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By LuckyR
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 1:45 pm
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 20th, 2022, 1:13 pm
CIN wrote: February 18th, 2022, 8:34 pm Moral subjectivists sometimes seem to think like this:

1. People disagree about morality.
2. Therefore there are no absolute moral truths.

But that's not a valid argument.
I think it is. Morality was/is created by humans; it originates from humans. If we create it, we also decide what it is and does.
Whe you say 'Morality was/is created by humans', what do you mean by 'morality'? If you mean moral judgments and moral statements, then you are right. If you mean what these judgments and statements are about - i.e. moral truths - then whether these are created by humans is precisely what we are arguing about. You say they are, I say they aren't.
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 20th, 2022, 1:13 pmThe fact that we do not all agree on a 'one and only' morality does justify and validate the argument you claim is invalid.
It's not a valid argument according to the rules of formal logic, which is what philosophers generally mean when they say 'invalid'.
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 20th, 2022, 1:13 pmAlso, there are no absolute moral values because these values are ineluctably human-dependent, which prevents them from being 'absolute'.
That's what we're disagreeing about.
Not really. In order to evaluate various moral questions, one must put various individuals and groups in a relative hierarchy of value. This is so one can determine which choice provides the most value (or the least amount of negative value). Since individuals give things different relative value, they come to entirely different (perhaps opposite) yet personally logical solutions to the same moral question.
Gertie wrote: February 23rd, 2022, 2:40 pm Eternal moral truths which exist out there somewhere we can distantly perceive are a better fit with a perfectly good all knowing god as their source, which can never be wrong, and supercedes our fallible mortal concerns.
I don't think a god, even if perfectly good and all knowing, could be the source of moral truths. That would entail that the god could have made the universe differently, so that, for example, murder and torture are morally good, and helping people in need is morally bad. That seems to me an entirely implausible position. Torture is a moral evil because it causes pain, and pain is bad. The morality arises from the nature of the pain, from what pain is like. (You guessed it, I'm an ethical naturalist.)
Good_Egg wrote: February 27th, 2022, 5:40 am
If a Buddhist goes out of his way to avoid stepping on an ant, then I think we can recognise that as a moral act without imputing any form of consciousness to the ant.
If the ant is not a conscious being, then the Buddhist is simply making a mistake. He may think that it is a moral act to avoid stepping on it, but it isn't. I agree with Gertie about this: only conscious objects can matter in a moral sense. This is because if an object isn't conscious, it can't matter to it how you treat it, so you can basically do what you like with it. Just because people think something is a moral act, doesn't show that it actually is.
LuckyR wrote: February 27th, 2022, 5:09 pm
In order to evaluate various moral questions, one must put various individuals and groups in a relative hierarchy of value.
I'm not clear what you mean by this. Can you give an example of such a hierarchy?
LuckyR wrote: February 27th, 2022, 5:09 pmThis is so one can determine which choice provides the most value (or the least amount of negative value). Since individuals give things different relative value, they come to entirely different (perhaps opposite) yet personally logical solutions to the same moral question.
Sounds as if you are expecting people to tell you the moral value they place on things so you can then organise those values so as to help you make moral choices. If so, I take issue with the whole procedure, because it begs the question against objectivism. If there are objective moral values and truths, then those are what we should be using to make moral choices, rather than relying on people's subjective and fallible ideas about moral values.
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By LuckyR
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 7:43 pm
LuckyR wrote: February 27th, 2022, 5:09 pmThis is so one can determine which choice provides the most value (or the least amount of negative value). Since individuals give things different relative value, they come to entirely different (perhaps opposite) yet personally logical solutions to the same moral question.
Sounds as if you are expecting people to tell you the moral value they place on things so you can then organise those values so as to help you make moral choices. If so, I take issue with the whole procedure, because it begs the question against objectivism. If there are objective moral values and truths, then those are what we should be using to make moral choices, rather than relying on people's subjective and fallible ideas about moral values.
Exactly, morals are not objective (as I described). The proof is: if you tell me what objective moral truths are and the next guy tells me what objective moral truths are and the two sets don't match... guess what? They're subjective.
By Gertie
good egg
I think we've at least partial agreement here, although the points of difference may be more interesting, because that's what challenges our thinking.
I think the underlying prob is deriving Oughts from the Is state of affairs. For reason to get traction on that problem it needs some foundational, quasi axiomatic justification.
Agree that reason needs something to "get traction on", but I see that something as moral perception or moral intuition, rather than any philosophical axiom about the nature of consciousness.

