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Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
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By Ormond
Steve3007 wrote:I can see why we humans, who are always trying to do things, might imagine that the universe is trying to do things too, by projection.
I can see why scientists, who are mechanically minded by nature and always trying to do mechanical things, might imagine that the universe is mechanical too, by projection.
Steve3007 wrote: But it doesn't seem to be true.
It doesn't seem true to a scientist, because the scientist can't see a plan or planner. But in order for the scientist's not seeing to be meaningful, the scientist needs to willfully forget all the things that science wasn't able to see for a very long time, and yet those things were still there.

When my grandfather was the age of the young folks on this forum, science told us there was only one galaxy because they did not see 99% of the universe.

Science didn't see 99% of reality only 100 years ago, and now we're supposed to believe on faith that their not seeing a plan or planner today is pretty solid evidence that none exists.

I'm proud to announce I have invented a label to describe this phenomena. Those leading you down this garden path of fantasy knowings are called the...

Science Clergy

If an atheist reader should want to understand the hold that religion has on so many, just examine your own relationship with the science clergy. It's the same old game the Catholics ran so well for so long, except that these new guys forgot the robes.
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By Sy Borg
Ormond wrote:If an atheist reader should want to understand the hold that religion has on so many, just examine your own relationship with the science clergy. It's the same old game the Catholics ran so well for so long, except that these new guys forgot the robes.
Please stick to the topic. You have plenty of chance to continue your ongoing campaign against atheists and atheism in most other threads.
When my grandfather was the age of the young folks on this forum, science told us there was only one galaxy because they did not see 99% of the universe.

Science didn't see 99% of reality only 100 years ago, and now we're supposed to believe on faith that their not seeing a plan or planner today is pretty solid evidence that none exists.
No, that's the point. We're not supposed to believe anything on faith. We simply work with the currently available information until new information comes along. In the days when the existence of galaxies other than our own were not known about it didn't mean that there was a clergy telling people that it was certain that the Milky Way is the entire universe and always would be. That's simply not how it works.

This is why I said it doesn't seem to be true, based on current evidence, that there is a plan to such things as the evolution of life, given standard working definitions of such words as "plan" and the characteristics of living things and their DNA. That is not the same as saying "I decree that it isn't true and that will never change". It's simply what appears to be the case based on current evidence. If new evidence comes to light, that's great. Let's look at it and, if necessary, revise the theory.

You'll probably then go back to your point about how using reason to examine evidence is not applicable to questions of infinite scale. But this is not about a question of "infinite scale". It's about whether there appears to be forward-looking plan to life. If it's possible to define the word "plan" at all then it is by example. A plan is a simple, solid, non-infinite concept. It's therefore possible to look at any piece of complexity and assess whether it appears, on current evidence, to have been planned.

I take all your points about the applicability of human reason etc. But I do think that, at least partly, your belief that science contains a clergy and is about blind faith is based on a misunderstanding of that central point. At least, that's what your galaxy example, above, appears to show.

-- Updated Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:08 am to add the following --

However, if we see the Earth as a single system then humanity's development is part of overall natural development, and extension of biology in the same way as biology extended geology. What influences my views is not wishful thinking* but the fact that humans are creating greater order, and also that our presence seems the best and fastest way for the biosphere to reproduce. ...
Yes, I agree we can spot a general pattern in the universe and see humanity's development as a part of that pattern. A pattern of increasing complexity. If the spreading of life beyond the Earth means that the complexity which is life is spread beyond the Earth, then I can see how we can make a case that it fits the pattern. I guess it's just a question of how we view these patterns we spot in Nature.

-- Updated Wed Jun 08, 2016 12:22 pm to add the following --

Expanding a little on this theme: "I guess it's just a question of how we view these patterns we spot in Nature.":

The easiest and most succinct way I can think of to summarize what I mean by the above is to go back to the old "prescriptive" versus "descriptive" division, in relation to the laws of science (a.k.a. the patterns that we have spotted in Nature.)

If we believe that we have spotted a general pattern in the Universe of increasing complexity, and if we regard life as the most remarkable example of complexity that we know of, then it seems not unreasonable to see the development of life on Earth as part of that broader pattern. And it then also seems not unreasonable to speculate that the spreading, or seeding, of life from this one planet out into the wider universe also fits the pattern. We can then speculate that humanity, with our potential ability to do that spreading, fits the pattern.

So far so good.

The interesting question is what we hope to take away from these observations, and I think that's where the prescription versus description aspect comes in. I think we often tend to see these patterns as prescriptive and not merely descriptive because we want Nature to tell us whether we're doing okay; whether we fit into the general scheme of things. We often want to be able to say something like: "We've discovered that this is the natural order of things, so it's therefore okay to be human. We fit. We belong."

