Terrapin Station wrote: ↑November 27th, 2021, 4:06 pm
I'm sure someone else brought this up above, but the idea of consciousness being an illusion is a completely incoherent idea.
What would be having the illusion, aside from some consciousness?
What the heck is "illusion" supposed to refer to if there is no consciousness?
Is your argument intended to denote that
meaning is necessarily applicable to subjective experience on the basis of which the concept consciousness is identified?
Some argue that that experience itself is not meaningful but bound by predictable laws. (determinism).
The main argument by Free Will Sceptics is the following:
To make a choice that wasn’t merely the next link in the unbroken chain of causes, you’d have to be able to stand apart from the whole thing, a ghostly presence separate from the material world yet mysteriously still able to influence it. But of course you can’t actually get to this supposed place that’s external to the universe, separate from all the atoms that comprise it and the laws that govern them. You just are some of the atoms in the universe, governed by the same predictable laws as all the rest.
The clockwork universe: is free will an illusion?
https://www.theguardian.com/news/2021/a ... n-illusion
As can be seen from the reasoning by Free Will Sceptics, only the idea that mind has a
primary role in nature could prevent a belief in determinism.
You once mentioned that you believe that mind originates from the physical, which would be incoherent with your argument that conscious experience is evidence of meaning (i.e. 'not an illusion').
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑March 5th, 2020, 4:30 pmSo I'm a physicalist. I'm convinced that the mind is simply brain processes.
I don't at all buy determinism.
If mind originates from the physical, that implies that something that is physical determines who someone is (i.e. his/her thoughts and behaviour). From such a perspective it does not seem logical to maintain a belief in free will or to assign meaning to conscious experience.
Why should one hold a belief (assign meaning) in anything if one argues that the physical, something that can be defined, is the origin of the believing itself? It appears that such a conviction should naturally result in the abolishing of any form of believing, which includes the belief in free will (meaning).
I asked the following two questions, to which you both answered with Yes.
- Do you believe in intrinsic existence without mind?
- Do you believe that mind has a cause within the scope of physical reality?
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑May 3rd, 2021, 8:27 amYes and yes. I'm a realist and a physicalist (aka "materialist").
Then, when I asked what the origin of existence is, you argued that there are just two logical options and that they are both counter-intuitive.
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑May 3rd, 2021, 8:27 ampsyreporter wrote: ↑August 28th, 2021, 6:29 amThe question is whether the 'physical' can be the origin of the Universe and mind which was based on your argument that there are two logical options to explain an existent (being), 1) it either magically having sprung into existence or 2) having always existed.
"Logical options. Either we're exhausting the logical possibilities or we're not. Again, if you can think of a third option, that's great, but you'd need to present what the third option would be.
It is seen here that you intend to explain away meaning in physical existence by limiting them to two possible logical options while in the same time maintaining that conscious experience is not an illusion (evidence of meaning).
Your defence of the
Kalam cosmological argument by your denotion of time as T
n in topic
Endless and infinite by which you argued that an infinite
amount of time cannot precede a given T
n (impossibility of ‘
traversing the infinite’), shows that you consider the physical to be bound by causality.
There is a
magical belief involved to consider an existent to be of a quality that requires the described limited frame of thinking (causality) to explain it.
The following provides an example:
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑May 4th, 2021, 6:16 pm
First, why would "what causes reality to exist" be necessary for knowing whether there is reality? (Keeping in mind that by "reality" here we're referring to the objective world.)
My reply:
Because without such knowledge, one can pose anything, from 'random chance' to 'illusion' to 'magic' to a simulation by aliens. Such a situation does not allow one to make a claim that poses that reality is 'real'.
How would a magical belief be a ground for the assertion that conscious experience is evidence that consciousness cannot be an illusion (i.e. that meaning is applicable)?
With regard your defence of the Kalam cosmological argument, the argument that time necessarily must have had a beginning, you specifically argued the following:
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑February 15th, 2020, 5:11 pm
Now, if there's an infinite amount of time prior to the creation of the Earth, how does the time of the creation of the Earth arrive. For it to arrive time has to pass through an infinity of durations, right? (Again, this is going by you saying that time is duration and that time as duration occurs independently of us.) Can time pass through an infinity of durations to get to a particular later time? How?
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑February 18th, 2020, 8:32 am
You don't seem to understand my comments to creation. The whole point is that if there's an infinite amount of time prior to Tn then we can't get to Tn because you can't complete an infinity of time prior to Tn. Why not? Because infinity isn't a quantity or amount we can ever reach or complete.
Terrapin Station wrote: ↑February 18th, 2020, 6:57 pm
The problem is the "continuing flux of change." There's this state, and then it changes to that state, etc.
To get to any particular state, T, if there's an infinity of previous change states, it's not possible to arrive at T, because an infinity can't be completed to get to T.
It is clear that you considered an infinite
amount relative to T
n (i.e. 6:38 p.m.) on the basis of which you concluded that time must have had a beginning.
When mind originates from the physical, how can consciousness not be an illusion?