Fanman wrote:Spectrum:
Whatever is universally agreed upon is subjective in a away, but it is actually inter-subjective, i.e. it is objective.
I'm not so sure. If empirical data informs us that something is perfect, like a 100% test score - then I think that is an example of objective perfection, but relative to the test. If something is universally perceived as being perfect like an absolutely perfect God would have to be, then it is a matter of human perception, not empirical data, meaning that it is subjective.
That is not subjective in general.
An absolutely perfect God cannot be perceived [empirically] at all. 'Perception' [based on sense data] is limited to the empirically only.
'Imagination' and 'Conception' arise from thoughts and 'reason' only but again this is limited to empirical possible elements.
Kant argued an absolute perfect God cannot be perceived, imagined nor conceived because God is non-empirical.
An absolutely perfect God cannot be a concept but only can be an "idea" [philosophical & non-empirical] arising out of thought and primal reason.
The point is whatever arise from subjects [human beings], it is basically subjective, but we have to consider the context and degree of subjectivity or inter-subjectivity.
What is an absolutely perfect God is reasoned by subjects to be objective, i.e. inter-subjective.
An ontological God will not exists empirically, but no rational person will dispute the definition of an ontological God, i.e. "a Being than which no greater can be thought/reasoned of."
Because such a definition [reason based] can be inter-subjectively agreed upon, it is objective.
Note 'objectivity' = intersubjectivity.
In the above, you claimed such a definition is "subjective" but it is in the wrong context/sense. It is subjective [basic] but nevertheless intersubjective, therefore it is objective.
As I had proven, the idea of God which is non-empirical is an impossible empirical reality.
According to our current techniques of examining reality yes. But if God isn't empirical, and is something like a "spirit" we can't subject it to empirical methods of examination. Meaning that you're correct in saying that God cannot be demonstrated empirically, but that may be a given if it doesn't have any empirical qualities.
If it is not empirically possible, under what perspective [other than reason] can be be possible?
If it is not empirical-based spirit, then what else. You are not sure and thus merely wishing and speculating. If you are waiting for Science to reveal any clue, ultimately whatever is Scientific has to be directly empirically based or empirically possible supported by justifiable reasons.
Note Eduk's explanation of Einstein's hypothesis based purely on reason but accepted as a theory only when proven empirically.
Fanman wrote:The hypothesis - God exists as real - entails no empirical elements but merely God as an idea [illusory] which is not even a concept.
God may exist as more than an idea, we simply cannot know for sure. Concepts can be based upon thought, there are entire frameworks for God such as Christianity, where the evidence is anecdotal, meaning that we either believe or we don't. The evidence is not strong enough to make non-belief unreasonable, but if a person is so inclined, they can believe.
Yes, we cannot simply know for sure. But when it is known for sure or to be possible, it has to be empirically based with justified verifiable evidence or arguments.
God is taken as transcendent and thus must be empirically impossible.
What if it doesn't want there to be empirical evidence of it's existence?
If one do not insist on empirical evidence, one must acknowledge it cannot be real empirically but at most accept it is a possibility in thought only. If this idea and belief is kept private and personal there is no big issue for humanity to deal with.
The problem arise when theists insist their God is empirically real to the extent of sending human prophets, sons, and messenger with a divine message in a holy book which must be followed without exception in order to reap the salvation of eternal life and paradise as promised.
Such a belief by the majority of theists provide implicit moral support for the evil prone believers to commit terrible evils, terrors and violence upon non-believers and others, as a divine duty.
IF one can prove my major premise [absolute perfection is an impossibility] is wrong, then my argument is not deductive to conclude as I did.
I don't think that you can logically, completely rule out the existence of something that you cannot be sure cannot exist. As I've stated, we haven't encountered absolute perfection yet, but we could do in the future. Your major premise is not a given.
I have argued it is impossible for absolute perfect to exists within empirical reality, thus that is ruled out now or in the future.
The only possibility for an absolute perfect to arise is via thoughts and reason but per Hume one cannot get "IS" from "OUGHT."
Note I have argued very extensively in this thread on how 'absolute perfection' is an impossibility within empiricism. One can only generate the idea of absolute perfection for a god in thoughts.
I agree. There's no empirical evidence of an absolutely perfect God and thoughts are the only way we can conceive of such a being. But that doesn't preclude the existence of such a being. A point which I think has been made by others.
It is only wishful thinking that an absolutely perfect God can exists as real any where else other than the empirical.
Despite the absence of evidence and I have proven absolute perfect is an impossibility to be real, why theists insist there may be slight possibility is due to psychological factors arising from an existential crisis. This psychological reason is a more tenable line to explore and many Eastern spiritualities had already embarked on this approach.
Whilst the idea of God is an impossibility to be real
I don't agree. It may be unlikely, but I think impossible is used to define 0 chance. There is a chance that God exists even if it is small. If God's existence was by definition an impossibility, I think it's non-existence would be demonstrable or axiomatic.
As I had argued, the desperate impulse for the existence of God [despite its impossibility] is due to psychological existence factors.
That Eastern spiritualities had dealt with this specific existential crisis without God [non-theistic] is an indication and demonstrate God's non-existence.
I believe your belief that God is possible must be empirically-based.
Whatever is empirically based is empirically possible subject to verification and justification.
If your God is attributed with anthropomorphic qualities, then it is possible it may exist empirically. God as 'man with a beard in the sky' is an empirically possibility but the probability of such an empirical possible God is negligible to almost impossible. In addition, which theist proper at present would believe in such an empirically based God.
But I have argued extensively, the idea of God imperatively must be of absolute perfection.
Since absolute perfection is an impossibility within empirical reality [an there are no other real reality], God is an impossibility within an empirical justified reality.
Since God is an impossibility, God cannot be a ground and authority for anyone to commit evils and violence in God's name.
-- Updated Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:05 am to add the following --
[b]Dark Matter[/b] wrote:You can't get an is from an ought. The question is, what is the is? Empiricism is not the sole determiner of what is or what's possible. "Depth in philosophy" requires more than empirical evidence.
But neither is it contrary to it.
If there is no direct empirical evidence, then it must be justified as empirical possible.
Beside thought and reason, what other basis can you rely upon to justify & prove God exists or is possible.
If you have covered Philosophy [Western, Eastern, etc.] you will note there is no other perspectives available for you to justify & prove God exists or is possible.
I have already highlighted the very popular dichotomy between Empiricism versus Rationalism. The other is Philosophical Realism versus Philosophical Anti-Realism. There are many others but none of them [other than thought and reason] can support your belief 'God exists or is a possibility.'
As I had claimed the most tenable and viable basis why theists believe God exists is fundamentally for psychological reasons to deal with an inherent and unavoidable existential crisis.
Not-a-theist. Religion is a critical necessity for humanity now, but not the FUTURE.