JackDaydream wrote: ↑February 4th, 2023, 3:54 amYes my brother died of heart and breathing problems, he gained weight too. Clozapine wrecked his body.Sculptor1 wrote: ↑February 3rd, 2023, 7:51 pmSorry to hear about your brother and I am aware of the grim predicament of people who experience the condition diagnosed as schizophrenia. When I spoke of people who 'breakthrough' and emerge as stronger I am speaking of a small minority, such as a few people who I know who have experienced a psychotic breakdown and learned so much, such as someone who I know wel who had a psychotic breakdown and was in an psychiatric intensive care unit and he is now a senior tutor in nursing. But, I have definitely seen the other side and how many suffer so much, through the experience of psychosis and the medication given to treat it.JackDaydream wrote: ↑February 3rd, 2023, 1:54 pmYes this is a most pernicious and widespread myth. Even scientists fall into the teleology trap.Sculptor1 wrote: ↑February 3rd, 2023, 12:56 pmI am certainly not trying to argue that suffering is beneficial. That was often the viewpoint advocated in the Christian idea of the 'imitation of Christ', involving picking up one's cross of burdens on a daily basis. In creating the thread I was not intending to present any one specific view of suffering but look at the idea critically, alongside good and evil, as recurrent concepts and themes in philosophy.
Right there. That is the moment you inadvertently invoke a teleology. Evolution is not a cause of change it is the result of change. Suffering is not for anything. Like all traits it is a persistent genetic effect which is maintained because the absence of it is less advantageous. Whilst a pain response has helped in the avoidance of harm, real suffering is the useless chronic pain which serves no use whatever. Suffering is deprivation loss, a million other things which teach nothing at all. As I speak I have neck pain from osteoporosis. It serves no purpose. There is nothing I can do about it, except take drugs which have their own problems. All over the world people suffer from fire flood eruptions war famine. None of this has any evolutionary meaning, and such things are repeated again and again by man and nature.
WHat's your point?
No I do not think the "issue of good and evil" is solved. There is no issue, since there is no good and evil. And "Why" can only be an answer made from an intentional agent.
You can ask why did Putin attack Ukraine; or why the West allows the war to continue to its advantage. Only Putin and the arms makers making **** loads of cash can answer that question. But you cannot so easily attribute actions in the war as good or evil, since what is good for one is evil for another.
Why is a dead word. We may ask "how" and answer more effectively. The world is mute to the whys.
You may be right to see evolution as a result of change as opposed to the cause. It is complex though because the idea of natural selection is almost seen by some as an invisible guiding force.
It is almost as if we as humans are bound to make this mistake, it is a widespread failing and the basis of many religions.
Then, ironically enough people will tend to find some selective advantage in this delusion. Which is laughable since one could far more easily find a prospective selective advantage for avoiding this tendency or trait. Imagine a world where we were able to unpack this, and we have the enlightenment.Yes the delusion is pervasive an attractive too.
One of the writers, who was a Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin, was inclined to see evolution as an intricate process of becoming and even argued that evolution is not necessarily reached ultimately. This is something I wonder about, although seeing it as a linear process with a goal is questionable. I am not sure that there is a plan, although if there is it is probably beyond human knowledge.Last year my brother died fairly young after about 40 years of taking schizophrenia medication without which he could not have lived any kind of a life with any independence. There is little positive to say about the devastation of a young energetic and once optimistic mind brought down by this scourge. And faced with what could only be described as a primitive and perfunctory psychiatric science which has the tendency to reduce all ailments to some sort of "chemical imbalance".
Suffering is something which should not be underplayed, whether in the form of pain, poverty or war. The difficulties of suffering can be so great that they can lead to suicide or contemplation of it. Suffering involves the physical, psychological, social and political aspects of life. My own approach is to seek to turn suffering in its various forms into something which can be positive. This is partly based on Nassim Taleb's, 'Black Swan' book on unpredictability and seizing the black swans in a way which makes them advantageous.
Having come from a background in mental health care, part of my own interest in suffering is about coping with the psychological aspects. I am aware that suffering, often as a result of stress and trauma, can lead to breakdown, including psychosis and clinical depression. However, the other side of this is that those who have been through a lot often seem deeper and wiser than those who have had an easier time, if they can manage to come through the rough and tough of hard experiences.
I don't think that what I am saying is what was picking up one's cross was, which was often about simply putting up with and ensuring pain, almost silently, like a martyr, with no protest or political challenge.
A few months ago I remember discussion with you about the cardio-metabolic syndrome and there does appear to be a clear link between antipsychotic medication and this. While most of the older antipsychotics had the, extrapyramidal, movement problems, some of the newer ones like Olanzapine and Clozapine lead to tremendous weight gain which seems to trigger so many other potential physical problems, including type 2 diabetes. Many people don't wish to take their medication because they are aware of side-effects, especially the weight gain.
My own interest in the problem of suffering was originally based on knowing a number of people with serious mental health problems, including people who committed suicide. I felt that losing 3 friends to suicide in a short space of about 3-4 years to be my own personal experience of suffering. One of these 3 had missed his antipsychotic medication and was smoking cannabis. So, the problem of medication or not having it are complex.
I definitely don't wish to romanticize suffering, and in a way, some of the existentialist outsiders, like Camus, Nietzsche and Sartre may contribute towards this. I read Colin Wilson's ' The Outsider' and found it so significant but there is a danger of misery and suffering being glamourised, especially by angry young men. The reality of those who are going through the depths of mental pain is far from romantic.
I guess my own wish to see the positive in suffering is partly based on reading, such as the ideas of Victor Frankl. Having been in a Nazi concentration camp he speaks of how people could find meaning amidst suffering. However, it may be extremely difficult to live with physical, emotional or mental suffering.
Finally, I did notice that you mentioned schizophrenia being seen as a chemical disorder. That has been the view of some, who try to reduce it to genetics and neuroscience. But, that is open to question. In some cases, people who experience schizophrenia link it to early life experiences. In addition, it can encompass so many of the existential aspects of life, including issues to do with sexual expression and ideas about religion, and even ideas about good and evil.
Mental illness is a very wide field. WHen I said "chemical imbalance" was reductive I mean to pour scorn on the pretense that they have found "the cause". When in fact they have just described another aspect of the illness. You have to ask how else would it appear in the brain? What you do not have is the conundrum; did the imbalance lead to the illness or does the illness lead to the imbalance?
THe vast majority of mental illness is caused by the stresses of the lived experience such as unresolved traumas, and losses. They may well appear as a chemical imbalance, and drug companies are only too eager to supply a pill which can mask that imbalance. But what is most effective is the sort of expensive and time consuming treatments that include unpacking those trauma through talking, CBT and group therapies. Most mental illnesses are not because of valium, propranolol or other deficiencies. Though those drugs can help the symptoms they cannot be a real solution.
However schizophrenia is not "most" mental illness. I'll not say drugs cannot help but they are far from a solution, and the other therapies might introduce coping mechanisms but schizophrenia is too profound and little understood a problem for it to be solvable.
What triggered it could have been things that happened to us as boys, god knows we had some rough times, and Mitch being the older may well have taken more on board.
Though this would not answer other cases. There is something which may be significant. Mitch was born with a large birthmark over his eye. Back on the late 1950s they did not have so much appreciation of the dangers of radiation. Mitch had his face irradiated over period of time to kill the birthmark. The treatment was successful, but I have always wondered what harm that may have done to a growing young brain.