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Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 15th, 2016, 7:02 pm
by ThamiorTheThinker
Wayne92587 wrote:The reason being that a creation is not born of ordinary means, cause and effect, the laws of nature; a creation being an original product of a particular state or condition of the mind; a Flash of insight; Freedom of Mind not being clouded by the need to satisfy desires of the Flesh.
That's poetry, not philosophy. You need to explain exactly what you mean in strict, logical terms. It's hard for me to understand what exactly you're trying to say when you speak about "flashes of insight", "freedom of mind" and "desires of the flesh".

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 16th, 2016, 12:43 pm
by Rr6
Time that we observe is inherent to XY and Z dimensions but only in respect to all three i.e. time that we observe is "moderation of angle and frequency" { thank you B. Fuller } in 3 dimensions. Moderation, modification or varibility of of angle frequency all fit the bill of this concept.

Initially, we have the inviolate, ergo eternally existent, abstract concept of five, and only five, regular/symmetrical 3D polyhedra that can exist in our one finite, occupied space Universe, or in scenarios that involve a multiple local universe, yet still finite set of, occupied space, universe's.

Space-time is fairly well accepted irrespective of how space-time is really defined. Gravity{ we do not observe directly } is accepted as a property of space-time. More on defining spacetime more specifically below.

Well their appears to be a new kid on the cosmic block with an identity repulsive dark energy. Not knowing exactly what dark energy is, some are left to speculate it is another property of space-time and again, whatever space-time may be.

Here is what I believe. That there exists at least three fundamental, or essential aspects of space-time;

1) gravity as space and specifically a positive shaped geodesic arc of space,

2) time we observe and specifically as those events associated with a sine-wave,

3) dark energy as space and specifically a negative shaped geodesic arc of space.

In this scenario, space-time is more correctly labeled as space-time-space. The torus three surface aspects of curvature.

1) positive curvature ergo associated with gravity

2) flat curvature--transitional zone

3) negative curvature---associated with dark energy.

The above only addresses the surface of a torus. If we want to embrace a more wholistic view of the torus manifest as aspect of our directly observed Universe, then we assign time to the body of the torus. In my specific scenarios, time is inversions from gravity and dark energy surface to give 3D body to our torus as observed time.

This above is not to say that the finite, occupied space Universe, has an associated shape of a torus. I believe every fermonic and bosonic particle of Universe, have no less than three tori as three vectors. Each of these toroidal vectors we can associate with three generalized great circles as the abstract general great circle axis of each.

Then there is an abstract great circle associated with gravity, two time great circles, dark energy and two flat transitonal zones for a total of 7 abstract great circles to be associated with each great toroidal vector.

Finally, my explorations that led to the above beliefs, were involved with a 4-line/level numerical sine-wave, wherein all prime numbers{ except 2 and 3 } fall on the 2nd line/level. When I inside-outed the his numerical sine-wave, all the prime numbers now fall on top line-level.

This top line/level would be the abstract great circle associated with positive shaped gravity, where-from all gravitational, time inversions and out-version events occur.

Bottom line/level is the associated with all abstract great circle of an iinner negative shaped dark energy, time inversions and out-version events.

The two inside line/levels of this inside-outed, numerical sine-wave, now define a the two abstract great circles associated with the inside sine-wave set of time inverted events.

We do not see observe directly the gravitational positive shaped space, nor do we see the dark energy negative shaped space. We do see sine-wave events that of which two opposing events are directly connected to gravity and dark energy surface of the overall great toroidal vector, of an overall fermionic,or bosonic particle.

This has been difficult concept for me to accept, that every sine-wave we observe from quantum level interactions, is defined not by a particle that is moving in wave-linear fashion, but rather, a particle-like something-ness that has interactions with gravity and dark energy.

I dont think I can post URL yet as I'm still trial member but here is the basic numerical pattern.




Here below is a texti-conic representation so it is not accurate but gives rough of idea of cross-sectional view from side of torus. I also cannot do fancy formatting yet. Below we see;

(><) (><)

two gravity outer arcs, ( )
4 time inversions, >< ><
two inner dark energy arcs )(, torus.

In conclusion;

1) occupied Space Universe exists eternally,

2) positive shaped Space, as gravity, exists eternally,

3) negative shaped Space, as dark energy, exists eternally,

4) sine-wave pattern as time inversions from gravity and dark energy, exists eternally.

