Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 22nd, 2021, 9:27 pm
To say God as the universe is circular and redundant ignores the fact that the universe is temporal with a past, present and future. We don’t know the future and so there’s an aspect of “God” that’s mysterious to us. But we do know the present so that we can improve ourselves to leave the world a better place when we die. The past is like the common source of where we came from. Therefore pantheism can be made compatible with open-ended interpretations of theism.
I wouldn't say that it's circular, I just see that examining nature and examining - lets say the 'broader conscious system' leads in Tom Campbell, Bernardo Kastrup, and Donald Hoffman directions. In a way I might be saddling the term 'God' with all of the expectations one would pile on to a personal theistic deity, ie. the kinds of expectations my parents pile on that deity when they say grace along with a handful of petitions before every meal. For me the character of the God of the bible, or even the very neoplatonized god of Christianity which makes Jesus resemble Adam Kadmon in so many ways, ends up taking people to places where the quality of Christian they are is largely showcased in the quality of connection that they feel like they have to Jesus. My biggest problem with that - I don't know that this is always necessarily fair, much like my overwhelming spiritual transformative experiences were with Mary/Isis/Sophia, or 'She who has 10,000 names'.
I guess I'd have to hear more about what your framing of open-theism is to see what I'd agree or disagree with. As it is while I'd say I've been a hard determinist in the past I'm still trying to figure out what the unknown-unknowns are, it seems like hyperdeterminism is just a given based on causality or contents of information and options in the flow of time but that the outcomes of determinism are complex enough not to be simple slavery to immediate causes (most of the time if you care - for example - you'll outclass your circumstances, but even that could be causally determined).
I think more of what I was getting at - the popular definition of 'God' is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and adding to this from the Abrahamic perspective, particularly as detailed in the Psalms of David, knowing the numbers of hairs on our heads and being keenly interested in each one of our outcomes. 'Source' seems to be learning but incomplete, not perfect, obsessed with not losing information, every human life is a bit of an experiment with its own sorts of balancing and buffering factors, and we seem to sit in an incredibly odd place where on one flank animal instinct and the winning of zero-sum games is the province of narcissists and psychopaths, where they climb the social ladders and throw us down with the greatest of ease because they're obsessively focused on one thing where the rest of us aren't, but at the same time the 'humanness' of our ability to self examine, something some chose but many don't, seems to yield deep insight and vision and qualities that would deeply benefit a future human race that could get past all of the X-risks (nuclear, synthetic biology, throwing the whole biosphere in the economic engine to keep people from killing each other over status and 'stuff') and in some ways either taming or at least putting the psychopaths in places where what they are is best suited for the tasks rather than simply dominating everywhere they go.
This is also where it feels like something is either fundamentally changing in terms of what's valued or 'fit' for the human environment or, alternately, we all go off a cliff together and leave the eskimos and aborigines to tell tales of a civilization of educated idiots who played with fire too much and wiped themselves out. I'm still not sure what the outcome is or whether the universe is deeply interested in which way this goes for us. On one level it's quite likely that almost everyone will be met by simulacra of loved ones when they die, taken to peaceful places, and reabsorbed. The question is - what the heck does that 'zone' lets just say (whether many separate forms of consciousness with hierarchical connection or just one diffracting into many) have in the way of engagement or priorities with this particular stage of reality. If it has no problem with us wiping ourselves out then that's probably exactly what happens. Watching the first half of the 20th century across Europe and Asia and how many tens or even hundreds of millions lost their lives in horrific conditions based on various wars of ideology or domination, and you see the worst of that in Mengele, the Russian gulags, and Japan's Unit 731, that the broader conscious system sat by and watched that leniently doesn't send comforting signals about our future.
Humbly watching Youtube in Universe 25. - Me