Yes you can come up with any foundational moral grounding to reason from, because morality is a concept we created, not something 'out there' to be discovered. I've explained why I think mine is the appropriate one, in a nutshell it matters how we treat conscious creatures because we are capable of suffering or flourishing, and hence have interests in the 'Is' state of affairs. That stake in the state of affairs is why it matters how we treat conscious beings, and this is what bridges the Is-Ought divide. That's why we have moral duties towards each other, but not towards rocks or toasters. When the universe was only rocks and gases interacting according to physics, the concept of morality was irrelevant. If conscious life hadn't evolved, morality would have remained irrelevant.

My problem with your grounding is as I said, that our species' particular moral intuitions are a result of our species' evolutionary happenstance. (If lions had become the species smart enough to conceptualise right and wrong, their moral intuitions would likely be very different, and lion intuitive eternal moral truths would be nothing like ours). Human evolution has bequeathed us a mixed bag of selfish and social instincts, on the basis of evolutionary utility, not perceiving moral truths. We generally consider our pro-social instincts to be moral, and the more ancient 'selfish' ones wrong. The resulting human neurobiology was a good fit for small tribal communities, it privileges the welfare of those genetically closer to us, it works well in up close and personal situations and it values tribalism. Is that a good fit for our modern globalised world of inter-dependance on strangers? It underlies slavery for example, and fighting competing tribes for resources, just as it underlies a parent caring for their child, a community caring for their own sick members. Eternal truths can't adjust.

[You might be interested in Haidt et al Moral Foundations Theory for a broad categorisation of the evolution of moral intuitions https://moralfoundations.org/ . Of course environmental influences play a large part too]

If a Buddhist goes out of his way to avoid stepping on an ant, then I think we can recognise that as a moral act without imputing any form of consciousness to the ant.
Not according to my moral foundation.
And from there we can reason our way through the morality of particular scenarios, and to ought rules of thumb principles.
Agree that the principles we hold are reasoned-to, induced from our first- and second-hand experience of perceiving acts as morally wrong.

The question is whether the principles we reach and hold can be incorrect. Is there a reality that they can be judged as adequate to ?

Well the moral foundation is the touchstone for testing right and wrongness. It's what you reason from, and check back with once you can evaluate consequences, enabling you to re-think your rule of thumb principles in action. Not a mish-mash of sometimes conflicting intuitions which weren't 'designed' for all the sorts of scenarios we encounter in the modern world.
as my foundation is inherently consequentialist, there may be situations where it's the lesser of two evils.
Don't think you need to be a consequentialist for that to occur. It's a feature of rule-following and virtue-seeking types of ethic also.
My view is that any moral theory which attempts to justify Oughts should by its nature ultimately be consequentialist.
But there are some uncomfortable issues with my position. One being that consequentialism requires reliable prediction.
There are bigger issues than that.

Consequentialism, as I understand it, says that it is morally right to execute an innocent man if it will prevent a riot in which N people are likely to be killed, for a sufficiently large value of N.

I suggest that the uncertainty of the prediction isn't the primary reason for rejecting such an ethic. It would be morally wrong to conduct such an execution even if one were magically certain of the outcome.
That's utilitarianism, but yes, my moral foundation doesn't escape such dilemmas. I think this 'the one vs the many'' problem is inherent in moral theories, and mine leans towards utilitarianism. I can kind of fudge my answer, by saying if this was a normalised practice then the overall consequences might well be worse. Overall for a society to flourish, the assurance and stability provided by certain rights-like proscriptions and prescriptions are justified. But there's no calcuable easy answer.
And another is that conscious experience isn't measurable in the way physical stuff is, so when comparing competing goods or harms there is no equation or calibration to rely on. It's weighing competing goods/harms against each other without a weighing machine.
But we now have the outline of an evolutionary account of human 'moral intuitions'. If our moral consensus derives from our species' evolution, honed by environmental circumstances, we're reasoning and finding consensus from a foundation of evolutionary happenstance. (As it happens we're a social species who form bonds and care about others, in particular ways relating to our tribal past and resulting neurobiology, which are a different kettle of fish to eternal moral truths).
Evolution is irrelevant. I think you're contradicting your earlier statement that the foundation is the nature of consciousness.
No there's a difference in saying we are worthy of moral consideration because we evolved to experience flourishing and suffering, and saying we evolved to intuit eternal moral truths.
If in some sci-fi future you were to meet an android that had been constructed rather than having evolved, I suggest that your moral duties to such a creature would not be affected by that lack of evolutionary process.
It would depend if the android had qualiative conscious experience. If it didn't, it would be no reason for me to treat it kindly, any more than my toaster. If it did have conscious experience, it would be due moral consideration commensurate with the nature of android consciousness. (How we could know if it's conscious is another question).

