OTavern wrote:
And neither is having comfort at the expense of truth. Apparently you are very comfortable making your own decisions with no "God" to disturb your tranquility. You are comfortable with your beliefs and the people around you and not having to be bothered "wondering" about the mysteries of creations. And certainly you are very comfortable having "no guilt" about the choices you make. Having confirmed all these determinations about the nature of reality and existence must be very comforting for you.
Just for clarification; trading truth for comfort and having comfort at the expense of truth mean the same thing in different words.
Some of what you say here is correct, let me point out the parts that are not. I did not directly mention making decisions, but rather the responsibility attached to every decision. Everyone makes their own decisions, some take full responsibility for them, some do not. I am comfortable with my values and gain comfort from a
select few people. It's what I find within these people - empathic ability, the capacity for compassion, and the ability to love that gives me hope and thus comfort.
Here is where you really botch things up; "and not having to be bothered "wondering" about the mysteries of creations." I specifically stated that wondering about the mysteries of the universe (creation or not) is a hobby of mine. It is an adventure of the mind - and adventures are not always comfortable!
As for guilt, it is unavoidable after making a bad decision. Whether it be nature or nurture, I have quite the emotional capacity.
Life for me is not always comforting, but I have found ways, without God or religion, to find a necessary amount of comfort. This is why I don't need God.
Now that we have gotten these assumptions out of the way...
OTavern wrote:Who says God is the source of comfort? It appears that you are the source of your own comfort. So is having comfort worth the trade?
God being a source of comfort was my assumption. This assumption is based upon the feeling that when I put myself in the shoes of a believer, I imagine myself finding comfort in areas that I have not yet found through my set of beliefs. God, if I were to believe, could certainly provide extra comfort, but I find the necessities of comfort through other means. In other words, I am not so desperate for comfort that I'm willing to delude myself.
OTavern wrote:Personally I don't avoid "a rational and scientific understanding of the universe" because it doesn't "blatantly contradict my own beliefs." I have yet to find a rational and scientific understanding that does contradict my beliefs.
What faith are you of? In this section, I was specifically referring to the main monotheistic religions; Christianity, Judaism and Islam. There
are scientific and rational principles that provide a tough challenge for biblical scripture. Many religious people avoid, shelter or discredit these principles without much chance or thought because they want to protect that which makes them comfortable. As for me, I am not attached to any particular belief, so I am willing to open my mind and critically think about almost any concept (Even Intelligent Design! Imagine that!). In a nutshell, being
attached to a particular belief makes one susceptible to the irrational avoidance and unwillingness to consider any concept that may contradict it.
OTavern wrote:What most people claim to be rational and scientific when dismissing God, are like your reasons, masked grabs for comfort.
I agree to an extent. I don't know if it's for comforts sake, but I have witnessed a fair amount of atheists who's "rational" garbles seem to arise from some sort of anger or issue that they have had with religion rather than rational or critical thought. With that said, I think you have me all wrong.
OTavern wrote:One thing which is certainly true about God is that He is not comfortable because He continually challenges growth, especially in aspects of being that we find comfortable.
I don't understand what you are saying here. Would you mind elaborating or rewording?
OTavern wrote:Seems to me anyone would be more comfortable being left to their own "devices." What could be more comfortable than being your own boss? Much less comfortable having to allow "Truth" a complete say.
You think God is your boss? Didn't He give you free will?
OTavern wrote:Seems to me that there are only two choices.
1. Declare yourself (your present state of thinking and feeling) to be in full authority (be God) over your own life or
2. Allow yourself to be fully at the discretion of truth (God) - completely open and willing and committed to know the "whole truth" and nothing but the truth.
Oh, I'll take choice number 3. Allow yourself to be fully committed to logic - completely open, willing and committed to think rationally and nothing but rationally.
OTavern wrote:The most difficult and uncomfortable position is to let Truth be God (2), it is much easier and more comfortable to let ourselves be God (1). Which is the reason I doubt your whole premise that belief in God promotes comfort. Denial of God definitely produces comfort because you are challenged by nothing that you choose not to be challenged by - that comes very close to a veritable definition of the word comfort.
Many people follow religion solely based on the fear of judgment and hell. People find comfort in God because God provides answers for a lot of tough questions that have not yet been answered otherwise. He also provides direction. The only thing that may not be comfortable is that you are asked to restrain some harmless aspects of your nature. As for the harmful aspects - the rest of us are subject to consequence as well.
OTavern wrote:Further, to make yourself the arbiter of truth means that you alone have full say over all truth - what to accept and what to dismiss. To be the judge of "rational and scientific" means that "by definition" your understanding of rational and scientific is the de facto, authoritative one. Speaking of faith, that seems to be a very strong faith in your own judgment and authority.
I don't think in black and white. True or false is a silly game. I use my mental tools to determine the best available answer. This answer is
always subject to change. I'm sure many scientists think in much the same way.