Re: What is the Purpose of the Bible?
Posted: February 9th, 2018, 10:32 pm
jerlands wrote: ↑February 9th, 2018, 2:33 amNamelesss wrote: ↑February 9th, 2018, 1:29 am
The bible is due for a very critical update!
I agree with this in that I believe the Bible is not the be all end all in our relationship with "God" but the question remains if in fact it is truth.
'Truth', a metaphysically problematic term.
Within the illusory perceived world of duality, 'truth' must have an opposite.
A specific context where something is true and, in another context, false, is a matter of Perspective of the same one Reality.
In the metaphysical sense, Truth (Reality/God/Universe) is ALL inclusive!
There exists nothing other than Reality/Truth/God... Self!!
That is what Omni- means; One, transcendental, no context, no 'other'.
So, in that sense, the bible, and everything else is 'Truth', but our limited Perspectives applies 'context', the schizophrenic duality.
I think that this fellow expressed this beautifully;
"Every kind of partial and transitory disequilibrium (our perceived duality/context - n) must perforce contribute towards the great equilibrium of the Whole." - Rene' Guenon
What i dislike about it is it leads to an apocalyptic end and this I question.When I hear of the end of the world as we know it, some call it an Apocalypse... whatever..
The world as we know it it a dead horse, a failure, a horror!
There are Loving/Enlightened people, and there are hateful, insane, violent people who cannot 'change'.
They (we?) are going to have to die off, be skimmed from the gene pool!
In a couple of centuries (t)here will be Universal unconditional Love/Enlightenment, and in the intervening time, we show our colors.
Unconditional Love (Heaven) makes it, anything else (Hell), does not.
It will get bad, ugly, violent!!
Every 'strong right arm' striking down is God's strong right arm! (The gene pool must be constantly skimmed.)
Every Loving arm lifting up is, likewise, Ours!
Keep your eye on the 'prize'; the bible does say that you need not concern yourself with 'life' and 'death'!! That if you are Enlightened/unconditionally Loving ('Christian', for instance, the way that Jesus described it), 'they will fall to your right and left and you will remain!'
Faith means;
"Do what you know to be right, say what you know to be True, and leave with Faith and patience the consequences to God!
Just be the Loving 'fly on the wall' and shine your Light!
Oh, to have a 'relationship' with anything/anyone, you have to be separated from that one!
Such is the schizophrenia of the dual!
Don't sweat the small schizophrenic stuff like 'life' and 'death'!
Schizophrenia is the fragmentation of that which is One!
Our 'relationship' is One with!
There can be only One! *__-