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Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: September 15th, 2024, 10:18 pm
by Brandon Gates 7
I cannot connect the belief in God and the existence of the phrase should. God is omnipotent and a higher being. The other is just a phrase that humans can decide is irrelevant and remove it from English grammar. :(

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: September 17th, 2024, 4:26 am
by James Pain
Go's is the ultimate being. There are no should or should not. He is the sole creator and dictator of how things run

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: September 17th, 2024, 11:57 am
by Divine Stephens
As a Christian I understand your point of view. Saying things will happen differently is like opposing the will of God.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: September 19th, 2024, 6:32 am
by Solaaa
At school, a teacher can teach excellently well, and have many of their students perform very well, but occasionally one or two may perform so poorly that one would think they weren't taught at all.
I believe the concept is one that expresses humanity's influence in the world made by an omnipotent God, not that he did a bad job, but that we hold some cards and are actually not making the best of them.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: September 19th, 2024, 7:55 pm
by Shiru Elizabeth
I believe this because I know that God works in mysterious ways, and everything that seems bad will work out for the best in the end—that is, if we have the patience to wait. As a result, I share your belief that people who both acknowledge the existence of an all-powerful God

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: September 26th, 2024, 3:39 am
by Gift Omolade
From my perspective, the idea of an all-powerful God coexisting with the concept of 'should-not-have-ness' raises intriguing questions. It suggests a tension between divine perfection and the existence of suffering or imperfection in the world. I believe that rather than viewing it as a failure on God's part, it can be seen as an opportunity for growth and understanding. Life's challenges often lead us to deeper insights and connections, highlighting the complexity of existence and the role of free will in our experiences.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: September 26th, 2024, 8:56 pm
by Shirley Labzentis
For those of you who say that God is perfect and that he created a perfect world, did he really? Is this a perfect world? With a Category 4 hurricane barreling down on Florida right now and people in third-world countries starving to death because of a drought, is that a perfect world? Others say that God has a plan. Well, what is it? One said that you have to wait to find out. A lot of people that I know have waited only to die, not knowing what God's plan was for them. I don't blindly believe in anything. People have to start questioning the whys and what for and not just believe in something because someone or some religion told them to. Think for yourself, not what your religious beliefs tell you to.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad

Posted: October 10th, 2024, 6:41 am
by Qwerty Writes
I agree. When you scorn something and say you should or I should have, you are judging the free will, the free choice you have. It diminishes the choice you have. And the choices of others. And ultimately demeans the value of that person. It's the same when we attribute it to God. It's wrong and manipulative to ask someone to do something against their will because you would not want them to ask the same of you.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job

Posted: October 21st, 2024, 2:46 am
by Cynthia Pence
This is a thought-provoking ideology. After reading this post, I can also now agree with the fact that if one believes that everything that happens must happen and nothing happens when they should not have happened, one can know peace.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job

Posted: October 30th, 2024, 3:50 pm
by Mr Benji
This is a splendid exposition on the subject matter. It claims and points are so clear to the mind. With this explanations, a doubtful and ungrateful mind becomes thankful for the perfect work of God, and he or she realizes that is proper to appreciate the work of God, without any blame.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job

Posted: November 1st, 2024, 10:40 am
by KRYSTAL Grace 19
God makes no mistakes. It is either we have not found our purpose or we are not on the right track of our life because of sin. I repeat God makes no mistakes. He is supreme after all.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job

Posted: November 9th, 2024, 6:18 pm
by Shirley Labzentis
Really. God makes no mistakes. What do you call the babies that are born with no brain, ones with a cleft pallet, ones that are born with multiple tumors on their heads, blind, or with no nose or eyes? I know you are going to say that God has a plan for these children. Yes, a plan to die after an hour or two of life or to live in misery and pain if they do survive. Some can't eat or drink by themselves or even walk. A plan, hmm.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job

Posted: December 19th, 2024, 12:17 pm
by Goodness Richman
Reality is just unchangeable. Accept it as it comes, choose what to do, remember the consequences will show. If life us lived like this, it'll be obvious that a "should" has no place is existence.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job

Posted: December 21st, 2024, 12:33 pm
by TashaMPSullivan
I agree. God doesn't make mistakes. People are the ones who make mistakes. I have often wondered to myself why God gave me free will, as I make such bad decisions sometimes, but this is MY mistake, not His. I can't understand how someone can look at the beautiful and complicated world, with all the intricacies, and our bodies with all the complicated ways in which it works, and say there is no God.

Re: To believe in an all-powerful God and think 'should-not-have-ness' exists is to therefore believe that God did a bad job

Posted: December 22nd, 2024, 3:10 am
by Brooks Maine
To me, the world is perfect and God did a great job. It is just how it is . I applaud everyone for their various beliefs. Kindness is what matters most