I think it's this kind of need that seeing the laws of Nature as purely descriptive does not entirely fulfil. It's not entirely dis-similar to the God-as-substitute-for-parent urge. We want someone to tell us we're doing well and that we're meant to be here.
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By Sy Borg
I wrote:However, if we see the Earth as a single system then humanity's development is part of overall natural development, and extension of biology in the same way as biology extended geology. What influences my views is not wishful thinking* but the fact that humans are creating greater order, and also that our presence seems the best and fastest way for the biosphere to reproduce. ...
Yes, I agree we can spot a general pattern in the universe and see humanity's development as a part of that pattern. A pattern of increasing complexity. If the spreading of life beyond the Earth means that the complexity which is life is spread beyond the Earth, then I can see how we can make a case that it fits the pattern. I guess it's just a question of how we view these patterns we spot in Nature.
In addition to complexity is the density and organisation / form of information. Just as we are more complex than our cells, the Earth is more complex than humans, yet the relationships are very different.

What we see, time and again, is a dynamic akin to water at a dam - the buildup of pressure of energy and/or information that results in a sudden dramatic state change - as opposed to the relatively sedate and steady progress leading up to the change. This nonlinear breaking threshold dynamic is seen as evolutionary emergence, storms, sun formation, capacitors, orgasm, learning process, metamorphosis - too many to name.

There is always a tipping or breaking point where the change is just due to occur - and I'm fascinated with those in between states. Consider the state of the still-nonliving organic molecules just as they were on the verge of abiogenesis. In evolutionary time, that sudden break from nonliving to living no doubt occurred over a number(?) of years, and there must have been some short-lived entities that would have still not been alive, but as close to life as nonliving material can be.

Then consider the state of human society at present (and as a consequence, the biosphere in general). There is a tension poised like a spring as we head towards that threshold of complexity, the breaking point, not unlike pre-war conditions (and unfortunately war will no doubt feature prominently in the upcoming changes for humanity). More people, less resources - only one result. There is a raise in tempo of activity and a high level of agitation. It's all slowly bubbling, priming to blow. There is ever-greater concentrations of energy and information, the stems of the future (destined not to do too many favours for those not in the hubs of complexity). Futurists have offered projections for the latter part of this century that can only be described as "interesting times".

So humanity may be a short-lived state of evolution, a bridge that ironically links biology life back to its geological origins. We are becoming an amalgam of biology and geology as our silicon and metal tools start to meld with our biological forms. Recent advances in biomedical engineering, with nanobots and remote-controlled synthetic bacteria point to this side of the future, along with the inevitability of phone and internet implants.

Sorry for the Aspergers babbling but this thread touches on one of my main obsessions :)
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By Ormond
Hi again Steve,
This is why I said it doesn't seem to be true, based on current evidence,
It doesn't seem true to YOU, because you feel "based on current evidence" (ie. we can't see a plan or planner) is meaningful. But that not seeing is not meaningful, as the history of science itself clearly demonstrates.

It would be reasonable to state that "science has not discovered a plan and planner (fact) and thus science has no idea if one exists or not (another fact)".
It's simply what appears to be the case based on current evidence.
The "current evidence" is that science is capable of "not seeing" the largest things over the longest periods of time. This inconvenient evidence is discarded, because it doesn't serve the agenda of sustaining the social authority of the science community.
You'll probably then go back to your point about how using reason to examine evidence is not applicable to questions of infinite scale. But this is not about a question of "infinite scale".
How do you know that? Aren't you confusing your personal opinions with fact here?

And, to clarify, my point is that no one has proven that reason is applicable at that level, not that it is surely true that reason is not applicable. I don't know if it's applicable or not, it just seems unlikely to me.
It's therefore possible to look at any piece of complexity and assess whether it appears, on current evidence, to have been planned.
What's wrong with saying, "current evidence suggests we have no idea if there is a plan or not"? What's wrong with saying, "we simply don't know"? Isn't such a statement the closest to the truth of the situation? I invite you to investigate the human and social factors which lead us to stray from that truth in the direction of fantasy knowings.
I take all your points about the applicability of human reason etc. But I do think that, at least partly, your belief that science contains a clergy and is about blind faith is based on a misunderstanding of that central point.
Well, I admit to a bit of overblown rhetoric offered to stimulate a conversation (otherwise known as trolling). :lol: By the colorful term "science clergy" I am referring to modern secular culture's relationship with the science community, which seems to me to be dangerously similar to the relationship we used to have with Catholic clergy.