It's the having of qualiative conscious experience which gives a being a stake in the state of affairs, and makes it matter how I treat a person, an ant, an android. Harris calls it ''The Wellbeing of Conscious Creatures'' which is a pretty nifty summary. And Goldberg has some interesting thoughts on morality and mattering. I don't completely align with them, but this is where modern moral philosophy should be heading imo.
Eternal moral truths which exist out there somewhere we can distantly perceive are a better fit with a perfectly good all knowing god as their source, which can never be wrong, and supercedes our fallible mortal concerns.
Not a valid argument. You haven't ruled out the possibility of eternal moral truths without a deity. This is guilt by association, smearing the concept of objective morality with what you perceive to be the faults of religion.

If you think physical truths like gravity can exist without god, then you need a good argument why moral truths cannot equally do so.

Not a valid argument. Right and Wrong and Oughts are human concepts, they don't exist 'out there' to be objectively observed and measured. Which means some other type of justification has to be given for them. Mine is that qualiative experience brings meaning and mattering into the world, and this stake in the state of affairs is the appropriate basis for Oughts. Yours is that we intuit eternal moral truths, so they must exist, despite there now being an evolutionary explanation for those intuitions.
By Gertie
Gertie wrote: ↑February 23rd, 2022, 7:40 pm
Eternal moral truths which exist out there somewhere we can distantly perceive are a better fit with a perfectly good all knowing god as their source, which can never be wrong, and supercedes our fallible mortal concerns.
I don't think a god, even if perfectly good and all knowing, could be the source of moral truths. That would entail that the god could have made the universe differently, so that, for example, murder and torture are morally good, and helping people in need is morally bad. That seems to me an entirely implausible position. Torture is a moral evil because it causes pain, and pain is bad. The morality arises from the nature of the pain, from what pain is like. (You guessed it, I'm an ethical naturalist.)
Yeah we're on the same page. I think the notion of eternal moral truths is a legacy of religious thinking about morality, when God is conceived of as perfectly good and all- knowing, and us imperfect humans are imbued with a glimpse of goodness through creation in his image. Or the nature of morality is woven into the created universe, for us to discover. Imo it's an anachronistic god of the gaps explanation for morality which might have looked plausible before we understood the naturalistic explanation for our moral intuitions.
By Good_Egg
Leontiskos wrote: February 25th, 2022, 2:34 am
CIN wrote: February 18th, 2022, 8:34 pmMoral subjectivists sometimes seem to think like this:

1. People disagree about morality.
2. Therefore there are no absolute moral truths.

But that's not a valid argument.
Exactly right. There is also the corollary subjectivist claim, so common in Peter Holmes' thread, that consensus itself creates objectivity and justifies morality (see P1 in <this post>).
I find the issue of consensus difficult.

Clearly it is conceptually possible for one person to be right and the rest of society wrong. So a general consensus from which only a few dissent is not proven thereby. There is no logical contradiction in thinking the first abolitionist in a slave-owning society to be morally right.

But human sense-perception is limited and fallible. Who among us has not asked their companions "did you hear that ?" Or "did you see that?" and taken their reply as evidence that what we thought we heard or saw was or wasn't a real objective phenomenon ?

Science as a methodology for public truth demands that experiments are replicable. If appropriately-equipped others can't perceive what you perceive when you do the experiment then it doesn't count.

But scientists can then hold all sorts of competing theories as to underlying mechanisms that explain that evidence. Until one theory comes to dominate. Hopefully on merit rather than due to any sort of social pressure.

So I'm tending to the view that lack of consensus is an issue for a view of morality as something we perceive. If your theory is that the moral wrongness of slavery is something that everyone should perceive, and in practice they don't appear to, or do only within your subculture, then your theory has some explaining to do.

But not for a view of morality based on preferences. When we weigh up different goods - liberty and security, for example - then of course people have different preferences.

