Sculptor1 wrote: ↑February 5th, 2023, 6:38 amEven when I was working in mental health care a couple of years ago I saw people being given a complete cocktail of medication. I also saw and had to give antipsychotic injections against people held down on the floor, taking it against their will under Mental Health Sections.JackDaydream wrote: ↑February 4th, 2023, 9:35 amMy brother resisted Clozapine for a long while; "they aint sticking no needle in me". But his previous regime was not working. Despite the problems it did give him a life, and was a vast improvement to his 3 drug cocktail based on chlorpromazine, procyclidine and another, which he'd been on for 15 years.Sculptor1 wrote: ↑February 4th, 2023, 6:37 amI am extremely familiar with the use and potential problems of Clozapine. The friend who I spoke of who carries a Bible around with her was almost put on Clozapine. Despite psychotic experiences of thinking that she was the devil she was aware of the dangers of Clozapine. I am aware of how some individuals claim that Clozapine has made such a profound difference to life. I also remember watching a video made by a drug company promoting it as a 'wonder drug'. It is often used as an intervention for those who fail to get a response to the typical antipsychotics, but it can also only be given to people who are willing to comply with the blood test monitoring. When I was last working in psychiatric care one aspect which had become a focus, was the significance of constipation in connection with the heart. Part of the problem may be that research is limited, which is particularly important when people are expected to take a form of medication on a long term basis.JackDaydream wrote: ↑February 4th, 2023, 3:54 amYes my brother died of heart and breathing problems, he gained weight too. Clozapine wrecked his body.
Sorry to hear about your brother and I am aware of the grim predicament of people who experience the condition diagnosed as schizophrenia. When I spoke of people who 'breakthrough' and emerge as stronger I am speaking of a small minority, such as a few people who I know who have experienced a psychotic breakdown and learned so much, such as someone who I know wel who had a psychotic breakdown and was in an psychiatric intensive care unit and he is now a senior tutor in nursing. But, I have definitely seen the other side and how many suffer so much, through the experience of psychosis and the medication given to treat it.
A few months ago I remember discussion with you about the cardio-metabolic syndrome and there does appear to be a clear link between antipsychotic medication and this. While most of the older antipsychotics had the, extrapyramidal, movement problems, some of the newer ones like Olanzapine and Clozapine lead to tremendous weight gain which seems to trigger so many other potential physical problems, including type 2 diabetes. Many people don't wish to take their medication because they are aware of side-effects, especially the weight gain.
My own interest in the problem of suffering was originally based on knowing a number of people with serious mental health problems, including people who committed suicide. I felt that losing 3 friends to suicide in a short space of about 3-4 years to be my own personal experience of suffering. One of these 3 had missed his antipsychotic medication and was smoking cannabis. So, the problem of medication or not having it are complex.
I definitely don't wish to romanticize suffering, and in a way, some of the existentialist outsiders, like Camus, Nietzsche and Sartre may contribute towards this. I read Colin Wilson's ' The Outsider' and found it so significant but there is a danger of misery and suffering being glamourised, especially by angry young men. The reality of those who are going through the depths of mental pain is far from romantic.
I guess my own wish to see the positive in suffering is partly based on reading, such as the ideas of Victor Frankl. Having been in a Nazi concentration camp he speaks of how people could find meaning amidst suffering. However, it may be extremely difficult to live with physical, emotional or mental suffering.
Finally, I did notice that you mentioned schizophrenia being seen as a chemical disorder. That has been the view of some, who try to reduce it to genetics and neuroscience. But, that is open to question. In some cases, people who experience schizophrenia link it to early life experiences. In addition, it can encompass so many of the existential aspects of life, including issues to do with sexual expression and ideas about religion, and even ideas about good and evil.
Mental illness is a very wide field. WHen I said "chemical imbalance" was reductive I mean to pour scorn on the pretense that they have found "the cause". When in fact they have just described another aspect of the illness. You have to ask how else would it appear in the brain? What you do not have is the conundrum; did the imbalance lead to the illness or does the illness lead to the imbalance?