Space-Time-Space exists eternally as a finte set of occupied space somethingness ergo Space-Time-Space is not created, nor does it emerge from a true, macro infinite, non-occupied space nothing-ness.


Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 16th, 2016, 12:55 pm
by Wayne92587
Wayne92587 wrote:

The reason being that a creation is not born of ordinary means, cause and effect, the laws of nature; a creation being an original product of a particular state or condition of the mind; a Flash of insight; Freedom of Mind not being clouded by the need to satisfy desires of the Flesh.

ThamiiorTheThinker wrote;

That's poetry, not philosophy. You need to explain exactly what you mean in strict, logical terms. It's hard for me to understand what exactly you're trying to say when you speak about "flashes of insight", "freedom of mind" and "desires of the flesh".

Wayne wrote?

What the hell are you talking about; that post was a simple explanation as to why you or anyone else might believe that the whole of Reality was born of the mind of God.

Definition of Creation to follow; a creation is an original product of the mind, an invention of the Imagination, of the Rational, comes about as a Flash of insight; a Creation not being born of ordinary, natural Means, the Laws of Nature, Mother Nature, Cause and Effect.

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 16th, 2016, 9:42 pm
by ThamiorTheThinker
Wayne92587 wrote: What the hell are you talking about; that post was a simple explanation as to why you or anyone else might believe that the whole of Reality was born of the mind of God.

Definition of Creation to follow; a creation is an original product of the mind, an invention of the Imagination, of the Rational, comes about as a Flash of insight; a Creation not being born of ordinary, natural Means, the Laws of Nature, Mother Nature, Cause and Effect.
It's not simple to me, because the way you write suggests to me that you are speaking in different terms. You appear to be talking past me as though I already know what you know. You are speaking as though I have the exact same understanding as you do. That is why I say it is poetry, and not philosophy - you aren't defining your terms.

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 17th, 2016, 11:50 am
by Wayne92587
ThamiorTheThinker wrote;

It's not simple to me, because the way you write suggests to me that you are speaking in different terms. You appear to be talking past me as though I already know what you know. You are speaking as though I have the exact same understanding as you do. That is why I say it is poetry, and not philosophy - you aren't defining your terms.
Wayne wrote; Use the simplest explanation that you can THINK of.

Flash of Insight;

When the solution to a problem comes to you in an all-of-a-sudden manner, it can be considered insight. More specifically, insight can be defined as the sudden and often novel realization of the solution to a problem. This is the opposite type of solution to trial-and-error solutions.

When you have an insight, you have a feeling or emotion or thought that helps you to know something essential about a person or thing.
Insight isn't based on hard facts or evidence. And it doesn't have anything to do with using your senses such as sight or smell. When you gain insight, you are using your intuition, or sixth sense. Insight is formed from the prefix in- plus the English word sight, so this word literally means seeing inward
the cognitive condition of someone who understands

You talk about a flash of something when you are saying that it happens very suddenly and unexpectedly

A sudden rush of water over dry land.


dart, dash, fly, race, shoot, speed, sprint, streak, sweep, whistle, zoom

Flash; Slang The pleasurable sensation that accompanies the use of a drug; a rush.

flash Idioms;

flash in the pan
flashed, flash•ing, flash•es
, intransitive
1. To burst forth into or as if into flame.
2. To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts.
3. To appear or occur suddenly: The image flashed onto the screen.
4. To move or proceed rapidly: The cars flashed by.
5. To hang up a phone line momentarily, as when using call waiting.
6. Slang To think of or remember something suddenly: flashed on that time we got caught in the storm.
7. Slang To expose oneself in an indecent manner.
, transitive
1. a. To cause (light) to appear suddenly or in intermittent bursts.
b. To cause to burst into flame.
c. To reflect (light).
d. To cause to reflect light from (a surface).
2. To make known or signal by flashing lights.
3. To communicate or display at great speed: flashed the news to the world capitals.
4. To exhibit briefly.
5. To hang up (a phone line) momentarily, as when using call waiting.
6. To display ostentatiously; flaunt.
7. To fill suddenly with water.
8. To cover with a thin protective layer.
1. A sudden, brief, intense display of light.
2. A sudden perception: a flash of insight.
3. A split second; an instant: I'll be on my way in a flash.
4. A brief news dispatch or transmission.
5. Slang Gaudy or ostentatious display: “The antique flash and trash of an older southern California have given way to a sleeker age of cultural hip” (Newsweek).
6. A flashlight.
7. a. Instantaneous illumination for photography: photograph by flash.
b. A device, such as a flashbulb, flashgun, or flash lamp, used to produce such illumination.
8. Slang The pleasurable sensation that accompanies the use of a drug; a rush.
9. Archaic The language or cant of thieves, tramps, or underworld figures.
1. Happening suddenly or very quickly: flash freezing.
2. Slang Ostentatious; showy: a flash car.
3. Of or relating to figures of quarterly economic growth released by the government and subject to later revision.
4. Of or relating to photography using instantaneous illumination.
5. Computers Of or relating to flash memory.
6. Archaic Of or relating to thieves, swindlers, and underworld figures.
Origin of flash
Middle English flashen, to splash, variant of flasken, of imitative origin.