An ethical theory which reduces to the assertion that everyone else ought to share your preferences doesn't seem very moral. But it doesn't depend on consensus...
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By Pattern-chaser
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 1:45 pm If you mean what these judgments and statements are about - i.e. moral truths - then whether these are created by humans is precisely what we are arguing about. You say they are, I say they aren't.
If humans didn't create these moral truths, then they must be out there somewhere, in the real physical universe itself, yes? If so, where are they? 🤔
Favorite Philosopher: Cratylus Location: England
LuckyR wrote: February 28th, 2022, 1:53 am
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 7:43 pm
LuckyR wrote: February 27th, 2022, 5:09 pmThis is so one can determine which choice provides the most value (or the least amount of negative value). Since individuals give things different relative value, they come to entirely different (perhaps opposite) yet personally logical solutions to the same moral question.
Sounds as if you are expecting people to tell you the moral value they place on things so you can then organise those values so as to help you make moral choices. If so, I take issue with the whole procedure, because it begs the question against objectivism. If there are objective moral values and truths, then those are what we should be using to make moral choices, rather than relying on people's subjective and fallible ideas about moral values.
Exactly, morals are not objective (as I described). The proof is: if you tell me what objective moral truths are and the next guy tells me what objective moral truths are and the two sets don't match... guess what? They're subjective.
So if one guy tells you the earth is round, and another guy tells you it's flat, then... guess what? The shape of the earth is subjective.
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 28th, 2022, 9:39 am
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 1:45 pm If you mean what these judgments and statements are about - i.e. moral truths - then whether these are created by humans is precisely what we are arguing about. You say they are, I say they aren't.
If humans didn't create these moral truths, then they must be out there somewhere, in the real physical universe itself, yes? If so, where are they? 🤔
They're features of the natural world. As Gertie has already said, morality comes along with consciousness. Specifically, it comes along with pleasure and pain. Pain is an evil, as anyone who has had severe pain knows. To knowingly and deliberately create an evil is morally wrong. So once you have pain, and beings capable of deliberately causing it, you have the moral truth that deliberately causing pain without good reason is wrong.
Gertie wrote: February 28th, 2022, 4:34 am Right and Wrong and Oughts are human concepts, they don't exist 'out there' to be objectively observed and measured.
I disagree with you about Right and Wrong (see my reply to Pattern-chaser above). I think the truth that it's wrong to deliberately cause pain without a good reason is indeed 'out there'.

I also disagree with you about Oughts. If there are objectively wrong actions, then we ought not to perform them. That seems obvious.

