are literally beyond empirical verification. What they do do, is influence the kinds of things that are investigated, and the kinds of ideas we entertain.
Metaphysics only forces itself upon science to the extent that science embraces metaphysical methodologies, not to the extent that hypotheses involve metaphysical principles. Both the observer effect and holographic causation imply a metaphysical holism to the universe, yes. Does science therefore investigate these phenomena with metaphysical methodologies? No. It uses mathematics as it always has, a completely human invention (except to Platonists I suppose). I agree that holographic causation may never be testable by these methodologies. In another thread I've suggested alternatives to testability via computative extrapolation but, most saliently for this thread, I did not suggest frustrated researchers should rattle bones at the sky.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 9:57 pm
by Ktulu
A Poster He or I wrote:]
Metaphysics only forces itself upon science to the extent that science embraces metaphysical methodologies, not to the extent that hypotheses involve metaphysical principles. Both the observer effect and holographic causation imply a metaphysical holism to the universe, yes. Does science therefore investigate these phenomena with metaphysical methodologies? No. It uses mathematics as it always has, a completely human invention (except to Platonists I suppose). I agree that holographic causation may never be testable by these methodologies. In another thread I've suggested alternatives to testability via computative extrapolation but, most saliently for this thread, I did not suggest frustrated researchers should rattle bones at the sky.
Hehe, I like that, rattling bones at the sky... :) I remember reading an article on superstition. It was proposed that, cavemen would have had an evolutionary advantage in "bone reading" as a tool to direct them to a hunt. Those that relied solely on intuition, would have followed predictable patterns. The "bone readers" would have had a random indicator, therefore they would not have a predictable pattern and theoretically, better results. And so superstition was born.

Naive, but intriguing, and somewhat relevant to the OP.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 11:46 pm
by Quotidian
Poster wrote:Metaphysics only forces itself upon science to the extent that science embraces metaphysical methodologies, not to the extent that hypotheses involve metaphysical principles.
The distinction would make an old Schoolman proud!
Poster wrote: It uses mathematics as it always has, a completely human invention (except to Platonists I suppose).
Mathematical systems may be human inventions, but real numbers are real, whether you're Platonist or not. (That is a debate I am interested in, by the way, although tangential to this thread.)
Ktulu wrote: if some things would completely be forever unobservable, then science would indeed have no claim on them
Nice post.

I think the Many Worlds Interpretation, and indeed the multiverse, is forever unobservable. Strictly speaking they are not even natural. If you say 'well it depends on what you mean by natural', then you're moving the goalposts. If 'natural' means 'whatever turns out to be true', then actually it doesn't really mean very much, does it? It is not as if it has actually delimited anything.

There was an interesting review of many-universe theories in Scientific American (DOES THE MULTIVERSE REALLY EXIST? (cover story). By: Ellis, George F. R. Scientific American. Aug 2011, Vol. 305, Issue 2, p38-43.)

I noticed that one of the 'poor arguments in favour of the multiverse' was as follows:
Fundamental constants are finely tuned for life. A remarkable fact about our universe is that physical constants have just the right values needed to allow for complex structures, including living things. Steven Weinberg, Martin Rees, Leonard Susskind and others contend that an exotic multiverse provides a tidy explanation for this apparent coincidence: if all possible values occur in a large enough collection of universes, then viable ones for life will surely be found somewhere. This reasoning has been applied, in particular, to explaining the density of the dark energy that is speeding up the expansion of the universe today. I agree that the multiverse is a possible valid explanation for the value of this density; arguably, it is the only scientifically based option we have right now. But we have no hope of testing it observationally. Additionally, most analyses of the issue assume the basic equations of physics are the same everywhere, with only the constants differing--but if one takes the multiverse seriously, this need not be so.
So, this is a 'tidy explanation', partially on the grounds that it provides ammunition against the argument from the anthropic principle. We will consider an one kind of metaphysical idea, because it can be used against another kind of metaphysical idea, that points in a direction scientists don't much like.