to send out or reflect a sudden, brief blaze or light, esp. at intervals
1. to sparkle or gleam: eyes flashing with anger
2. to speak abruptly, esp. in anger: usually with out
3. to come, move, or pass swiftly and suddenly; be seen or realized for an instant like a flash of light: an idea flashed through his mind
4. Informal to expose one's genitals, breasts, etc. briefly and deliberately in public
5. Informal to have a sudden idea, thought, insight, or recollection: usually with on
Origin of flash
Middle English flashen, to splash, sprinkle; of echoic origin, originally
1. to send out (light, etc.) in sudden, brief spurts
2. to cause to flash
3. to signal with light or reflected light
4. to send (news, messages, etc.) swiftly or suddenly, as by radio
5. to put flashing on so as to make weatherproof
6. in glassmaking,
1. to put (a colored film of glass) on other glass
2. to coat with a colored film of glass
7. Informal to show briefly or ostentatiously: to flash a roll of money
8. Informal to expose (one's genitals, breasts, etc.) briefly and deliberately to (someone)
9. Archaic to splash or dash (water)
1. a sudden, brief light
2. a sudden burst of flame or heat
2. a brief time; moment
3. a sudden, brief display of thought, understanding, feeling, etc.: a flash of wit
4. ⌂ a brief news report of something that has just happened
5. a gaudy display; showiness
6. a preparation containing burnt sugar, used for coloring liquors
7. a device that produces a brief, illuminating light, used when taking photographs in dim lighting conditions
8. Informal
1. a flashlight
2. a person very quick or adept at something
1. Chiefly Brit., Informal flashy; showy; sporty
2. Informal of thieves or other social outcasts
2. that flashes; happening swiftly or suddenly: a flash warning
3. working with a coordinated flash of light: a flash camera
4. Compute. designating or of an erasable memory device that retains stored data when power is turned off
quickly, esp. by means of an intense application of some process, as heating or cooling: flash-frozen vegetables

1. to send out or reflect a sudden, brief blaze or light, esp. at intervals
2. to sparkle or gleam: eyes flashing with anger
3. to speak abruptly, esp. in anger: usually with out
4. to come, move, or pass swiftly and suddenly; be seen or realized for an instant like a flash of light: an idea flashed through his mind
5. Informal to expose one's genitals, breasts, etc. briefly and deliberately in public
6. Informal to have a sudden idea, thought, insight, or recollection: usually with on

Middle English flashen, to splash, sprinkle; of echoic origin, originally
1. to send out (light, etc.) in sudden, brief spurts
2. to cause to flash
3. to signal with light or reflected light
4. to send (news, messages, etc.) swiftly or suddenly, as by radio
5. to put flashing on so as to make weatherproof
6. in glassmaking,
1. to put (a colored film of glass) on other glass
2. to coat with a colored film of glass
7. Informal to show briefly or ostentatiously: to flash a roll of money
8. Informal to expose (one's genitals, breasts, etc.) briefly and deliberately to (someone)
9. Archaic to splash or dash (water)

1. a sudden, brief light
2. a sudden burst of flame or heat
2. a brief time; moment
3. a sudden, brief display of thought, understanding, feeling, etc.: a flash of wit
4. ⌂ a brief news report of something that has just happened
5. a gaudy display; showiness
6. a preparation containing burnt sugar, used for coloring liquors
7. a device that produces a brief, illuminating light, used when taking photographs in dim lighting conditions
8. Informal
1. a flashlight
2. a person very quick or adept at something

1. Chiefly Brit., Informal flashy; showy; sporty
2. Informal of thieves or other social outcasts
2. that flashes; happening swiftly or suddenly: a flash warning
3. working with a coordinated flash of light: a flash camera
4. Compute. designating or of an erasable memory device that retains stored data when power is turned off
quickly, esp. by means of an intense application of some process, as heating or cooling: flash-frozen vegetables

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 17th, 2016, 1:15 pm
by ThamiorTheThinker
Wayne, I wasn't asking you to describe and give definitions to every term. I was asking you to explain what those terms mean with regard to your belief/argument. I understand how each of the individual terms you used are defined in dictionaries - what I was asking is for you to re-explain your points and how each of your terms relates to those points.

