Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑March 2nd, 2022, 8:29 am
CIN wrote: ↑March 1st, 2022, 7:38 pm
People's opinions do not make moral truths true.
Er, I think people's opinions are exactly what make moral truths true.
What does 'true' mean here? Can something be true if it isn't objectively true, merely by virtue of people's opinions?
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑March 2nd, 2022, 8:29 am
CIN wrote: ↑March 1st, 2022, 7:38 pm
'Pain is intrinsically bad' is true because of what pain is like, just as 'the earth is round' is true because of what the earth is like.
As far as I know, all creatures that feel pain consider it a negative experience. To those creatures, pain appears "bad" and it may even appear to be 'morally wrong' to them. But is any of this demonstrative of 'objective' morality? I can't see it. Perhaps the best we could do is to note that many experiences are characterised as "bad" by the majority of experiencers? Consensus. And consensus is very-much-not objectivity, as we philosophers know well.
I doubt if pain would appear to be morally wrong to a non-human. I don't think they'd have the concept of moral wrongness.
I think we can move beyond mere consensus, and I shall now attempt to do so.
I'm glad you accept that all creatures consider pain a negative experience. I agree. I can see only three ways of explaining this: either all animals are suffering from a kind of universal subjective delusion, a belief that pain is a negative experience when in fact it is not; this seems unlikely, because it looks very unlikely that many animal species would actually be capable of having such a belief. Or, without actually holding any beliefs, animals are nevertheless universally reacting negatively to something that is not in fact negative (but why would they do this?). Or pain actually is a negative experience, i.e. this negativity is an intrinsic property of pain. I take this third view, as it seems to offer the most straightforward explanation of the way animals (including ourselves) behave. The important point to note about this is that 'negative' is a value term. If we accept that pain is intrinsically negative, then we have bridged the supposed gap between fact and value. We have a natural fact, that animals feel pain, which is also an evaluative fact, that animals feel something that is intrinsically negative. It's because I think pain bridges the supposed fact-value gap in this way that I am an ethical naturalist.
But you are right, of course, in saying that this does not in itself deliver objective morality. To get there takes a bit more work.
What does 'bad' actually mean? I think we need a plausible theory about this, because without one, we don't really know what we're talking about. My own theory is that 'good' and 'bad' are used to attribute properties of goodness and badness (i.e. they're not just approving or disapproving noises), and that these properties are, respectively, the properties of meriting a positive attitude and meriting a negative attitude. 'Pain is bad' means 'pain merits a negative attitude', and pain does indeed merit a negative attitude, the reason being that, as you've already said, pain is a negative experience. The specific negative attitude may be different depending on whose attitude it is and in what relation they stand to the pain. So, for example, my dog's negative attitude to his pain may be to try and escape from it, while someone else's negative attitude may be to feel an emapthic dislike for the pain and a corresponding empathic pity for the dog.
Now, if an action causes a negative experience such as pain, then since the consequence of the action merits a negative attitude, it seems reasonable to infer that the action itself, insofar as it causes a negative result, must itself also merit a negative attiitude. This attitude again may be different depending on the relation of the indivdual to the action: for example, if I am the cause of my dog's pain because I am beating my dog, my dog's negative attitude to my action may be to run away from me, while someone else's negative attitude may be to feel and express disapproval of my action. And then, since my action in giving pain to the dog merits a negative response, by my theory of what 'bad' means, not only is the pain bad, but my action is also bad (and throughout all of this we don't need the scare quotes round 'bad' that you put there). And it seems to me reasonable to say that if an action is bad, then that is a reason, other things being equal, why we ought not to perform it. And there is your objective morality.
That's my theory. I'd be interested to know what you think.