How 'scientific' is that? :)

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 12:36 am
by Logicus
Quotidian wrote:The point is, if science is proposing that infinite parallel universes exist, how do you know what is possible and what isn't? You are entitled to your opinion, but you can't look to physics in support.

Not that I have anything useful to say in this discussion, but I will indulge in a some absurd musings:
The idea of the Landscape supposedly supplies all the conceivable possibilities so that no single one of them could be considered unlikely. String theorists, on the basis of the idea of the Landscape, have proposed 10500 possible environments. Compare this idea with the number of atoms thought to be in this universe: 1080. And this is in a universe of which only 4% of the matter is even accounted for. Imagine the colossal amount of matter it would take to "create" 10500 other universes.

I don't know where I am going with this, except to say, possibly surprising no one, I don't believe it.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 9:05 am
by Steve3007
Ktulu Post #64:

I think that was a good post and I broadly agree with most of it. Although slight differences in the use of language might lead some to think that we disagree (or maybe we do disagree!). For clarity, I would like to put my slight spin on some of the things you've said:
Concepts such as dark matter, dark energy, are scientific because we can observe their effects on the natural world.
You're saying that we infer their existence because we indirectly observe their effects on other more directly observable things. I agree, but point out near the bottom of this post, in my reply to Quotidian, that this principle applies to other more directly observed things too.
There have always been conflicting ideas throughout the history of science, the only difference is that we have learned to discard unscientific ideas.
I agree with the implication that the important difference between science and mysticism is that scientific ideas, no matter how much they resemble mythologies, are ultimately always subject to rejection by observation.

But I would emphasise that unscientific ideas are rejected only from the possibility of analysis by the scientific method. Others will point out that there are other ways of thinking about the world, and I cannot logically deny that because I cannot ever know how much I do not know. I think that a lot of the resentment of science, and perception of its arrogance, stems from a failure to explicitly acknowledge this obvious fact as a starting point. I genuinely believe that it is obvious to most people who we call scientists. But I think they often forget that most people don't seem to be aware that one of the founding principles of the scientific method is: "I AM NOT SURE".

Who knows? It may turn out that science is indeed the only way to understand the world. But that is not the starting point. And even if it were the endpoint, I don't think we'd ever reach it.
I apologize for the length of the post.
Don't. There wasn't much in it that was superfluous. And I always like a Feynman quote.


But some things will forever be unobservable. Or, to put it another way, observation does not go all the way down.
See my description of the nature of observation, further down. Summary: Observation never goes all the way down.
I suggest this has already happened. That is why we have these contradictory scientific models which are completely at odds with each other.
I think we have always had contradictory scientific models which are at odds with each other and we have always had scientific models that describe the same phenomena in completely different ways. They compete to accurately describe observations in the simplest way.
...But now, as I am pointing out, science seems to have gone beyond the 'bounds of nature'. In all kinds of ways, science is positing forces, or fields, or worlds, or strings - and many other things - which are also not observable and may never be observable...
See again my account of observation below. BUT:

I take your point about a possible paradigm shift in science, or at least physics. I think it can be seen in some of the utterances of the generation of physicists who did not grow up entirely in the new paradigm - who straddle the divide - from Bohr to Feynman.

Feynman again:
we always have had a great deal of difficulty in understanding the world view that quantum mechanics represents. At least I do, because I'm an old enough man that I haven't got to the point that this stuff is obvious to me ... every new idea, it takes a generation or two until it becomes obvious that there's no real problem. It has not yet become obvious to me that there's no real problem.
I agree with you that to throw out (from science) all of the creativity and imagination of the world's mythologies is wrong, just as it is wrong to throw out the whole of anything based on an assessment of just some, and not all, of its characteristics. (Popularly known as "throwing the baby out with the bath water"). So I hope that perhaps we will, in the coming age, see a greater understanding and reconciliation between these two parts of our nature that might sometimes be called inspiration and empiricism.

