Eduk wrote:
1. I attempted to debate with your post number #37. You asked the question of how could an infinite universe get more infinite. I attempted to ask what you meant by infinite.
Thank you for a clear presentation of your arguments – I think they are very good.
Infinite is a tricky concept. It is hard to know exactly what it is. The best way that we understand infinite is through mathematics. Mostly we imagine numbers incrementing eternally or some variation of this idea. However, we don’t really know infinite – we imagine it through math or some other analogy. For us it is a concept and we do not know for sure – if – it exists. Mathematically it exists but math is a concept – not in a real sense. I think the speculation that it exists in the real world is exceedingly strong – so – the existence of infinite is probable. Therefore I think the idea of infinite is theory (speculation) but very strong theory.
Eduk wrote:
2. Your response was to call my entire post weak speculation, without addressing a single point (of which I made many).
I do not think your entire post is weak speculation – parts of it is. I did address some points. Let’s not live in the past or quibble. You have an excellent post now – let’s move forward.
Eduk wrote:
3. Then through a series of posts you insist that cosmologists have very little evidence. Although you don't demonstrate this is true or that this is consequential. And insist all cosmologists are engaged in weak speculation.
I do not contend that all cosmology is weak speculation – some of it is weak. The idea of a singularity is weak speculation. A singularity is defined as infinite density and temperature at a finite time in the past? That everything, essentially, came from nothing – defies all logic. We did have an expansion 13.8 billion years ago – but that it came from a singularity is a weak explanation. We need to explain why the big bang happened – but – we need to do it within the laws of physics that we know and see. A singularity is outside the laws of physics.
Eduk wrote:
4. I then ask how you would gauge your own theory on the breathing universe. Is this weak speculation?
Breathing is weak speculation for sure. Probably very weak.
Eduk wrote:
5. You post a link to a YouTube video which doesn't seem related to anything I said?
You asked if I had expert advice to alternate theories of the Big Bang. Yes - 10 Alternatives To The Big Bang Theory – is expert alternatives. Are they cogent? Some are – some not. Are they true – no one knows because it is all speculation. Are you asking if I have experts saying the universe is breathing? No I do not because there is no evidence I can see. I raised it as an absurd example – much like the idea of a singularity. From my point of view the singularity and breathing have the same evidentiary weight.
Eduk wrote:
6. You then accuse the scientific community of bullying. Without providing any evidence. I didn't realise you were a scientist? I was under the impression that in the scientific community if you can prove something with empirical evidence then people will be quite pleased on the whole. Of course scientists are normal human beings and they bully just like all other normal human beings but it doesn't seem systemic to me. Indeed the great strength of science is that it doesn't matter how much you are bullied or bully, if the evidence shows something then the evidence shows something. And if you like to bully and hold onto outdated opinions then you will be left behind.
Your point is well taken. However, there is a lot of politics in science because so much is on the line. I think empirical evidence wins in the end – the purity of science. People lobby for their own interests and ideas. You are doing it now – and – very well I might add. Nothing wrong with it – I appreciate you clarifying many things.
Eduk wrote:
7. You then argue that we have 50 years of evidence of expansion. But you don't seem to understand that the objects that are being measured are billions of light years apart. It is possible that the universe was setup 50 years ago as a trick to make it look like there is billions of years of evidence. But that doesn't seem worth worrying about.
No – I did not say or mean 50 years of evidence. 50 years of collecting evidence is a big difference. You are attempting to twist my logic and I think dishonest on this point.
Eduk wrote:
8. You then accuse Greta of evangelically, attempting to explain the informed consensus of expert opinion. I don't know what Christianity has to do with anything Greta has said? I'm not sure how you define evangelical? Can you carefully explain yourself.
You missed my point (similar to #7). We all pressure each other to conform to ideas. This is the debate process – whether it be in a philosophy forum or scientific laboratory.
Eduk wrote:
9. You then say people are mad at Penrose, again without giving any examples.
Penrose has said Hawking is at odds with him because of his new theory on the Big Bang. Penrose & Hawking received the Wolf prize for their Big Bang theories. Now Penrose is partially abandoning ship. Hawking is still on the old ship.
Eduk wrote:
There is no need to insult anyone.
I have insulted no one – nor do I intend to.
Eduk wrote:
Oh and finally much like speculation you could argue all theories are guesses. This is logically consistent in a way. But it doesn't mean all theories are bad. It doesn't mean all guesses are equal.
I should have said educated guesses.