Sy Borg wrote: ↑May 15th, 2024, 4:15 pm
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑May 15th, 2024, 10:21 am
No one gives a sh*t about the Sudanese, about the Uighurs, or about the Rohingyas, etc. And no one gives a sh*t about the Palestinians. The best we can say is that at least the Palestinians should not feel being singled out. The West will have it's puppet outpost in the Middle East whatever mealy-mouthed moral noises ordinary people in the West are wont to make.
Israel is far from a western puppet state. There is a reason why so many people hate Jews. It's because they seem to compromise only somewhat more than Muslims. Have you noticed Israel following the US's requests to dial down their response? Me neither. My family ended up in a situation where they had to do business with a Jewish organisation and a secular organisation? The secular organisation was reasonable. The Jewish organisation pushed and blocked, pushed and blocked, and play many games, finally screwing us out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I believe the term is hard-@rse.
In the end, eight billion people, not enough to go around, growing inequality - none of this is going to bring the best out in humanity, as we can see.
Quite so. When we crowd animals together in feedlots they start laying into each other. It would be sensible if all those chickens etc could say to each other, look, guys, it's crowded in here, so we are just going to have to be reasonable and agree not to intrude into what little space each of us has.
Not a chance!
Humans are animals, too, and when they are over-crowded reason is not going to get much of a look-in with them, either.
In the Middle East, the Israelis and the Palestinians want the removal of each other from the territory. Neither is interested in a two-state solution. So they're going to have to hard-@rse it out. Both have their backers. Israel has the west and the Palestinians have the Muslim world.
Israel and the West are winning. Apart from them both wanting to occupy a very limited territorial space, the two sides also have incompatible cultures and religions.
It is a complex, multi-layered problem. Israel can use, and is using, the antisemitism card, but antisemitism
per se is not the cause of the problem. It is a problem of space and incompatible religions and cultures. Reason has little to do with it, and notions of fairness and justice by impartial outsiders (if such were possible) are a matter of complete disinterest to the parties involved and their backers.
I don't like seeing bloodied and dead children amid neighborhoods bombed into oblivion, every night on the TV news, but there seems to be nothing for it but to let nature take its course. No one is going to step in to enforce a peace that neither side wants.