It seems, from Leonardo to the Victorian age, that the pendulum did indeed swing decisively in one direction and the result was a crystalising out of these two human traits from the solution in which they were previously happily mixed. There was the steam-powered certainty of science, a victim of its own industrial success, and the imagination of (for example) the Romantic poets and artists, diametrically opposed to each other. Maybe we are finally emerging from that now into an age which can recongnise the equal importance of both without an irrational or contextually-inappropriate attachment to either.

But I would not conclude that physics has in fact always rejected all of mysticism and now is having to embrace all of it. There are many different mythologies containing many different strange, inspiring and wonderful ideas. One of their common themes is imagination of things that are far beyond everyday human experience - the transcendant. Given that as it progresses physics moves on to considering things that are further and further from everyday experience, it seems to me natural that it would, in some ways, converge with mystical ideas. But the crucial difference remains: there will always come a point when the scientific idea must correctly predict a new observation while not contradicting existing observations.

When the physicist Murry Gell-Mann contemplates the piece of theory that he has called "The Eightfold Way" he is perhaps drawing some interesting comparisons with Bhudism but he still has to keep in mind that its purpose is predictive. I'm not a scholar of Bhudism, but I don't think that prediction of observations is the purpose of the "Eightfold Path".

I think, even for the narrow purposes of science, that throwing out the baby with the bath water is wrong, but we should still throw out the bath water.
So it's 'OK' if science thinks like that. But if 'religious people' do it - then woe betide unto them. They are being superstitious.
It's ok for anybody to think up any zany ideas they like. But as soon as they start to claim that those ideas could be used to predict observations, they have to specify what observations they would predict and how the observations could, in principle, be made.
Isn't it [the law of gravity] that 'Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.'
The point I was trying to make was that the laws of nature are created by us to describe observations. We observe the observations. We manufacture the laws. We do not observe the laws. This is demonstrated by the fact that the laws are replaced, or upgraded, when new observations come to light. This is what I mean when I say that we do not observe the law of gravity. This is illustrated by the fact that your description of the law of gravity includes the word "every". It applies to "every piece of matter". i.e. it is proposed to apply to a potentially infinite set of objects. It is impossible to observe an infinite set of objects in finite time.

We perhaps fancy that these laws which we keep upgrading and replacing are striving towards some kind of eternal, perfect ultimate law which we discover rather than manufacture. Maybe. But we will never know that because we will never know if we have found it because we cannot ever know how much we do not know.

BUT: The wider point, and the one that I think it is crucial to understand, is that this does not just apply to the things that we normally think of as laws - it applies to everything apart from observations.

When we think we are being scientists we often divide the world into two concepts: the laws and the "things" which they describe. This leads us to believe that, for example, an electron is firmly in the latter category and the laws of quantum electrodynamics (for example) that describe that electron's behaviour are firmly in the former category. If we wish to understand the world, this is the wrong way to look at it.

When considering an electron, what we actually observe are a whole host of indirect things: light being emitted by a phosphur screen in a cathode ray tube; the observed consequences of electricity; the solid surfaces of objects; tracks in a cloud chamber; lines drawn on a computer screen; printouts of numbers etc. So are we really observing the electron? Yes we are, as long as we are crystal clear about precisely what it means to observe something and we never forget it. We are making many different diverse observations and seeing a pattern that connects all of those observations. That pattern is what we call an electron.

So the electron, just like the law of gravity, is a model to describe, predict and tie together a set of observations. If we wish to understand the world, this is how we have to view all of the things in the world. They are constructs to describe observations. We can, if we wish, say that we are observing them, but only as long as we are absolutely clear what that means.

I have been pointing out the way in which we indirectly infer the existence of an electron. But I only used this as an example because the indirectness of the observations is very clear. The same principle applies to things we think of as being perceived much more directly. When I look at the keyboard in front of me, am I viewing a keyboard or am I viewing a load of photons of light that I assume, from their behaviour, have bounced off a keyboard? When I touch the keyboard, am I feeling a keyboard or am I feeling an electrostatic repulsion which I assume to be caused by the presence of a keyboard? Answer: I am viewing and feeling a keyboard (duh!), so long as I am clear about what this act of viewing and feeling really involves. Just like the viewing of the electron, it involves making a model from the patterns in a diverse set of observations.

