Of course you can say something on the subject. You can say you don't yet know whether there is a watchmaker or not.
Yes, I could say that and in a sense it would be true. If somebody asked me whether the sun will rise tomorrow I could say "I don't yet know". That would also be true. Useful thing to say?
Ah, so we now have some idea that you are a closet theist!
I wouldn't rule anything out. I do like churches.
Not proof, but a reasonable guess. You know, reality is rather more complex than a watch, it implies a designer far more than a watch, which is what theists have been saying for endless centuries.
Remember, in this particular conversation we're not talking about "reality" (whatever that is). We're talking specifically about living things on Earth. It is still true that most living things are much more complex than a watch. Does that imply a designer much more than a watch does?
You (science) are assuming here that you are operating at a level where you can understand what is going on if only you obtain enough data.
No I'm not. You've forgotten what my (my) line is on this. It's not about "understanding" at all. That's far too nebulous a concept to get my little head around. I don't know what it means to "understand" something. All I (science) know is that there are patterns in my observations and it has been useful in the past to use those patterns to predict future observations. If that trend continues then I will continue to use those patterns to make those predictions. I will probably sometimes refer to the more well-established patterns as "knowledge".
What if a "watchmaker" designed evolution to manage the development of life? What if the "plan" is just what you see, a pattern of random mutations which the watchmaker knows will lead to the desired results, without the clever watchmaker having to manage the process?
That's essentially saying that the "watchmaker" invented the laws of nature and setup the initial conditions to achieve the desired outcome. Yes. It's possible. Many people speculate that it might be true. God as an embodiment of the laws of physics. If you wanted to call that a "plan" then I guess you could. But to me, a "plan" which is indistinguishable from "not a plan" is not a good use of words. I like words to divide things up. I guess it's the reductionist in me!
What I suggest is that scientists are mechanically minded by nature (not a slur, just a broad description) and thus they see mechanical apparatus everywhere they look. Poets and story tellers and artists, all of us, do the same thing.
I think there's a whole potential sub-branch of the conversation there about what it means for something to be "mechanical".
What we currently know from hard historical evidence is that our perceptions of reality are being profoundly overturned at an ever accelerating rate. Note how this evidence tends to be casually discarded, as such a documented record of ignorance tends to undermine the social authority of the science clergy.
Again, I disagree. Our perceptions are
not overturned as much as, I suspect, you think. They are added to. When people who lived in one small part of the Earth thought it was flat
they were right. The flat Earth model is a special case, for a particular subset of all possible observations, of the spherical Earth model. Newton's "flat space" model of gravity is a special case, for a particular subset of all possible observations, of Einstein's "curved space" model. No doubt that is also a special case too, of something else.
If you're now back to referring to the "scientific method" when you refer to "the science clergy" then you absolutely could not be more wrong. The documented record of ignorance is precisely what science thrives on. Look at the history of science to see this.
I am referring to our RELATIONSHIP with the science community, which tends to be quite similar to the RELATIONSHIP we long had with religious clergy.
I would extend this to SOME members of the science community, who have understandably bought in to this image of sweeping authority. As example, I used to participate on a science forum (sciencechatforum.com). Once the assembled scientists realized I was not a scientist myself, they began chronically trying to teach me HOW TO REASON. They assumed their expert status and authority on a very specific technical topic extended outwards in every direction. A very small sample admittedly.
If that's really what they assumed, they were wrong. I don't know. I haven't seen the conversation.
Perhaps it would help me if you could explain how plans can exist without planners? You seem to be trying to divorce the two, and I don't get it yet.
I didn't say a plan can exist without a planner. I said that an object can show evidence of having been planned or evidence of not having been planned. No plan, presumably no planner.
Sorry, you are continually diving deep in to argument by exaggeration. All I'm doing is applying the very same test we reasonably apply to holy books to the atheist's chosen authority as well. You totally get why testing the holy book is necessary, but when it comes to challenging your own chosen authority on these topics, you try to make it as confusing as possible.
