I am really kind of bewildered by your question. Your reasoning seems very circular. You say that Jewish animal sacrifces were superior to Gentile animal sacrifices because the Jews performed sacrifices as instructed by God. You also say that the Gentiles did not have spiritual instructions to direct their own sacrifices -- How do you know this? Have you studied the sacrifice protocols of other cultures? What objective standard or reference point do you employ to judge the quality of a sacrifice? How do you compare one sacrifice to another? God told the Jews how to perform sacrifices and they performed the sacrifices; the Gentile gods told the Gentiles how to perform their sacrifices and they performed the sacrifices. I don't see any grounds for comparison here.
Hmm okay, let us review what I stated:
Fanman wrote:
Well, sacrifices in which the innocent are slain (be it animal or people) were carried out throughout the world shall we say. What makes the Jewish sacrifices seem 'special' is that according to Biblical scripture, they were carried under the instruction of God, in that the Jews were given the 'proper' instructions of how to prepare and carry-out the ritual by God, through Moses, God's chosen prophet. Whereas, gentiles did not commit sacrifices by those same methods, and did so without any spiritual instruction. Jews were not for example, instructed to sacrifice human beings, and they only used certain animals that were considered absolutely clean. You don't have to believe that God instructed them on how to do so, or that there was any nobility in the ritual, as you're entitled to your beliefs and opinions. However, I think that only similarity between the sacrifices that the Jews made, and the sacrifices of the Phoenicians and Aztecs is that something innocent was killed to take the place of something guilty, in order to appease a deity. The specifics / preparations of the respective rituals were completely different.
Nowhere in my comment, did I state that: “Jewish animal sacrifces were superior to Gentile animal sacrifices because the Jews performed sacrifices as instructed by God”. Therefore, the premise of your argument is not based upon reality. My comment that: “gentiles did not commit sacrifices by those same methods, and did so without any spiritual instruction”. Was said in relation to your summary / belief that God, and therefore no intelligent spirit-beings exist; not my own beliefs. Thus, my mistake was perhaps in not making that clear distinction. I, personally do not claim to know that Gentiles were not instructed on how to make sacrifices by spirit-beings. However, if they were instructed on the procedure by spirit-beings, the different specifics / preparations and animals / people which they used, would indicate that the Jews and the Gentiles, were being instructed on ritual sacrifice by different spirit-beings. Therefore, your second line of argument here, is based upon a false premise. I don't think that it is possible for me to have an objective standard or point of reference to judge a sacrifice by, because the basis of my opinions and standards is subjectivity, but if I attempted to do as you ask, I would insist that no human beings were sacrificed, and upon certain animals to be sacrificed, which were not exotic, easily obtainable, not at risk of becoming an endangered species and easy to kill. The quality of the animal would depend upon what it was fed, its age (that it had the chance to experience some life), that it was physically clean and unblemished. In regards to your comparison of one sacrifice to another, you can gather the answer to this question from what I've stated above, in that a poor quality or wrong (morally and actually) sacrifice, so to speak, would be the opposite of everything that I stated. As to your final premise, it is difficult, because it assumes that God exists and that gods exist also. However, according to the Bible, only one God exists, you are arguing from a Biblical perspective, therefore you cannot bring other gods into the equation without your argument becoming nonsensical and breaking-down. You might not feel that specifics / preparations are relevant, but do you not see the fundamental difference between sacrificing human-beings and sacrificing certain types of animals?
To be honest with you, I think that ritual sacrifice is the one of the finest examples of religious foolishness. God commanding the Israelites to perform these meticulous sacrifices is analogous to me commanding you to pat your head and rub your stomach while standing on one foot: if you perform the task exactly as instructed would that make the task any less arbitrary and absurd? God's reasons for demanding sacrifices and for stipulating the methods of performing the sacrifices are mysteries understood only by God himself. The ritual possesses no instrinsic, practical value and means nothing to anyone except the initiates of the respective religion; therefore it is pointless to do any kind of comparisons of sacrifice protocols.
Well you're entitled to you opinions, but you are again superimposing a terrestrial event upon a celestial one, by means of analogy, which does in my opinion, demonstrate a lack of spiritual understanding. If I can perform the mundane task you stipulate, it does not, to my knowledge, have any spiritual implications; whereas sacrificing an innocent life, in order for it to absorb the consequences of one's sins, is huge spiritually. I don't observe any mysteries in the ritual of sacrifice, it is a spiritual transaction. Again, if you don't believe that the ritual has any intrinsic and practical value that's up to you. However, being of a religious ilk, I would argue that the sacrificial protocols are important, because they constitute the nature of the sacrifice, therefore comparison is not pointless.
Furthermore, while you seem to praise the symbolic merit of this ritual, I find its implications deplorable. The way I see it, when a person performs a sacrifice, he is basically taking his own mistakes out on another creature. He is saying that even though he is the one who screwed up, it will be another individual who suffers the consequences of his actions. Why do I need to own up to my mistake if I can just sacrifice something or someone? I am also put off by the concept of using an innocent creature in the symbolism. Isn't this the same kind of logic used by witches who seek to please the demons by shedding the innocent blood of virgin damsels?
Well, I believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ; not only as symbolic, but as an actuality, and I have great reverence for the actions that he carried out, because he also demonstrated the many positive attributes of God, such as mercy, compassion and kindness. Furthermore, if I commit a crime against God, and rather than myself and others having to face the consequences of my own sin(s), I have to sacrifice a lamb, that has experienced the best life it can, that I would kill and eat anyway, I would certainly have no severe qualms about doing so, except the remorse of having to kill an animal. Indeed, it is a light thing, when balanced with the consequences of sin(s) upon oneself and other people; which goes to further demonstrates how easily God is willing to forgive people. A lamb, in my opinion does not have the same value as an individual (meaning a human-being), but imagine the value of Jesus Christ to God,
his own celestial son. Yet he sacrificed him, so that mankind could be forgiven of our sin(s), and considering the magnitude of that sacrifice, do you actually expect God to thus accept anyone who rejects Jesus, when knowledge of him so so widely available? You may be misunderstanding things, the Jews had to
admit their sins before God, and ask him for forgiveness, before sacrificing the animal. It was not a trivial case of just killing an animal when you did something wrong. Yes, sacrificing a life is unfortunate, but again I believe that the sacrifice is actual; not only symbolic, therefore it has great value. I have heard that witches sacrifice innocent virgins to Satan, but the logic is not same, because they do not do so in order to obtain forgiveness for their sins from God. Apparently, they do so to obtain things that are considered to be valuable in this world. Therefore, the innocent blood that witches shed, is not for the purposes of dispensation, it is a perverse, logically inverse and corrupted method of 'sacrifice'; committing murder, to obtain gain; not forgiveness. It is using innocent-human-blood, to purchase riches (or whatever) from a spirit-being. The terrestrial animal equivalent (to help you relate), is killing elephants for their ivory.
P.S. For someone who claimed to be "really kind of bewildered" by my question, you answered it pretty extensively.