Hello again Professor Steve-o,
I think one thing that we need to do is find something "concrete" to say.
Ok, in that spirit here's a concrete proposal for your review.
1) First, we might work together to write a document that outlines this theory.
2) Next, we might make that document the centerpiece of a new blog and/or forum dedicated to this topic.
3) Finally, we might focus on expanding this conversation beyond the three or so people currently engaged here. If we're going to meaningfully address such a fundamental human issue as this, we certainly need to bring far more brainpower to the table.
Implementing the above would involve a lot of very concrete work, but it wouldn't necessarily involve the participants in this thread being the ones to deliver the solutions.
The bottom lines I see are 1) does a person understand and generally agree with this description of the problem and 2) do they care? Both of these conditions need to be met before a person will consider investing effort in to the subject.
As example, I'm solid on #1, but pretty soft on #2. Thus, if I'm going to invest effort in this I need assistance from others in helping me stay engaged. On the other hand, I can provide assistance to those who are solid on #2 but soft on #1. Everybody has a role to play, none of us are going to fix this on our own.
It's not clear precisely what state of mind we want to bring about in the students. I've tried a bit myself but am so far just as vague as you are about it.
Perhaps the focus might be on the idea that there is no free lunch, everything of value has a price tag. In the case of thought and knowledge, we get huge benefits, and a correspondingly large price tag. A place to start maybe...
In the post to which you're referring here I wasn't really suggesting education specifically on the dangers of any particular threat. I was suggesting a more joined-up approach to teaching political history and science so that people can better understand the rational reasons why decisions are made which have lead to both the benefits and the dangers of technology. As I was saying, I think it's only by realizing that the nuclear arms race (for example) is not a symptom of human madness but a symptom of humans rationally reacting to the concerns of their time that we can unpick such things.
I hear you, and don't disagree, but to go all philosophical for a moment, I might put it a bit differently. I don't see "madness" and "intelligence" as being polar opposites.
Some people are "mad" because they are too intelligent to fall comfortably in to the group consensus dream. As example, thanks to our dullness, most of us can keep death at a safe distance psychologically. Some people are too intelligent to do that, so their real world functioning may be negatively affected, ie. they appear "mad".
And intelligence, ie. thought, is the primary source of madness. Madness is built in to thought, which is why very intelligent highly educated people with good intentions can find themselves doing things like building nukes. Seen this way, holistically, the act of building nukes was both rational and mad, at the same time. But, this is admittedly a quite esoteric point which will likely do more to muddle the waters than add clarity, so I'm happy to let it go and move on.
I take on board what you said earlier about how we may not have time for several generations of education on this. But on the issue of timescale I really don't think we have a choice.
It depends. If we are going to reason our way out of this box, then yes, a great deal of time will be involved. But I predict there is pretty much no chance that reason alone can address this, and I see some big crisis coming to our aid sooner or later. Look at how America's relationship with the world changed in a single day on 9/11.
Thus, one game plan can be to quietly prepare for the coming crisis so that when it happens we don't have to start thinking about all of this from scratch. Prepare the ground so to speak. At least that seems the most realistic prospect to me at the moment.
Thanks again for engaging! I predict Nobel Prizes for both of us!
If the things we want to hear could take us where we want to go, we'd already be there.