For instance, can you explain how "flashes of insight" in the "mind of God" relate to the Big Bang? What does it mean for something to be from the "Mind of God", and how do "flashes of insight" related to the Big Bang in that context?

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 17th, 2016, 4:36 pm
by Wayne92587

First, thank you for your response.

As I said your simplest understand of my thought and you will probably be spot on.

A Flash of insight relates to, is responsible for, those that choose to believe in a Material, Physical God.

I believe that man has flashes of insight that come out of the Clear Blue Sky, out of nowhere, our of the Darkness, out of the Nothingness.

Ness added to nothing coverts nothing into something, Nothingness being a noun, the name of a person, place or thing.

This Nothingness is the single substance from which the Whole of Reality was born; Nothingness being a substance that has no Mass, that does not exist in the material, physical sense of the word.

In order for Nothingness to exist in the Material sense of the word, Nothingness would have to be universally readily apparent, be measurable as to location and momentum in Space-Time, which it is not.

Creations, Inventions, being born of a Flash of insight, are not born of ordinary, natural means, cause and effect.

I would say that a Flash of Insight is born of Freedom of Mind, the Freedom of experience born of the Rational Mind; The Rational Mind being Free to believe as it pleases, the Rational Mind not being bound to the Material, Physical, World of Reality.

I believe that man has a sense of Reality, Flashes of Insight, that can not be put into words without committing Blasphemy, confusion, the word spoken of Hidden, Sacred, Secret, Things being just so much Babble to those that do not instantly Understand.

Many times those that have a Flash of Insight can not, even themselves, know what the thought is exactly, or where the thought comes from, nor able to put the thought into intelligible words.

Someone's Flash of Insight is responsible for saying that the Whole of Creation was born of the Mind of God; Creation being born of a State or Condition of Nothingness.

The Reality of First Cause is an Affect, was not born as an effect of something that came before.

My Insight is that the Reality of First Cause as an affect, a Transfiguration, came into existence due to a Metamorphosis, not cause and effect, the Reality of First Cause being “Uncaused.”

-- Updated March 17th, 2016, 1:41 pm to add the following --

I botched the first sentence, should read\ As I said take your simplest understanding of my thought and you will probably be spot on.

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 26th, 2016, 12:03 am
by Paradigmer
Spiral Out wrote:The "big bang" is pure (and untenable) hypothesis based on fundamental misunderstandings and doesn't hold up to intense scrutiny.

The universe has always been. There is no beginning and no end. It's just there.

A more apt question might be "When did the concept of "universe" begin?"
The above post is very insightful.

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 27th, 2016, 12:21 pm
by Rr6
The concept of Universe has to begin with the concept of numerical one. It is believed by many, that, number language preceded written language, by thousand of years.

Eventually, when written language did come to fruition, the word verse was introduced.

Even in multiverse scenarios, the can exist only the one verse. This is because all local universe's are at minimum, connected via gravity.

A 2nd question, and perhaps more significant is why did the the concept of and infinite occupied space Universe come into existence as a rational, logical, common sense deduction?

Again, we go back to numerical abstractions. Many believe, that, Universe is just a mathematical abstraction of metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concept ergo since we can conceive of an infinite set, the irrational, illogical and lacking common sense concept of an occupied space Universe, that is macro or micro-infinite was deduced.


1) occupied Space Universe exists eternally,
2) positive shaped Space, as gravity, exists eternally,
3) negative shaped Space, as dark energy, exists eternally,
4) sine-wave pattern as time inversions from gravity and dark energy, exists eternally.
Space-Time-Space exists eternally as a finite set of occupied space ergo Space-Time-Space is not created, nor does it emerge from a true, macro infinite, non-occupied space nothing or void.

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 30th, 2016, 3:33 am
by Steve3007

What do you mean by "local universe" and "at minimum"?

