Good_Egg wrote: ↑July 24th, 2022, 10:41 am
CIN wrote: ↑July 21st, 2022, 7:27 pm
First of all, I wonder if you think there is a difference between having a moral duty and having a moral obligation; that is, that 'I have a moral duty to do X' means something different from 'I ought to do X'. I don't think there is a difference, but I'd be interested to know if you do, and if so, why.
Duty and obligation seem like pretty much the same thing to me, but I'm open to argument.
I think they're the same, so at least we can agree about that.
Where I do insist on a distinction is between a good deed and a moral duty. I deny that one has a duty to be performing the morally best of all possible actions at every moment of every day. I believe that one can (and by definition should) fulfil one's duties/obligations, with a reasonable hope of time & resources left over to do what one freely chooses. And that if you spend some of that time/resource on helping others then that is a virtuous, a morally praiseworthy act that is not a duty.
That distinction is clear and comprehensible. But what you now need to do is explain how you decide that you have a particular duty or obligation: because until you can do that, your choice of duties and obligations is arbitrary, and so therefore is your choice of how much time to set aside for yourself.
Is there a reasoning process by which you decide what your duties are, or are you simply relying on a supposed moral intuition?
I don't think the duty appears and disappears as the blind man staggers about, but I think it may become greater and smaller. Anyone who could save him has a duty to try and save him, but because the person closest to him at any given moment has the best chance of succeeding, at that moment they have the greatest duty.
I think you're saying that if there is any chance that all those who are nearer might not save him, then it is your duty to assume that they won't, and act accordingly. Even though you think they have a duty to do so.
No, I'm not saying that. That would result in everyone with my views piling on top of one another to save the guy, which would be unworkable. I'm saying that once you become aware of the blind man on the edge of the kerb, you have a duty to stay involved with the situation until you're satisfied that your intervention isn't required. Once someone is clearly saving the guy, no-one else has a duty to save him.
I don't think that's tenable. I think that leads to you having a duty/obligation to drive an ambulance to hospital whenever you can. Because the ambulance driver whose duty it is might decide not to do it...
No, not 'whenever you can', just if you become aware that the driver may not be in a fit state to drive.
I can imagine someone saying, after he has been run over, 'You were nearest to him, so why didn't you try to save him?' And it seems to me that that would be a reasonable question, even though people a little further away might also have been able to save him.
And if the reply is "my attention was elsewhere," is that a reasonable answer ?
Yes. If you genuinely weren't aware of the blind man, you couldn't have saved him, so it isn't the case that you ought to have saved him, because 'ought' implies 'can'.
If you don't think some duties can be greater than others, how would you resolve unexpected conflicts between different duties? Suppose you have promised to deliver life-saving drugs to a hospital tomorrow, and there's no-one else available to do it; and you have also promised to take your 10-year-old nephew to the cinema today, and again, there is no-one else available. And then you get a call from the hospital saying the drugs are needed today, not tomorrow, and you don't have time to keep both promises. How do you decide which promise to keep?
Yes, it is possible for duties to conflict. And therefore one should be careful of what one promises...
The person you made a promise to can release you from it, can waive their right to what you've promised them. So in this case what you'd do is ask your nephew if he consents to postponing the cinema trip. Possibly offering added enticements to get him to agree (Ice cream ?). Or ask one of the other volunteer drivers if they can swap shifts with you, possibly offering enticements ("I'll do the same for you...") to get them to agree.
But if all attempts to resolve the dilemma to the satisfaction of all parties fail, then what ?
Yes, that is the pertinent question.
Seems to me that the bottom line is either that you've (implicitly or explicitly) promised the hospital that you'll be available when needed. In which case you've an apparently irreconcilable conflict of duties. But see below.
Or you've not promised your time today to the hospital (because your offer was specifically for tomorrow) and have promised your time today to your nephew. In which case your moral obligation today is to your nephew. In which case it seems that an ethic of duty and an ethic of optimizing consequences point in opposite directions.
This seems to me to be a disadvantage of your position. If you have two unrelated ethics conflicting with each other, to what are you going to appeal to determine which of them has priority?