As example, it is a dogma of the science clergy that our "more is better" relationship with knowledge is leading us to ever better times. It's fairly easy to challenge this dogma, but it's impossible to get anyone to listen, because everyone is mesmerized by "the experts" whose authority is apparently beyond challenge. There's a widespread unquestioning faith in science, which is encouraged in part by scientists.

They say that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's what happened to the Catholic clergy, and it will happen to the science clergy too if we don't learn how to shake the pillars of this modern temple.

Again, all I'm doing here is presenting the very same challenge to those who say "there is no plan" as you would reasonably present to those who say "there is a plan".

I'm not selling you theism, I'm selling you your own chosen methodology.
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By Rr6
Fullers states it approximately this way;

....God created humans in order to see if mind accessing creatures can exist with out destroying the integrity of Universe.......

In this sense God designed humans, or Universe designed humans.

For humans to be a mistake, then there has to be a designer and the givens above, the designer is some overall cosmic scenario involving God or Universe and God as Universe.

Another option is, that, some other creatures of our finite, occupied space Universe, designed humans. In that scenario, if humans are a design mistake, it goes back to those designers.

Here is another alternative option;

the blueprints or codes for human existence exists eternally within our finite, occupied space Universe. Here is link to most comprehensive site following that line of thinking.

In this latter, eternally existent coding for humans, there can exist no mistake, because there is no initial design by God, Universe or some other creature.

I have ideas that go further in understanding a scenario for eternally coding for humans and all biological life inherent to Universe. They are little complicated yet geometrically visual accessible i.e. if a person of any age over 10 or so can visualize graphics then can grasp a little bit of some slightly complicated geometry patterns.

The truth is out there for those who seek it, those who do not, and those who scoff at it. imho

Favorite Philosopher: R. Bucky Fuller
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By Atreyu
Rr6 wrote:Fullers states it approximately this way;

....God created humans in order to see if mind accessing creatures can exist with out destroying the integrity of Universe.......

In this sense God designed humans, or Universe designed humans.

For humans to be a mistake, then there has to be a designer and the givens above, the designer is some overall cosmic scenario involving God or Universe and God as Universe.

Another option is, that, some other creatures of our finite, occupied space Universe, designed humans. In that scenario, if humans are a design mistake, it goes back to those designers.

Here is another alternative option;

the blueprints or codes for human existence exists eternally within our finite, occupied space Universe. Here is link to most comprehensive site following that line of thinking.

In this latter, eternally existent coding for humans, there can exist no mistake, because there is no initial design by God, Universe or some other creature.
An interesting way of putting it. It would seem that we could infer, based on what you said, that if there are mistakes in the Universe, then that proves Designers. But if not, then it proves that there were no Designers, and that it merely had inherent order.

I believe that most of us, if we think about it properly, would have to admit that mistakes are definitely a property of the Universe. I'm thinking not only of the human condition, but also of deformities, birth defects, and genetic mutations, which we know are a part of nature...
Favorite Philosopher: P.D. Ouspensky Location: Orlando, FL
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By Rr6
Atreyu---An interesting way of putting it. It would seem that we could infer, based on what you said, that if there are mistakes in the Universe, then that proves Designers.
See following link fro differrence between mistake and error.
https://www.google.com/search?q=mistake ... 8&oe=utf-8

Designer meaning intentional choice by some entity, and my previously givens scenarios of;

God, or Universe, or God as Universe, or some other creatures designing humans wherein each of those cases there is initial starting point for human RNA-DNA code/blueprint coming into existence, and not eternally existent.
But if not, then it proves that there were no Designers, and that it merely had inherent order.
An eternally existent order, that, includes allowance for defects, mutations, deformitites, ergo a myriad of variations of taller, larger, thinner, shorter, smaller etc.....

Lets not confuse idea or order with perfection. A perfect circle only exists as a concept. An actually occupied space circle is tainted i.e. has a color, a mass, composed of a finite amount of atoms in aggregate of molecules we then see or feel the circle on computer screen, or via set of tinker toy blocks placed in a circle etc....so on and so on.
I believe that most of us, if we think about it properly, would have to admit that mistakes are definitely a property of the Universe. I'm thinking not only of the human condition, but also of deformities, birth defects, and genetic mutations, which we know are a part of nature.
Properly is like beauty and some relative truths being in the eye of the beholder. My mind envisions a differrence in an entity that,

intends this or that to happen and then make a mistake from,

an eternally existent set of finite possibilities--- cosmic laws/principles --- that allows for errors.

I recall hearing a phrase used of having slop-in-the-system i.e. slop being enough freeplay or lubricant, that allows a system to process without coming to a complete stop.

free play or lubricant prevent too much friction and tightness from occurring, that would cause a system to fail i.e. come to prior to completing its task. This built error allowance.