THe vast majority of mental illness is caused by the stresses of the lived experience such as unresolved traumas, and losses. They may well appear as a chemical imbalance, and drug companies are only too eager to supply a pill which can mask that imbalance. But what is most effective is the sort of expensive and time consuming treatments that include unpacking those trauma through talking, CBT and group therapies. Most mental illnesses are not because of valium, propranolol or other deficiencies. Though those drugs can help the symptoms they cannot be a real solution.
However schizophrenia is not "most" mental illness. I'll not say drugs cannot help but they are far from a solution, and the other therapies might introduce coping mechanisms but schizophrenia is too profound and little understood a problem for it to be solvable.
What triggered it could have been things that happened to us as boys, god knows we had some rough times, and Mitch being the older may well have taken more on board.
Though this would not answer other cases. There is something which may be significant. Mitch was born with a large birthmark over his eye. Back on the late 1950s they did not have so much appreciation of the dangers of radiation. Mitch had his face irradiated over period of time to kill the birthmark. The treatment was successful, but I have always wondered what harm that may have done to a growing young brain.
The whole area of trying to find a cause for schizophrenia is especially complicated. There was the dopamine hypothesis as an aspect of neuro chemistry. The physical aspects may involve so many factors. I do read in the field of alternative and holistic medicine and have read of various speculations ranging from chemical and food allergies to suggestions about inflammatory processes in the brain. It may be that a lot more research is needed. It is indeed questionable what radiation which your brother, Mitch, received could have done to a developing brain.
The bio- psychosocial model may be important, especially in relation to the role of trauma and early life experiences. The difficulties may impact upon emotional and chemical pathways of the brain. It is also interesting to consider in what ways problems can be resolved at a later stage. Medication is probably important but limited. Forms of therapy and CBT are definitely important, especially in thinking about the chemical wiring of the brain in relation to cognitions.
However, I don't wish to go off topic in my own thread, and I do read a lot in the area of critical psychiatry and may even write a thread on such an area at some point. However, it is a fairly sensitive area for online discussion, but relating back to the thread topic, the whole area of 'mental illness' and its treatment points to the way in which suffering is a complex area, and how simplistic explanations, especially in relation to the concepts of 'good' and 'evil' as black and white oppositions are inadequate in thinking about the nature of human experiences critically.
Maybe had he received timely counselling when it struck things would have been different.
Here's where evil comes in..
In times gone by my brother would have been considered as evil being possessed of evil spirits. In non Christian cultures he might have enjoyed the life of a seer and hermit. People who go to him as he was touched by the spirits.
Were his mental illness have led him to "evil" deeds, would he be blameless, or would he have had to accept the consequences of his actions? Luckily he was perfectly law abiding and gentle, but in so many cases mental health sufferers often go off the rails. Where then is evil?
Today's evil is people who, protecting their narrowly focused interest in either the talking therapy or neurochemistry or pharmacology or correctional facilities, claim that their methods are going to solve the problem.
The ideas about psychiatry do vary with some people seeing it as 'evil spirits'. In particular, I knew some patients, mainly from African backgrounds, who had families who viewed it that way. It is true that in some cultures people who experienced hallucinations were revered as shamans, holy men and seers. If William Blake and Van Gogh had been alive in the twentieth first century they would have probably been Sectioned, been compelled to take psychiatric medication and probably would have never produced their most creative works.
As far as the acts committed by patients it is fortunate that your brother was law-abiding and gentle. So many people with mental illness are and the stereotypes in the media are unhelpful. With those who act and commit crimes, including severe aggression, murder and sexual crimes, it gets into the complex area of forensic psychiatry. I have some experience in forensic services but not in settings like Broadmoor, but I do know people who have worked there. There is the issue of people who are psychotic and commit crimes in response to voices but there is also the situation of those who have a diagnosis of borderline antisocial personality disorder. With people who have such a diagnosis there is a clear question of whether they are 'mad' or 'bad'. I have some experience of people with that diagnosis but not those who needed secure settings. For many in secure forensic settings it is about constant monitoring for risk to others and I understand that it can be challenging working with some of them, although they are offered therapy as well as medication.