Lagayscienza wrote: ↑December 26th, 2023, 11:52 am
... and so here I will speak only for myself.
My dear friend La
Gaya Scienza,
Fundamentally and honestly, I always speak for myself only, too.
Every academic scientific materialist Atheist is
an independently thinking sovereign free individual.
Because humans live in societies, they naturally share world-views,
and congregate around their subjectively preferred world-views,
because this way these shared world-views appear to be more objective.
subjective individual can ever rationally claim any
objectivity at all.
Had there been such things as "objective facts", we would have all
gladly agreed upon them by now, more than once.
We all have
free will, and we choose what subjectively and naturally appeals to us.
If you happen to believe that humans have
no free will, then
I don't see much sense in engaging in any debates.
So, I am grateful to you, my dear friend La
Gaya Scienza,
for sharing with me and with us all, your valuable understanding,
or lack thereof, because saying:
I don't know, is honestly expressing
our commonly shared essential
human condition of both,
the Theists and the Atheists, whereby only true scientists
how much they
don't know yet.
As to Dr.
Bernardo Kastrup's Youtube celebrity status,
he is an innocent and well-meaning
like the rest of us on this forum.
True great
self-skeptical philosophers, who openly acknowledge
inherent limits of human intellect to conceive of what reality
might ultimately possibly be, are very rare. One such example
is Kurt Gödel and his
two Incompleteness Theorems :
www. quantumantigravity.wordpress. com/up/
All science and technology is essentially all about,
is what we can directly see in front of our noses only,
in order to understand it a bit better, and make it practically useful.
The Big Bang, abiogenesis, and Darwinian Evolution,
are prime examples of
meta-physical speculations only,
because they are not
experimentally testable, and therefore
they are not properly scientifically
We simply can't directly see the Big Bang via the James Webb Telescope,
nor we can put the Big Bang under a microscope.
We will never know what might have happened, in detail,
a mere 250,000 years ago, and so much
less four billion years ago,
because it simply is scientifically
And now, my dear friend La
Gaya Scienza,
I will let you in on the scientific materialistic
that not even many physicists clearly realize, or want to realize.
Up until the time of
modern quantum physics' origins
in the early XX century, the old
non-modern classical physics
had experimentally verified what some ancient Greek philosophers
postulated, namely that
matter is made of atoms.
This was
really a
Big Deal, in my humble opinion.
modern quantum physics went even further,
and experimentally verified that
atoms are made of sub-atomic
quantum particles, like electrons, protons, and neutrons,
and that
energy is made of photons.
My dear friend La
Gaya Scienza, in scientific materialism,
and in physics, everything that
really exists is physical only,
and all
real physical "stuff"
must be made of something else,
which also must be physical,
by definition.
no physical thing could possibly be
made of itself.
It would be like saying that
an atom is made of "atom",
whatever that means. We could equally well say that apples
are made of "apple", and oranges are made of "orange",
and that would be a natural end to any further scientific inquiry.
You know, reality is what it is, what everyone sees around,
and it is clearly real, and it really happens the way we really see it happening.
End of the story.
In Western materialistic science, there is
no such thing
"something" physical, which is made of nothing,
because the "nothing" does not physically exist,
by definition.
There is no such thing as
the experimental physics of the Nothing.
Nobody would ever pay you a salary for scientifically researching the Nothing,
because it would be much ado about nothing.
So, coming back to our little scientific secret, the most intelligent
quantum physicists, after experimentally discovering the physical
existence of sub-atomic quantum
particles of matter and energy,
like electrons, protons, neutrons, and photons, naturally asked themselves
this simple and obvious question
because in the Western modern science it is not enough to experimentally
discover "something" physical, and simply name it.
So, my dear friend La
Gaya Scienza, what do you think
was the honest scientific answer to this very important
crucial scientific question of absolutely fundamental importance?
If you don't know, please let me know, and I will provide you
with a link to a scientific article which answers this question.
Or, do you simply prefer to keep your head deep in the sand, my friend?
Do you want to know
the scientific truth, or do you want
preach scientific materialism to others on this forum,
as if it were some
obvious objective fact ?