Consul wrote: ↑April 28th, 2024, 4:59 pm
...the Gender Liberation Front denies the biological facts about sex for ideological reasons—either by asserting that sex doesn't naturally exist at all, that there are more than two discrete sexes, or that there is continuous spectrum of sexes.
This is just plain wrong. A human being, like any living being, is a complex thing. We have many attributes, and sex is one of them. Sex is not simply determined by the presence of a penis/testes or vagina/ovaries. I don't know the medically-defined terms, so I'll have to use everyday terms: But sex is also dependent on hormones, for a start. More or less testosterone or oestrogen also has a significant effect. In fact, I believe that the sex of a developing embryo is dependent on the relative levels of testosterone and oestrogen during development.
These are biological differences. And if a 'man' has less testosterone than is typical, it will have a real, real-world, effect on that person. An effect that is based in biology, not a
lifestyle choice, or whatever dismissive language you care to apply. To be a binary male or female, as you describe, is unlikely, in practice. We are all just a little different in these respects. Slightly more oestrogen, or some quite different biological balance, is normal, although significant deviations from the norm are much less common, but such differences are not unknown. Such biological differences.
Sy Borg wrote: ↑April 28th, 2024, 7:17 pm
The "natural sex binary" is only an ideal, largely promoted by phobic theists. Sometimes that binary doesn't happen perfectly. Body and brain can vary considerably, despite your certainty that sexual attributes in biology are magically perfect while every other aspect of existence is flawed and variable.
Computers are strictly binary. Nature is approximately binary. Your attitudes in this are strictly binary, which makes them effectively a category error. You are treating humans as if they were machines, or created perfect by a deity.
Exactly. DNA, impressive though it is, cannot and does not map the location and type of every cell in a human body. Its information capacity is insufficient for this. DNA is a general map, and the details are filled in during development. Sometimes, usually, these details appear in balance with one another, but sometimes they do not. Sex, biological sex, is determined by many factors. It is a mistaken and superficial understanding that asserts that sex is binary. Sex is determined by the balance of all of these biological factors, not just the presence of penises or vaginae (?).