Biological error in RNA-DNA need not bring always bring the entity to complete stop, and we see plenty of RNA-DNA code errors yet that biological goes on living for the average number of years--- or less --- without an eye or limb or toe etc.

So we can play around with lingustics and definitions of words and proper use of them. My intentions were to make a clear distinction between, an entity, that, designed something and they made a mistake in their designs ergo flawed design, from,

a system that is put in place by design and along the way as the system is operating an error happens because of something other than the design.

Design mistakes = flawed design from intentions of a designer

System error = things that occur that may be outside of specific system ability to control based on its design.

An in the case of eternally existent Universe that allows for both of the above to exist.

Fuller believed the 4-fold cubo-octahedron was the operating system of Universe. The VE is intertransform-able i.e. flexible and not a rigid stable structure as is the regular, 5-fold icosahedron, that is composed of 20 equalateral triangles. Conceptually, the icosahedron should have no free-play because of its high degree of triangulated structure.

The VE has both 60 degree triangles structure stability and the less stable, 90 degree squares ergo it has built in slop-in-the-system via its 90 degree squares.

Here again, I must mentions the many number of exotic shapes, that this simple 4-fold jitterbugging VE will transform into including;

positive curvature/shape-- see shape of atom

negative shape/shape

sine-wave-like topology--- see photon if not every particle of Universe, except graviton and darkion

dumb-bell shape--- see shape of atom at higher energies

The list goes on including basic shapes of quadra-pedic like blueprints ex cetaceans and fish.

Also the spherical VE has four bisecting, great circle planes whose area are equal to the surface area of the polyhedron they define, and that to me, is very reminiscent of ideas involving what is inside a black hole is expressed on its surface. See Jacob Bekenstiens mathematical discoveries in 80's later confirmed by S Hawking.

And finally, no one has offered to me, a simple hand held toy that transforms into more exotic shapes of space. Please share if you know of any.

Favorite Philosopher: R. Bucky Fuller
What we see, time and again, is a dynamic akin to water at a dam - the buildup of pressure of energy and/or information that results in a sudden dramatic state change - as opposed to the relatively sedate and steady progress leading up to the change.
Yes, as you've said, this saw-tooth pattern of gradual charging up followed by sudden release is common to many different diverse systems. This, to me, is always the most interesting thing in the process of spotting patterns in Nature that is commonly referred to as science. Not necessarily just this pattern that you've noted, but generally when the same pattern can be spotted in apparently entirely unrelated phenomena. This is why mathematics (particularly differential equations) is such a useful tool, because it abstracts out the patterns. It allows us to see the common patterns in such things as gas diffusion and stock market prices, or the cooling of a cup of tea and the decay of a radioactive source.
There is always a tipping or breaking point where the change is just due to occur - and I'm fascinated with those in between states. Consider the state of the still-nonliving organic molecules just as they were on the verge of abiogenesis. In evolutionary time, that sudden break from nonliving to living no doubt occurred over a number(?) of years, and there must have been some short-lived entities that would have still not been alive, but as close to life as nonliving material can be.
Yes, but of course this is where the arbitrary divisions that we place on Nature come in. (The divisiveness of thought, as Ormond puts it). The distinction between "living" and "non-living" is one that we create, it seems to me. It seems likely that the historical transition from what we would call non-living chemistry to what we would call living bio-chemistry is similar to the same transition that we can see today if we classify currently existing species roughly according to their complexity, from viroids and viruses at one end up to dolphins, chimpanzees and humans at the other. It doesn't seem to me that we can point to an objectively existing dividing line between complex chemical machines and living things. Likewise, if we could go back in time 3 billion years, or whatever it is, I suspect the same would be true.
Then consider the state of human society at present (and as a consequence, the biosphere in general). There is a tension poised like a spring as we head towards that threshold of complexity, the breaking point, not unlike pre-war conditions (and unfortunately war will no doubt feature prominently in the upcoming changes for humanity). More people, less resources - only one result. There is a raise in tempo of activity and a high level of agitation. It's all slowly bubbling, priming to blow. There is ever-greater concentrations of energy and information, the stems of the future (destined not to do too many favours for those not in the hubs of complexity). Futurists have offered projections for the latter part of this century that can only be described as "interesting times".
This is similar to Ormond's theme that we're on the eve of destruction. But I suspect you draw differing conclusions as to how this situation will, or ought to, develop. You seem to accept it (at least for the purposes of discussion here) as part of the process of life's development.
So humanity may be a short-lived state of evolution, a bridge that ironically links biology life back to its geological origins. We are becoming an amalgam of biology and geology as our silicon and metal tools start to meld with our biological forms. Recent advances in biomedical engineering, with nanobots and remote-controlled synthetic bacteria point to this side of the future, along with the inevitability of phone and internet implants.
Yes, this transition from rocks and metals, to organic chemistry and back to metals again, is an interesting one. Of course, our technology itself may well transition beyond metals like silicon and start to use the organic chemistry of which life it made. I guess it's mostly the discovery of electricity and the useful conductive and semi-conductive properties of metals that pushed us that way. Perhaps, if people like Michael Faraday hadn't existed, our technology might have been organic from the start?
Sorry for the Aspergers babbling but this thread touches on one of my main obsessions :)
Let's face it, we're all a bit like that around here. That's why we're here.