I think promising automatically creates a duty - to promise to do X necessarily implies an obligation to do X - but I don't think this necessarily implied duty is a moral duty, I think it's merely a quasi-legal one within the quasi-legal institution of promise-making. If it was a moral duty, then people would have a moral duty to keep promises to commit evil acts, and I don't think that makes sense.
If you make a promise in good faith and it turns out that the only way to fulfil that promise is to commit an evil act...
That's not what I was talking about. I was talking about a promise to commit an evil act, not a promise to do a good act that you subsequently discover would require an evil act in order to keep it. I had in mind e.g. Hitler promising to send all the Jews to the gas chamber. See below.
... then you're in the much the same position of conflicting duties as in the previous example.
The difference being that one of the duties is a positive duty to fulfil the promise and the other is the negative duty not to commit the evil act.
This is a genuine moral dilemma. Which it wouldn't be if there were no moral duty of promise-keeping.
If there is always a moral duty to keep promises, then it follows that Hitler has a positive moral duty to keep his promise and send the Jews to the gas chamber. Evidently you would say that he has a negative moral duty not to send the Jews to the gas chamber, and that this overrides the positive moral duty to keep his promise and send them. For myself, I do not see how Hitler's duty to keep his promise could in any way be described as 'moral'. How could a promise to murder millions of people have anything moral about it?
I think people think there is a moral duty to keep promises because almost invariably a promise is a promise to do something good for someone. That makes promise-keeping itself seem to be a moral act. But I think any moral content to the act of promise-keeping comes from what the promise would achieve if it were kept, i.e. its expected consequences, and not at all from the mere fact of promising.
I'd argue that if you have an accident and break your leg so that you are unable to take your nephew to the cinema on the promised day, then you owe him that treat when you are in a position to deliver it.
I agree, but I think the reason you owe it to him is not because of the promise, but because of what the promise did: it raised his expectations of a pleasant experience, which he would not have had if you had not made the promise. When you failed to keep the promise, you made things less pleasant for him than they would have been if you hadn't promised at all: so you now owe him more than you did when the promise was made - you owe him the pleasure he would have had if you had kept the promise, plus compensation for the disappointment he felt when you failed to keep the promise.
In other words that a promise carries an implicit rider "if I can", such that if circumstances mean that you cannot, then the promise is not cancelled but merely postponed. Would you agree ?
No, I would say that if you fail to keep your promise to your nephew then you owe him something, but it need not be the same promise postponed, it could be something else, e.g. an Xbox. Merely postponing the promise and then keeping it isn't good enough, because that doesn't compensate him for the disappointment from the first breaking of the promise.
And so by analogy, a promise carries an implicit rider "if I may", such that if circumstances mean that you may not (because the act would be evil) then the promise is not cancelled but postponed until circumstances change.
In which case, you may with good conscience postpone your nephew's treat until your prior commitment to the hospital permits.
I don't consider conscience to be a reliable guide to morality. I think 'conscience' is really just a name for feelings of guilt and absence of feelings of guilt, and feelings aren't rational.
I think any moral obligation arising from a promise doesn't arise from the promise itself, but from the difference between the expected consequences of keeping the promise and the expected consequences of breaking it. One should aim for the best consequences, and whether or not one ought to keep the promise or break it depends on those expected consequences.
This says that all promises are empty; that you have a duty to do what will secure the best consequences if you don"t promise and exactly the same duty if you do promise and exactly the same duty if you promise the opposite. So in any world where promises are meaningful, this view is false.
No, it doesn't say that promises are empty, because promising changes expectations, and hence may change people's actions, and therefore may change expected consequences. In a world without promises, you would not promise to take drugs to a hospital, so the hospital would keep trying to get drugs, and would either fail or succeed; but in a world with promises, you might promise to take drugs to the hospital, and then the hospital would assume that it would get the drugs, and stop looking for a supplier. In the former case, your duty to take drugs to the hospital is conditional on nobody else supplying the drugs first; in the latter case, your duty to take drugs to the hospital is unconditional, because the hospital is relying on you and you alone (or you must assume so). A world in which there is promise-making works differently from a world in which promise-making does not exist: consequences are different, and therefore duties are different.