So even my keyboard is the same as the law of gravity!


Obviously, in everyday life, we don't have to take this view. But we do when thinking about the subtle properties of very, very, indirectly observed concepts like electrons or the Big Bang or Parallel Universes or even more indirectly inferred models-to-tie-together-observations. We have to remember them because we have to try not to make assumptions about the models and be willing to adjust them if new observations come to light. If we fail to think as I have described, we then tend to start thinking that these things like electrons have a fixed character that cannot be adjusted in the light of new experience. This can safely be said to be true in the case of keyboards, but not in the case of electrons and certainly not in the case of parallel universes.


A Poster He Or I:
Metaphysics only forces itself upon science to the extent that science embraces metaphysical methodologies, not to the extent that hypotheses involve metaphysical principles.
I think I agree with this. I think it means that all natural laws and generalized models are metaphysical, in the sense that they are not empirical observations. They are generalisations that purport to say something about those observations.


Quotidian's next post:
I think the Many Worlds Interpretation, and indeed the multiverse, is forever unobservable. Strictly speaking they are not even natural. If you say 'well it depends on what you mean by natural', then you're moving the goalposts. If 'natural' means 'whatever turns out to be true', then actually it doesn't really mean very much, does it? It is not as if it has actually delimited anything.
Personally I wouldn't really bother with trying to define "natural" because it is, in my view, too open to misinterpretation and being understood differently by different people. i.e. the goalposts aren't firmly anchored so it's too easy to move them. I would use the word "observable". And, as I've said, the things that science deals with can be said to be observable only with a very clear understanding of what that means. There is a real sense in which the laws and other models of physics are not observed but are inferred from observations.
So, this is a 'tidy explanation', partially on the grounds that it provides ammunition against the argument from the anthropic principle. We will consider an one kind of metaphysical idea, because it can be used against another kind of metaphysical idea, that points in a direction scientists don't much like. How 'scientific' is that?
On the face of it, not very! I don't see the purpose of postulating the existance of multiple universes with different laws of physics as an explanation of the fine tuning of the physical constants in our own universe. I think it is a mis-application or misunderstanding of the concept of probability.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 9:51 am
by Teh
A Poster He or I wrote:
The explanation of the double-slit experiment completely depends on which interpretation of quantum mechanics you buy into. Deutsch knows that as well as I do, so he should present that to his reader. Instead he presents his view (namely, the quantum is interfering with its own shadow-selves in different universes) in The Fabric of Reality as if it is accepted scientific fact. That is disingenuity unworthy of a scientist or science educator. I don't know much about the Mach-Zehnder interferometer so I'll abstain from an opinion on that device.
So, based on some other interpretation of quantum mechanics, how do you explain the double-slit experiment? The MZ interferometer is actually an easier physical system to talk about...

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 10:02 am
by Steve3007
I was not familiar with the MZ interferometer either, so googled it. Apparently it is essentially the same as a Michaelson Interferometer. I guess its significance to this discussion, then, is its application to the idea of quantum entanglement and the proposed experiment whereby two "entangled" photons (i.e. photons with a shared quantum state) fly off in opposite directions and one is measured. That old chestnut.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 12:31 pm
by Teh
Steve3007 wrote:I was not familiar with the MZ interferometer either, so googled it. Apparently it is essentially the same as a Michaelson Interferometer. I guess its significance to this discussion, then, is its application to the idea of quantum entanglement and the proposed experiment whereby two "entangled" photons (i.e. photons with a shared quantum state) fly off in opposite directions and one is measured. That old chestnut.
An MZ interferometer can be set up so that _all_ photons exit the final beam-splitter in one direction. For argument's sake lets take the case where all photons enter from the left and exit to the right.

