I feel, that, Ive given unifying inclusiveness to each every particle Universe---except perhaps for gravity and dark energy --- of via my wholistically comprehensive, vectorial torus ideas/concepts as great tubes ergo as cojoined with other great tubes in specific patterns, that, we find with conceptual axis spinning of some fundamental polyhedra of Universe.
These polyhedra when conceptually spun on their edges, faces and vertexes, derive a finite set of 87 primary great circles of Universe ergo 87 primary great toroidal tubes of Universe, when considering the 1D great circle as a 3D great tube.
Here again is the simple bisection of a torus--- via texticons ---that show;
positive shaped gravity,
observed time as frequency ^v or \/\/\/, and.
negative shaped dark energy.
( > ^v < )( > ^v < )
Think of our finite, occupied space Universe, as being composed of only frequency \/\/\ and geodesic arcs ( )( ).
For simplicity purposes think of this frequencies and arcs being static and likened to a shape of slinky like toys from the 60's. May they still make slinky toys, I dunno. Here is link to them.
https://www.google.com/search?q=slinky+ ... 8&oe=utf-8
So form the slinky into a torus ie bring the two ends of slinky tube-like structure around so they meet each other. You older folks get a kid to show you how that is done.
So now we have these slinky-like toroidal shapes, however, they are only the spiral arcs, and not the inversions from those spiral surfaces of gravity and dark energy as the sine-wave frequencies inside the tube as the body of the tube. So the spiral surface arcs actually cease on regular base and go on inward trajectories, from gravity surface and dark energy surface.
Now perhaps some of you can see how we can take two of these conceptuallized slinky-shape tori, and mesh them together in the spaces betweeen the arcs, and the inversions. If we have real slinky-like toys of these great tubes, then of course it would not be easy to mesh two or more together without getting them entangled and interfering mess.
Anyway that is the basics for what I believe is a wholistic scenario unifying each and every particle of our finite, occupied space Universe.
If were too actually have large slinky-like toys we can envision how there could be large spaces so that we could fit them together without too much interference i.e. even at the ultra-micro scales of existence, that, I envision this is taking place, large and small is still relative to scale.
With a good graphics programmer we could show these great tubes in great circle patterns and none would have to be touching another. Of course if none ever touch another can there exist a Unified Universe.
This gets into deeper concepts. First we have to start a clear vision of what it is we want envision. Then we can philosophize and what is what, why when etc.......imho