Hi again Ormond,
It would be reasonable to state that "science has not discovered a plan and planner (fact) and thus science has no idea if one exists or not (another fact)".
I was talking specifically about a plan, not a planner. A plan is a pretty well defined thing. It is possible to look both for evidence of its presence and evidence of its absence. Neither of these things tells us with certainty that a plan is either present or absent. But they do give us some knowledge. So I think your above statement is factually incorrect.

Take William Paley's classic watchmaker analogy. If we find a watch lying on the ground then even if we never, ever find the watchmaker we are still justified in saying that we have some evidence (NOT PROOF) that he/she exists, or once existed. Paley was absolutely right about that. We have some knowledge of what a "plan" looks like. If he followed what you've said above, Paley would have to have said:

"If I find a watch lying on the ground then I have no idea whatsoever about whether a watchmaker exists. I can say nothing on the subject."

Clearly that's not true. He does have some idea. NOT PROOF. But some idea.

Likewise, just as a watch bares the signs of an object that has been designed - (an object whose parts perform no function individually but which has been put together in a way that suggests fore-knowledge of how they will work when assembled) - so living structures bare the hallmarks of the opposite. They have specific features that strongly suggest a lack of forward planning. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that we have SOME evidence (NOT PROOF) that they came together in the absence of a plan.

The next reply to this standard argument is: There may be a plan which we don't understand and don't recognize as a plan because it's so different from the kinds of plans we're used to. And the standard reply to that is: Yes. There may be. An infinite number of things may be. We then have to make a decision as to whether we constantly keep in our minds the fact that an infinite number of things may be true, without our realizing it, or whether we simply go with what we currently know in the full knowledge that more information may or may not come to light in the future.
The "current evidence" is that science is capable of "not seeing" the largest things over the longest periods of time. This inconvenient evidence is discarded, because it doesn't serve the agenda of sustaining the social authority of the science community.
Yes, it is reasonable to suppose that there is an infinite quantity of stuff that our senses, and the reasoning that we use to interpret the inputs from those senses, is not capable of seeing. I don't see much evidence of "science" (if we can treat that as a single entity rather than referring to individual people) somehow discarding or suppressing that obvious fact. The fact that it is built into the fabric of the scientific method that there is never conclusive proof, that all theories are subject to revision and that there are no privileged, unquestionable authorities, makes me wonder again why you would say this. I can well see why you might say it of specific individual people. But what evidence is there that it is true of "the science community"?

You'll probably then go back to your point about how using reason to examine evidence is not applicable to questions of infinite scale. But this is not about a question of "infinite scale".
How do you know that? Aren't you confusing your personal opinions with fact here?
I know that because I know the definition of the word "plan". The proposition "a watch implies a watch plan" is testable. It's not a question about the infinite. It's a question about the nature of watches and plans.

If you wish to offer a different definition of the word "plan", or to suggest that the word is undefinable, then that's fine. But you have to first let me know that's what you're doing. If we decide that the "plan" concept is undefinable, then the proposition "living things show evidence of having developed without a plan" is equivalent to the proposition "living things show evidence of having developed without a wibble". In that case, I accept that I cannot possibly have any kind of knowledge, one way or the other, as to whether a wibble was involved. If somebody said "is a wibble involved?" I would reply without hesitation either: "I have no idea" or "eh?".
And, to clarify, my point is that no one has proven that reason is applicable at that level, not that it is surely true that reason is not applicable. I don't know if it's applicable or not, it just seems unlikely to me.
I guess I will have to just keep repeating this:

Nothing is ever proven ever, except within the confines of pure mathematics.
nothing is ever proven.
Nothing is ever proven.
Nothing is ever proven.

I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say this again in the future so have added a few here. There is no proof that reason is applicable anywhere at any level. There is no proof of anything, anywhere ever. Ever, ever, ever. We use reason where it appears to be useful for achieving our goals. We stop using it where not useful.
What's wrong with saying, "current evidence suggests we have no idea if there is a plan or not"? What's wrong with saying, "we simply don't know"?
Because it would be factually incorrect. It's true that we don't know anything at all with certainty. But that's not the same as saying that we have no idea at all. We do have some idea. THAT'S NOT THE SAME AS SAYING WE HAVE PROOF OR CERTAIN KNOWLEDGE. (Don't mean to shout. Capitals are just for emphasis to drive this point home.)