The interference pattern is much simpler than the double-slit experiment, being just 0 and 1 rather than some fringes.

When you reduce the beam intensity so that only a single photon passes through the system at a time, the simple interference pattern of the MZ interferometer is observed every time. You do not have to wait until fringes are built up over many runs of the experiment.

Also, in the MZ interferometer, the two possible paths are not only arbitrarily distant, but orthogonal!

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 1:00 pm
by Steve3007
Ah yes! I have seen this one. As you say, it's the same general idea as the twin slit experiment most famously discussed by Feynman but with a simpler "on/off" result. The same principles apply: any kind of knowledge whatever of the path that the photon took destroys the interference effect, and a single particle still shows the effect. It "interferes with itself".

A simpler readout, as it were. But, as an illustration of quantum mechanical effects, I think the twin slit experiment still has the advantage of having easier to visualize analogies with classical wave and classical particle limit experiments. Every high-school physics student has done the wave version. And everyone can visualise the particle (bullet) one.

Anyway, I think they've both been discussed on here at one time or another.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 1:07 pm
by A Poster He or I
So, based on some other interpretation of quantum mechanics, how do you explain the double-slit experiment?

Personally I'm a Copenhagenist these days. To me the double-slit experiment with a particle detector is a completely different experiment than without the detector. The "paradox" of quanta somehow knowing they are observed is a consequence of the hubris of humans who believe that human-perceived differentiation into separate systems would have any relevance at the scale of quantum interaction.

As to what's causing the interference when single particles are fired, Feynman's sum-over-histories always made the most sense to me.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 1:17 pm
by Teh
Steve3007 wrote:Ah yes! I have seen this one. As you say, it's the same general idea as the twin slit experiment most famously discussed by Feynman but with a simpler "on/off" result. The same principles apply: any kind of knowledge whatever of the path that the photon took destroys the interference effect, and a single particle still shows the effect. It "interferes with itself".

A simpler readout, as it were. But, as an illustration of quantum mechanical effects, I think the twin slit experiment still has the advantage of having easier to visualize analogies with classical wave and classical particle limit experiments. Every high-school physics student has done the wave version. And everyone can visualise the particle (bullet) one.

Anyway, I think they've both been discussed on here at one time or another.
You miss the entire point of the experiment. There is no classical analogue of a single particle heading north and east at the same time, in fact I don't think a wave can do that either.

We are not dealing with waves anyway, we are dealing with particles.

Any explanation of the MZ interferometer (or double slit experiment) is eagerly awaited!

-- Updated November 27th, 2012, 12:24 pm to add the following --
A Poster He or I wrote: (Nested quote removed.)

Personally I'm a Copenhagenist these days. To me the double-slit experiment with a particle detector is a completely different experiment than without the detector. The "paradox" of quanta somehow knowing they are observed is a consequence of the hubris of humans who believe that human-perceived differentiation into separate systems would have any relevance at the scale of quantum interaction.

As to what's causing the interference when single particles are fired, Feynman's sum-over-histories always made the most sense to me.
I see, a fundamental field called "hubris" is responsible for collapsing the wavefunction! You clearly are unaware that being a "Copenhagenist" means that you believe objective reality does not exist until it is measured, _and_ that quantum mechanics is an epistemic rather than ontic theory, _and_ that reality for some inexplicable reason, plays along with your mind-games.

Re: The Limits of Science

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 1:42 pm
by Steve3007
I think the twin slit experiment still has the advantage of having easier to visualize analogies with classical wave and classical particle limit experiments.
You miss the entire point of the experiment. There is no classical analogue of a single particle heading north and east at the same time,
What is your understanding of the term "wave-particle duality"? Read the account of the twin slit experiment in the "Feynman Lectures on Physics". You will see there the analogy with water waves and with machine gun bullets - the things that are sometimes called "classical waves" and "classical particles". You will then see the account of the experiment with electrons.
in fact I don't think a wave can do that either.
Dip your finger in some water. Watch the waves spread out in all directions. North, south, east and west.