Count Lucanor wrote:Yes, I agree and this makes sense. It must be noted, however (for the benefit of such free speech absolutists), that the whole point of cancel culture is to actually, effectively, achieving a ban on other people's behavior, that is, to affect their personal freedom of action, including their right to have platforms to speak about anything the cancel culture advocates despise.
Yes indeed. The point of cancel culture, and other forms of intimidatory speech, is to curtail other people's feeling that they can speak freely (not their physical ability to do so),
by using speech, not physical force. There are a lot of examples of speech which intimidates others into silence in this way, from the subtle to the obvious. For example:
"I know where you and your family live. If you say XYZ, I think you'd be well advised to take care when you and your children leave the house."
That example is the speaker stating some information about himself (about his knowledge of something) and giving some advise. "What's wrong with that?" He might faux-innocently ask. Of course, we all know that it's designed to use fear to curtail the other's free speech. It often works, especially when done more subtly. As a non free speech absolutist I naturally regard it as morally wrong and think it should potentially be illegal.
I think one of the usual free speech absolutist arguments is that the libertarian-style principle of individual freedom (of which speech is an aspect) is so important that it must be applied universally, because if it is applied only partially then the problem of when to apply it ends up being a matter of personal taste, and I think they would argue that legislation shouldn't be based on personal tastes, because then it would just be the personal tastes of the people who happen to hold legislative power. So I think it's mostly a consistency argument. The trouble is, in my view, these simplistic applications of universal principles in ethics often would lead, when actually put into practice, to results that almost everybody, including the person advocating the principle, wouldn't want. Attempting universal adherence to a simple principle (political idealism), without engaging common sense and accepting that ethics is complicated and messy, often leads to real-world end results that end up violating the underlying reason for the invention of the principle.