And all I'm doing is showing you that I have no chosen authority. You keep telling me that my chosen authority is human reason and that I am certain that it is applicable to everything. I keep telling you, over and over again, that I am certain of nothing. I can prove nothing. I simply use what is useful when it is useful.
Sorry, classic atheist dodging and weaving. First unproven assertions are made with wild abandon, and when an effective challenger appears atheists retreat in to qualifications.
Please quote my unproven assertions. Could you also have a look at where I've mentioned my attitude to the word "proof". I've mentioned it once or twice.
You've done it again. Current evidence actually suggests that current evidence is most likely wildly unreliable.
Unreliable for what? Making assertions of absolute knowledge? Can you see the straw man that you keep endlessly pummelling?
At one point, the current evidence was that the Earth was at the center of the universe. WRONG! Then the current evidence was that there is only our galaxy. WRONG! The current evidence was that space and time are two completely different unrelated phenomena. WRONG!
Have a look at my earlier comments (and many comments in previous posts) about flat Earth and the development of knowledge.
When any enterprise proves itself to be wildly wrong over and over again, why should we blindly accept it's "current evidence"??
Ditto. Sorry, but I don't know how many more times I can explain my view as to how knowledge grows and how much you've misunderstood the scientific method if you use words like "WRONG!". Kepler? WRONG! Newton? WRONG?
-- Updated Mon Jun 20, 2016 4:28 pm to add the following --
I'll continue later when I get time. I'm starting to think now that it's very difficult to be understood and am looking for ways in which that might happen and how to write more clearly. For example, in that last paragraph, I suspect you'll probably think I'm holding up Kepler and Newton as high priests and accusing you of heresy by saying "wrong" or some such thing.
When you see the whole subject through the lens of this "scientists are worshipped like gods and scientific knowledge is sold as unquestionable truth" myth I can see how that changes the perception of all words. Despite my continued repeating that the most basic, fundamental principle of science is that nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing is certain.
-- Updated Mon Jun 20, 2016 5:19 pm to add the following --
When any enterprise proves itself to be wildly wrong over and over again, why should we blindly accept it's "current evidence"??
OK. I'm going to try again and take this one as one of the most stark misrepresentations of science and turn the question back to you.
Why would
you blindly the accept the current findings (or any findings) of science?
The most basic principle of science - science lesson 1 - tells you that you should not blindly accept what you're told. The system is designed around the process of exposing one's ideas to scrutiny. If you're not familiar with the tools required to perform that scrutiny, they're freely available to
anybody who in interested. They're not locked away. And the reasons why those tools were designed the way they were are
themselves available for scrutiny; not locked away. Nothing is locked away. You are obliged to accept nothing without question.
The system of exposing one's ideas for peer review (i.e. review by your equals, which means review by anybody who is interested enough to pick up the freely available tools and use them) is explicitly setup to be the absolute, precise opposite of "blindly accept".
Given the above, I'll ask again: why would
you blindly the accept the current findings of science? Why would you blindly accept the words of a person/system that is screaming at you: "DO NOT BLINDLY ACCEPT WHAT I SAY!"?
If you don't do so, but you think most other people do, why? In your opinion, why do most people insist on blindly accepting what these "high priests" are presenting to them? Why do you think that they continuously defy these priests and say "No! I will
not question your findings, as you're telling me to. I will blindly accept everything you say whether you like it or not."
It reminds me of that scene from the movie "The Life of Brian" where a huge crowd has gathered outside Brian's house to worship him (believing him to be the Messiah) and he says:
"You don't
need to worship me! You don't
need to worship anybody! You are all individuals! You can all think for yourselves!"
And the crowd dutifully shouts in unison:
"Yes! We are all individuals! We can all think for ourselves!"
Is this
really the relationship you think the general population has with this "science clergy"? Defying the basic principles of science in order to blindly believe in science?