Current evidence of watches suggests that they are designed according to a plan. Current evidence of living things suggests that they are not. If new evidence comes to light on either types of object in the future then the balance of probability will shift. Who knows? It may turn out that watches can evolve after all. It may turn out that living things were manufactured according to a plan after all. It may turn out that there's a teapot in orbit around the sun. It may turn out that my grandfather was a banana. I may turn out that the centre of the sun is made of caviar. You're free to accuse me of rashly jumping to conclusions if you like, but I'm not an agnostic on any of these questions.

If, in the absence of watchmakers, somebody asked me "do wristwatches evolve, or are they designed according to a plan?" I would not reply: "I have absolutely no idea", because that would be untrue. I would also not reply "it is proved beyond all possible doubt that they are designed" because that would also be untrue. If I was wearing a philosopher hat and was therefore concerned about precision of language, I'd probably say something like:

"My past experience of watches and plans and my conviction that past experience can be used to make judgments about possible future experiences and that the patterns in my experiences will continue (which is itself based on past experience of that method working, but that's a whole other argument) suggests that the balance of probabilities is that they are designed according to a plan. But I don't know that with certainty.".

If that hat were absent I'd probably say "Designed. Stupid question.".
Well, I admit to a bit of overblown rhetoric offered to stimulate a conversation (otherwise known as trolling). :lol: By the colorful term "science clergy" I am referring to modern secular culture's relationship with the science community, which seems to me to be dangerously similar to the relationship we used to have with Catholic clergy.
OK, fair enough. I see now that you are not referring to science but to the cultural perception of it.
As example, it is a dogma of the science clergy that our "more is better" relationship with knowledge is leading us to ever better times.
If the term "science clergy" still refers to our general culture's relationship with, or perception of, science then that doesn't seem to be anything like a universal dogma. There are huge elements in our culture that certainly don't regard the fruits of science as good or trustworthy. I suspect there are very few people who regard all of the results of science as an unqualified good. I think one of the major problems that the scientific method faces in the modern low signal-to-noise ratio world is lack of patience with the methodical evidence-based nature of the scientific method.
It's fairly easy to challenge this dogma, but it's impossible to get anyone to listen, because everyone is mesmerized by "the experts" whose authority is apparently beyond challenge. There's a widespread unquestioning faith in science, which is encouraged in part by scientists.
I don't recognize that as an accurate picture of our relationship with all of science. I think you only have to look at the widespread mistrust of the results of climate science research to see that.
They say that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's what happened to the Catholic clergy, and it will happen to the science clergy too if we don't learn how to shake the pillars of this modern temple.
I'm not convinced that you're still using the term "science clergy" to refer to our culture's relationship to science. It sounds like you've switched back to talking about science itself. If you disagree with the findings of any piece of published science, then publish your reasons. If you have genuine reasons that stand the test of scrutiny then you will be taken seriously. I wouldn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.
Again, all I'm doing here is presenting the very same challenge to those who say "there is no plan" as you would reasonably present to those who say "there is a plan". I'm not selling you theism, I'm selling you your own chosen methodology.
OK, well, as I've said, I believe that propositions such as "living things do/don't show signs of having been created according to a plan" can be tested using that methodology because they're not questions about anything infinite or undefined (like wibble).
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By Sy Borg
Steve3007 wrote:Yes, as you've said, this saw-tooth pattern of gradual charging up followed by sudden release is common to many different diverse systems. This, to me, is always the most interesting thing in the process of spotting patterns in Nature that is commonly referred to as science. Not necessarily just this pattern that you've noted, but generally when the same pattern can be spotted in apparently entirely unrelated phenomena. This is why mathematics (particularly differential equations) is such a useful tool, because it abstracts out the patterns. It allows us to see the common patterns in such things as gas diffusion and stock market prices, or the cooling of a cup of tea and the decay of a radioactive source.
Yes, in a sense the math bridges the divisions that Ormond is concerned out, showing the similarities between the ostensibly disconnected. Then again, math is simply a way of understanding patterns. So my long description of the dynamic can be expressed in a simple pattern - a saw-tooth wave, which is even more compressed than a mathematical representation. Perhaps AI will be able to one day understand the dynamics of multi-dimensional polytopes as clearly as humans can understand the implications of a simple saw tooth pattern? That would have implications for neuroscience (and probably other fields like engineering) in understanding the implications of the patterns of neuron activity.
There is always a tipping or breaking point where the change is just due to occur - and I'm fascinated with those in between states. Consider the state of the still-nonliving organic molecules just as they were on the verge of abiogenesis. In evolutionary time, that sudden break from nonliving to living no doubt occurred over a number(?) of years, and there must have been some short-lived entities that would have still not been alive, but as close to life as nonliving material can be.
Yes, but of course this is where the arbitrary divisions that we place on Nature come in. (The divisiveness of thought, as Ormond puts it). The distinction between "living" and "non-living" is one that we create, it seems to me. It seems likely that the historical transition from what we would call non-living chemistry to what we would call living bio-chemistry is similar to the same transition that we can see today if we classify currently existing species roughly according to their complexity, from viroids and viruses at one end up to dolphins, chimpanzees and humans at the other. It doesn't seem to me that we can point to an objectively existing dividing line between complex chemical machines and living things. Likewise, if we could go back in time 3 billion years, or whatever it is, I suspect the same would be true.
I agree that there is some arbitrariness in the division between life and non-life, and that's what makes these in-between states so fascinating. Entities like viruses, prions and stars and geologically active planets have various attributes of life, but not all. Still, there doe appear to be something else going on in the noumena. Consider the difference between a newborn star and a proto-star on the verge of nuclear ignition. You could say that there is a metaphysical event horizon, where the proto-star reaches a level of gravitational pressure in its core where stability is impossible and it falls into the ignition state. Perhaps something similar happened with life - the metaphorical "ignition" of the first metabolism?