When you talk about a "minimum" I presume you're talking in mathematical/graphical terms. i.e. a point in a continuous function where the first derivative is zero and the second derivative is positive. Is that right? If so, are you talking about a minimum in gravitational potential, or something else?

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 30th, 2016, 2:30 pm
by Rr6
Steve3007 wrote:Rr6:What do you mean by "local universe" and "at minimum"?When you talk about a "minimum" I presume you're talking in mathematical/graphical terms. i.e. a point in a continuous function where the first derivative is zero and the second derivative is positive. Is that right? If so, are you talking about a minimum in gravitational potential, or something else?
Steve, I think you may be same steve in another thread of similar topic.

I do not see the exact quote you taking those blurbs from. Without more context it is more difficult to be sure I'm addressing you questions with accuracy. In my profile signature of each my posts, you may notice I have three distinct expressions of the word Universe.

"U"niverse is the word/identity/lable that is the most cosmiclly inclusive set.

Universe or UniVerse is next but only is related to occupied space.

universe with small 'u' is meant to cover ideas of many universe's that may exist in multiverse scenarios. Each of these can be considered to be a unique, local universe, however, in sum-total they exist as the one, finite, occupied space Universe/UniVerse.

Small universe can be perceived as the individual humans sphere of influence. Hope that makes clear what a I mean by local universe.

As for the word, minimum, I presume your taking those words out of a sentence involving gravity. By using 'at minimum', I mean, at the very least. i.e. at the very there cannot exist less than than relationship of gravity between multiple local universes--- in multiverse scenario ---.

I had this conversation with David Deustch in 90's regarding mulitple local universe's and he agree, that, at minimum, we gravity will interrelate among est all local universe's. Gravity has not distance limit.

EMRadiation has no distance limit, however, EMRadiation is not related to every set of two or more particles of mass. Mass-attraction{ gravity } is related to all particles of our finite, occupied space Universe.

Hope that helps. Please share if you have some relevant questions or addendum's to my comments, as stated.

"U"niverse-1: The Cosmic Hierarchy
....1a} metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concept ergo concepts of God, Universe, Space etc.....
........spirit-1 aka spirit-of-inten


...1b} macro-infinite non-occupied space aka metaphysical-2

....1c} finite, occupied space Universe aka UniVerse

2) Universe: Occupied Space aka God, Cosmos, UniVerse etc....

....2a} fermions and bosons
......aka observed physical/reality/time aka spirit-2.........

......2b} gravity
...........aka quasi-physical or metaphysical-3 and spirit-3......

......2c} dark energy
.........aka quasi-physical or metaphysical-4 and spirit-4...........

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 30th, 2016, 2:59 pm
by Steve3007
Steve, I think you may be same steve in another thread of similar topic.
Yes, I suspect you're right. I can't be sure though.
I do not see the exact quote you taking those blurbs from.
The terms I have quoted are in the words, written by you, immediately above where I quoted them. Here is a reminder of what you said:
Even in multiverse scenarios, the can exist only the one verse. This is because all local universe's are at minimum, connected via gravity.

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: March 31st, 2016, 1:31 pm
by Wayne92587
ThamiorTheThinker wrote; Wayne, I wasn't asking you to describe and give definitions to every term. I was asking you to explain what those terms mean with regard to your belief/argument. I understand how each of the individual terms you used are defined in dictionaries - what I was asking is for you to re-explain your points and how each of your terms relates to those points.
Those terms in regard to my belief/argument are exactly as defined in the dictionary.

Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: April 1st, 2016, 11:52 am
by Rr6
Steve3007 wrote:The terms I have quoted are in the words, written by you, immediately above where I quoted them. Here is a reminder of what you said:
Even in multiverse scenarios, the can exist only the one verse. This is because all local universe's are at minimum, connected via gravity.
Hi Steve3007, Thx, for clarification. I think I answered your word questions with specific explanations in my last post. I forget message number with that explanation.

I'm not getting any email notifications of my postings, and there is eternal server error to my posts specifically, so these two lack of function features, making difficult to find relevant discussions with others. :cry:


Re: When did the universe begin?

Posted: April 9th, 2016, 6:19 pm
by Steve3007
For over a week now this topic has been saying:

When did the universe begin?
April 1st.

I have to add another post just to change that and refute the idea that the universe is just a huge practical joke.

There. That's done it.