I think many philosophers have failed to grasp the true moral significance of pain and pleasure, especially pain. It dawned on me a while ago that the pain/pleasure axis is an asymmetry built into nature, and that this asymmetry refutes subjectivism. If subjectivism were true, choosing whether to regard pleasure as good and pain as bad, rather than the other way round, ought to be as arbitrary, and as obviously neither correct nor incorrect, as choosing to support one football team rather than another; but clearly it's not like this. Everybody hates pain, and with good reason: pain is intrinsically undesirable, and severe pain is terrible. Pain is just bad, and the more severe the pain, the worse it is. It could never be reasonable to regard pain as good or even neutral, it flies in the face of all our experience. That pain is bad is a fact, and it's from grasping that fact that a correct understanding of morality flows.
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By LuckyR
CIN wrote: February 28th, 2022, 7:17 pm
LuckyR wrote: February 28th, 2022, 1:53 am
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 7:43 pm
LuckyR wrote: February 27th, 2022, 5:09 pmThis is so one can determine which choice provides the most value (or the least amount of negative value). Since individuals give things different relative value, they come to entirely different (perhaps opposite) yet personally logical solutions to the same moral question.
Sounds as if you are expecting people to tell you the moral value they place on things so you can then organise those values so as to help you make moral choices. If so, I take issue with the whole procedure, because it begs the question against objectivism. If there are objective moral values and truths, then those are what we should be using to make moral choices, rather than relying on people's subjective and fallible ideas about moral values.
Exactly, morals are not objective (as I described). The proof is: if you tell me what objective moral truths are and the next guy tells me what objective moral truths are and the two sets don't match... guess what? They're subjective.
So if one guy tells you the earth is round, and another guy tells you it's flat, then... guess what? The shape of the earth is subjective.
Nice try. The Earth's shape has a Gold Standard that both opinions can be measured against. I suppose you might feel that "objective" moral truths also have a Gold Standard, so whose moral truth is that standard? Your's? Mine? Some other guy's? If you feel that objective moral truths are beyond human understanding, and they are thus unknown, then I cannot prove you wrong, but they then evaporate into insignificance.
By Belindi
LuckyR wrote: March 1st, 2022, 4:16 am
CIN wrote: February 28th, 2022, 7:17 pm
LuckyR wrote: February 28th, 2022, 1:53 am
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 7:43 pm
Sounds as if you are expecting people to tell you the moral value they place on things so you can then organise those values so as to help you make moral choices. If so, I take issue with the whole procedure, because it begs the question against objectivism. If there are objective moral values and truths, then those are what we should be using to make moral choices, rather than relying on people's subjective and fallible ideas about moral values.
Exactly, morals are not objective (as I described). The proof is: if you tell me what objective moral truths are and the next guy tells me what objective moral truths are and the two sets don't match... guess what? They're subjective.
So if one guy tells you the earth is round, and another guy tells you it's flat, then... guess what? The shape of the earth is subjective.
Nice try. The Earth's shape has a Gold Standard that both opinions can be measured against. I suppose you might feel that "objective" moral truths also have a Gold Standard, so whose moral truth is that standard? Your's? Mine? Some other guy's? If you feel that objective moral truths are beyond human understanding, and they are thus unknown, then I cannot prove you wrong, but they then evaporate into insignificance.
How we actually evaluate is we arrange evaluating subjects into a hierarchy according to the quality of their evaluations.The quality of evaluation is judged by the individual evaluater's freedom from physical or moral coercion. This enduring and objective moral truth seems to depend on absolute Free Will, but we can avoid that absurdity by knowing about possible sources of coercion. Many sources of coercion are well known : state terrorism, fear of unemployment, respect for lying politicians and other liars, disinformation, crowd hysteria, seduction by consumerism and short term pleasure, deficiency of self knowledge.
Freedom moderated by reason
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By Pattern-chaser
CIN wrote: February 27th, 2022, 1:45 pm If you mean what these judgments and statements are about - i.e. moral truths - then whether these are created by humans is precisely what we are arguing about. You say they are, I say they aren't.
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 28th, 2022, 9:39 am If humans didn't create these moral truths, then they must be out there somewhere, in the real physical universe itself, yes? If so, where are they? 🤔
CIN wrote: February 28th, 2022, 7:31 pm They're features of the natural world. As Gertie has already said, morality comes along with consciousness. Specifically, it comes along with pleasure and pain. Pain is an evil, as anyone who has had severe pain knows. To knowingly and deliberately create an evil is morally wrong. So once you have pain, and beings capable of deliberately causing it, you have the moral truth that deliberately causing pain without good reason is wrong.
You say that (objective) moral truths are "features of the natural world." Then, apparently to support this view, you offer examples of how humans might judge the moral status of such acts. Even if there was a universally-agreed human definition of morality, and moral action - which there very clearly is not - are you saying that universality - an aspect of objectivity - requires only that humans agree on whatever-it-is?

If I were a cow, I might point out that the "good reasons" that humans see to kill and eat me are not "good reasons" at all, but are in fact evil! Again, as a cow, you (humans) have raised me in captive slavery, forced me to breed, forced me to produce milk long after my calf doesn't need it any more, and then killed me. As a cow, I have to observe that your notions of "evil" are highly subjective, and take account only your own species whims. I conclude that humans are evil, maybe even objectively-evil?
Favorite Philosopher: Cratylus Location: England
By Good_Egg
CIN wrote: February 28th, 2022, 8:00 pm Everybody hates pain, and with good reason: pain is intrinsically undesirable, and severe pain is terrible. Pain is just bad, and the more severe the pain, the worse it is. It could never be reasonable to regard pain as good or even neutral, it flies in the face of all our experience. That pain is bad is a fact....
An eternal truth, indeed.

Yet people choose to endure pain or to risk enduring pain in order to secure other goods. Being pain-free is not the only value.

As just one example, we value life. Saving life is not reducible to minimising pain. If I could put you to death painlessly, and thereby both save you the pains of growing old and prevent you from inflicting pain on others, does that mean I should do it ?

And more valuable than your life is your agency, your freedom. If you want to risk your life by climbing mountains, jumping out of aeroplanes, etc, should I stop you ?
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The Preppers Medical Handbook

The Preppers Medical Handbook
by Dr. William W Forgey M.D.
October 2021

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress: A Practical Guide

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress
by Dr. Gustavo Kinrys, MD
November 2021

Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir

Dream For Peace
by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah
December 2021

The people I've known whom I see as good peopl[…]

This quote was added after I'd posted this note. B[…]