This is similar to Ormond's theme that we're on the eve of destruction. But I suspect you draw differing conclusions as to how this situation will, or ought to, develop. You seem to accept it (at least for the purposes of discussion here) as part of the process of life's development.
It's inevitable. How long has the planet been carrying seven billion people? Not very long. How is it coping? Now project forward a century. At some point the human population has to reduce enormously. Since that's too hard a job for us to do willingly so it will happen via natural causes. At some stage a massive decline in human numbers must happen, at the very latest in a billion years when the Sun expands. It's only a matter of when.

There is no doubt that people have claimed "the end is nigh" throughout history, only to be consistently proven wrong by human resilience and ingenuity. However, there must be limits. At some point the "cry of wolf" won't be a false alarm. The most vulnerable are those living in poor, undeveloped equatorial regions. While westerners say "Crisis? What crisis?" Pacific Islanders and South East Asians count the bodies and lost arable land. At least for a while ... [cue dramatic orchestral sting].

Of course, our technology itself may well transition beyond metals like silicon and start to use the organic chemistry of which life it made. I guess it's mostly the discovery of electricity and the useful conductive and semi-conductive properties of metals that pushed us that way. Perhaps, if people like Michael Faraday hadn't existed, our technology might have been organic from the start?
Yes, and many of the interesting new new materials are carbon-based, perhaps closing the circle again, with water being replaced by electricity.

In a sense, Faraday and his idea of harnessing the energy of the Sun was ignored . Humanity did, in fact, end up preferring organic technology and opted for burning fossil fuels over solar energy. Perhaps organic technology is something we can supersede by taking energy directly from the source - the Sun. All other energy sources are relatively degraded and diluted "hand-me-downs".
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By Atreyu
Rr6 wrote:Design mistakes = flawed design from intentions of a designer

System error = things that occur that may be outside of specific system ability to control based on its design.

An in the case of eternally existent Universe that allows for both of the above to exist.
Ok, gotcha. I completely agree and understand your point. Indeed, one can describe it either way.

But what is really interesting to me is that they can be reconciled into a single principle.

You could easily say that a 'design mistake', which the conscious entity in question could not have been able to foresee or know about, is a 'system error', as long as you are thinking of consciousness as a 'system'. In the 'system of consciousness', an Entity cannot be expected to be aware of all of the implications or possibilities or shortfalls of any particular Plan or Design.

Therefore, the two principles come to one. Whether a Conscious Design or an inherent underlying order, there can be things occurring which are not part of that Design or system, and which could cause unexpected results, if one is only considering the parameters proper to the Design or system.
Favorite Philosopher: P.D. Ouspensky Location: Orlando, FL
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By Rr6
Rr6 wrote:Design mistakes = flawed design from intentions of a designer
System error = things that occur that may be outside of specific system ability to control based on its design.
An in the case of eternally existent Universe that allows for both of the above to exist.
Ok, gotcha. I completely agree and understand your point. Indeed, one can describe it either way.
But what is really interesting to me is that they can be reconciled into a single principle.
You could easily say that a 'design mistake', which the conscious entity in question could not have been able to foresee or know about, is a 'system error', as long as you are thinking of consciousness as a 'system'. In the 'system of consciousness', an Entity cannot be expected to be aware of all of the implications or possibilities or shortfalls of any particular Plan or Design.

Good you at least see the point I'm making and I see yours also, however;

1} doing so I believe obfuscates a clear distinction or differrentiation-- i.e.blurs the lines --- between two differrent concepts,

2} your idea does only considers a designer and not eternally inherent/innate existence of cosmic system, i.e. there exists no designer ergo no design mistake can occur but allowance for error-- i.e. nothing is perfect ergo all is tainted ---is inherent/innate principle that is not designed only eternally exist Isness.
Therefore, the two principles come to one. Whether a Conscious Design or an inherent underlying order, there can be things occurring which are not part of that Design or system, and which could cause unexpected results, if one is only considering the parameters proper to the Design or system.
Allowance for error without is not and error of the system, it is free play, tis limited allowance for slop-in-the-system, or slip-in-the-system.

Slippage keeps the whole thing from becoming broken. imho

So to be clear, I choose to make choice of a a distinction from a designer who can make a mistake, innate/inherent order that is not has no designer.

Cosmic laws/principles are not designed, that are the innate/inherent order that exists eternally every where and everywhen, are inviolate and non-contradictiory.

Favorite Philosopher: R. Bucky Fuller
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By Atreyu
Rr6 wrote:Cosmic laws/principles are not designed, that are the innate/inherent order that exists eternally every where and everywhen, are inviolate and non-contradictiory.
Yes, but I would think that there is, or at least was, a corresponding Design existing parallel with the laws/principles.

It's odd to think of a Big Gigantic Supercomputer (the Universe) without any Designer having ever been involved at some point...
Favorite Philosopher: P.D. Ouspensky Location: Orlando, FL
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By Rr6
Its odd because as humans, we only see beginnings and endings. We do not observe eternality. We observe evidence that points to a beginning of Universe, however, I think many believe there exists and eternally existent occupied space, irrespective of what state/phases it may transform into.

This makes rational, loigcal common sense also and more so since we humans have only observed physical/energy transforming between fermions and bosons. Include gravity and dark energy in there anywhere you want.

The simple point is, that, it is difficult for us to envision eternally existent something-ness.

Yet so many people are quick to jump onto the infinite something-ness Universe. That contingency exists because they want to leave and out to there not knowing something so they just want to get off the hook by saying there exist infinite possibilities.

For 20 years Ive been telling others that no, there do not exist infinite possibilities. There ego creates a mental blockage to truth, just as does some here at philo forum. There is so much ignorance in the world, that, the way out for some of them is to vote for back Trump and others like him.

They are the bullies that the some middle class believes is bullying others for them. Ignorance runs rampant across the globe, however, for well to do country like U.S. it is sad to see so many choose to remain ignorant.

Atreyu wrote:
Rr6 wrote:Cosmic laws/principles are not designed, that are the innate/inherent order that exists eternally every where and everywhen, are inviolate and non-contradictiory.
Yes, but I would think that there is, or at least was, a corresponding Design existing parallel with the laws/principles.
It's odd to think of a Big Gigantic Supercomputer (the Universe) without any Designer having ever been involved at some point...
Favorite Philosopher: R. Bucky Fuller
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By Zayl
Zhan wrote:I suggest that Intelligence is a subjective theory created by human kind itself. Yet human kind only maintains its theoretical measure of intellegence by comparing its very own being with other living types surviving on this planet. A genetic mistake might cause the human species to think in this manner. Yet where is there any Cosmic truth to be found that can verify the human species is the most intelligent ? The animal and insect world has an equilibrium which, despite its apparent ruthlessness and cruelty in human terms, works efficiently for the benefit of all to prevent an over crowding of any given species; plus an elimination of the weaker species of any type to eliminate substandard reproduction. And it all appears to work very efficiently. Whereby the human animal chooses to ignore these rulings; preferring to breed continuously without due regard to food resources, habitat, or spacial comfort. And it perpetuates it's ever regard for human survival by ensuring it's old and unproductive types survive as long as they are able through medication and care where in a balanced animal world the old and infirm would be allowed to die naturally or be eliminated by natural means. However the human 'intelligent' way is to preserve human life at all costs thus creating insurmountable problems totally unrelated to the efficient survival of the fittest and productive of the human race. In due course this so called ' intelligent ' approach to survival must surely lead to a form of mass human catastrophe unknown in the animal ' unintelligent' kingdom. A genetic mistake in the human being animal ?
Humans became intelligent enough to realize that natural selection is not a fundamental definition of value. Valueperceptions or more specifically positive and negative conscious experiences are fundamental. To create suffering in order to maintain the principles of evolution seems pointless.
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